See a bad post? Here's what to do!

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Righty, say you see someone flaming someone or requesting warez or in fact any rule-breaking whatsoever, like say, this fictious sample post:

Click Me!

What should you do? Well, see that button with the '!' on it

Click Me!

Press it to send a report to us, the site staff, who get emailed each time you make a report, and it includes details of the post and the thread it's in etc. We appriciate a good description in a report, as it helps us :)

So, help make this community better by reporting posts, we have a good staff, but we can't cover every forum all the time.

However, don't abuse the Report Post button, as it gets annoying, and is a sure-fire way of pissing off the staff :|

Thanks for reading :D
Please make sure you fill out the description, don't report a post because you don't agree with it :D
I was soooo tempted to report you're post with a 'Thanks for reminding me! :)' note! :p

I'll try and keep this in mind though..
Ok, so we are like your working slaves ?
Cool, I'll keep that in mind next time.
I see you already got that guys post where he said its just a game and stuff...LOL. :)
why don't you guys just change the icon to a "report post" button? vbulletin supports that, doesn't it?
These systems never work, forum goers are generally too immature to handle things like this seriously turning it into "he doesn't like me I can get him banned W333ee3eE", which is just a step worse than the thought-policing you have in mind.

Furthermore, you are stupid. :|
manny_c44 said:
These systems never work, forum goers are generally too immature to handle things like this seriously turning it into "he doesn't like me I can get him banned W333ee3eE", which is just a step worse than the thought-policing you have in mind.

Furthermore, you are stupid. :|
But, generally we can sift out those posts :)

Doing stuff like that merely gets you on our 'Troll' list, and that ain't fun :eek:
Oh yeah, if you guys vigilantly watch the incoming alerts it should work...but if you just delete anything half way offensive the boards will be bland. I'm not a big fan of hout sauce, but scathing board commentary would be better than a mild-taco sauce equivilant. Or something.
No, we don't plan to wipe the boards clean, it's down to the moderator's discretion whether the post is deleted or edited or the thread closed or whatever :)

So you can expect the same standard of moderator you're used to :)
Finally there's a sticky on this. I've found using the Report post button my best friend, easy to get attention to people!

I've been using it for a very long time... and I get mad when there isn't one on other forums, lol.
The report button is a nice feature. Too bad this has been made sticky and will be ignored by 99% of this forum. :(
I used to be scared of the report button, but now I use it whenever I see beta content or when stupid threads are posted.
I'd also like to add something here as well. Make sure you hit the report button only once...*COUGH*Feath*COUGH***
I only use it for posts that are simply blatant insults and nothing more, or for when it is obvious a member is knowingly acting like a jerk just because they can.

Recently I havn't seen any though so the poor button is underused by me.
Dedatorv said:
I'd also like to add something here as well. Make sure you hit the report button only once...*COUGH*Feath*COUGH***

They were for different posts. Does it only report the thread?

/me hands Dedatorv some cough medicine.

EDIT: Also, sorry if I caused any inconvieniance. I was pissed off that people repeated a spoiler without the tags.
And how many people have reported the first post now?

Yeah I use it occasionaly.
burnzie said:
And how many people have reported the first post now?

Yeah I use it occasionaly.
Only you :p
I really thought there'd be more.

Yeah sorry, i couldnt help it. :p
OMG I am going to klick the fool every time I have to pee!! :p

Nah!, I wont!

Good post badgy, made use of that button a couple of times.

Interesting didnt know this forum had one. Thx for info.
what button? :p :angel:
i don't understand what u staff/mods are talking about :upstare:
Oh, that button! wonder what happends when I click it?
OMG wrong forum badger! What sort of example is this setting to the younger individuals of the forum. :O
blahblahblah said:
Munro kills a kitten. ;(

I have a question...

Say someone posts something from the beta... But no-one knows its from the beta, people just think he made it up.

But lets say I know that it indeed is from the beta...

Do I report it? Because it will spoil it for you then.
Being a mod is a risky thing no? You have to be exposed to so much..

So yes or no? Would I report it? (I already am seeing something on this very forum that relies on this question)
vegeta897 said:

I have a question...

Say someone posts something from the beta... But no-one knows its from the beta, people just think he made it up.

But lets say I know that it indeed is from the beta...

Do I report it? Because it will spoil it for you then.
Being a mod is a risky thing no? You have to be exposed to so much..

So yes or no? Would I report it? (I already am seeing something on this very forum that relies on this question)
I am pretty sure most of the mods have played it (for knowing how to deal with people posting stuff about here of course), so yes report it.

Besides even if it isn't from the "beta" and he just made it up you should still report it because "beta" discussion here simply isn't allowed.
vegeta897 said:

I have a question...

Say someone posts something from the beta... But no-one knows its from the beta, people just think he made it up.

But lets say I know that it indeed is from the beta...

Do I report it? Because it will spoil it for you then.
Being a mod is a risky thing no? You have to be exposed to so much..

So yes or no? Would I report it? (I already am seeing something on this very forum that relies on this question)
Report it.

We are trained to ignore spoilers etc, we're a hardened crack crew of crack addicts.


[No crack is ingested by staff]

And on a final note. Stop reporting this thread ffs! ;(
I've stopped reporting when I stopped browsing the forums... Nowadays I only have a quick glance of the topic titles.

Too much spoiler problems here :p
I don't bother reporting because I find it so annyoing sifting through reports myself :LOL:

I'm always paranoid that several hundred people have reported it before me. We tried to code a system on SC whereby a thread could only be reported once (by all)... and failed, apparently. I still have to stop myself from loading up a flamebait thread and making snide comments. It's hard to stop moderating... so I suppress such law abiding tendencies by being a random incarnation of chaos.

Collander spider; inflatable rejuvanation of mountainous region. ROCKS!
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