Show us your Christmas tree!

My family are tree murderers. I used to hate it.

Shit really stinks up the place come March.
You know what we're having for Christmas?


Hey hey duck is delicious. To some people. I always preferred chicken or turkey but duck is better than nothing.

Speaking of which, it appears that this year, nobody in my family has stepped up to host Christmas dinner. Either we aren't having one, or if we are, it won't be on Christmas. What the what. (Actually I kinda laughed when I found out nobody had bothered to plan anything. Total absurdity.)

@ Virus -- that vid looks awesomesauce but sadly I'm on crappy internet so have to wait to watch

It used to have a shitload of candy canes on it but I ate them in about 3 hours. Ya know what annoys me though? It's hard to tell if you completed removed the plastic coating sometimes and I end up sucking on...well...plastic. Plus, snapping them in half causes candy cane schrapnel.
So true, they're pretty awkward to eat. If they do break in half while I'm eating one it just ruins the experience for me.
Do you start from the straight end or the curly end?
Straight, I see the curly piece as the handle.
It used to have a shitload of candy canes on it but I ate them in about 3 hours.

I just picture you crawling around the tree, biting off candy canes. Gross, man.
I just picture you crawling around the tree, biting off candy canes. Gross, man.

The worst part is accidentally biting into one of the lights...cause they taste terrible.

BTW, my tree is fake. Everything about it is a lie.
Am I the only one that breaks the candy cane apart into pieces before eating it? If I try to eat the whole thing in one go, it just gets gross after a while.
Candy canes are nasty what are you people thinking
I think one of the nicest things about having a real tree is the smell, mmm pine.
Yeah, I heard you can get high on that stuff. Might want to lay off of it.
Speaking of the smell of pine trees, a Gin & Tonic is the single worst drink in the world. If someone offers to make you one at a party this Christmas, decline.
Sounds like some Ghetto shit.

Aw ****, I hate hard liquor. My stomach must be a pussy, but that shit makes me feel ****ING SICK later. I can drink like 20 ****ing beers and not throw up, but give me a few shots and my stomach will be twisted into a ****ing knot.

Speaking of alcohol (not sure how we got to this after speaking about pine trees), if anyone decides to offer you Everclear, run out of there as fast as you can. I've never tried it before, nor ever will, but it's the strongest alcoholic beverage in the world. It's 95% alcohol, so just imagine basically drinking a full bottle of cleaning alcohol.
I've had Bacardi 151 before (151 proof). Shit has a metal screen on it, dawg. It's like, highly flammable. It's no Everclear, but it's up there.
I'm sure that stuff will knock out any person with an untrained stomach. Once you drink that type of alcohol enough, you'll gain more resiliency towards it.
I thought the tradition was Brandy, not Drain-all.
Speaking of the smell of pine trees, a Gin & Tonic is the single worst drink in the world. If someone offers to make you one at a party this Christmas, decline.

Where do you live, the 18th century?
A Gin & Tonic tastes like you're drinking a pine tree.
This is exactly what it tastes like. For all of the 08-09 holiday season, I could not get over the fact that, according to my nose and tongue, I was drinking Pine-Sol.
I only wanted to see some Christmas trees...

Speaking of the smell of pine trees, a Gin & Tonic is the single worst drink in the world. If someone offers to make you one at a party this Christmas, decline.
You're obviously a pleb, then. You'll never be a proper gentleman if you can't appreciate a Tanqueray and tonic, short glass, two squeezed limes, wiped around the rim, as much ioce as possible. Congratulations on being lower class.
I've had Bacardi 151 before (151 proof). Shit has a metal screen on it, dawg. It's like, highly flammable. It's no Everclear, but it's up there.
151 is pretty great, but in all honesty it's just a shitty rum that's really strong. It sets on fire though, and is great to float above a drink and then burn off.
I'm sure that stuff will knock out any person with an untrained stomach. Once you drink that type of alcohol enough, you'll gain more resiliency towards it.
Or just to alcohol in general.
A Gin & Tonic tastes like you're drinking a pine tree.

This is exactly what it tastes like. For all of the 08-09 holiday season, I could not get over the fact that, according to my nose and tongue, I was drinking Pine-Sol.
We're no longer friends.

I don't have a christmas tree :(((