Slowdown during lots of physics stuff


Aug 20, 2003
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I am having an issue to where when someone say throws a grenade by a bunch of filing cabinets in office, when it goes off, there is alot of slow down, id say down to 3-4 frames a second just tell everythign is done moving. I dont have an issue unless there are alot of things moving.

What im wondering is, do any of you not have any issue with physics slow down? If so can you tell me what processor you have? I have a 2.8c, so if someone's runs smooth as butter all the time, then thats the CPU I want.


-- Nick :cheers:
i have a 2.6C and i dont have any problems. granted it is overclocked to 3.2Ghz but i really doubt that would have that much of an affect on your performance. trying fiddling with your packet settings. rate 20000, cl_cmdrate 50, cl_updaterate 50. thts what i have mine set to and im on cable internet to let you know. can you list all of your specs? cpu, RAM, mother board, videocard, etc. this will give us a better understanding on your overall system performance.
i have an a64 3200+ 1 gig corsair xms and 6800gtoc, so i don't think it is something hardware related, in another thread "heapsize" was mentioned to cut down on physics lag.
Ok my specs are:

Pentium 4 2.8C No overclock
Kingston XRAM 1GB
PNY Geforce 6800 GT 256MB

Everything else is pretty standard, maybe it is the rate stuff, what is the best settings for those?


-- Nick
i have a 2.8c, 6800GT, and a gig of ram as well.

hmm. I only get slowdown in Chateau, when people nade wooden walkways. other than that it's 90-100fps
rate 20000
cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101

gonna play with heapsize
i got 2.4c o/c to 3.06, 1GB ram, and 6800GT o/c to ultra speeds...and i get a little lag on physics. I found messing with my rates helped on servers tbh. Theyre different from the old CS ones...must be because of all the new information that needs to be sent or something!!
Got a fx52 (939), 2 gig ram, and a 6800 Ultra, and even I get some slowdowns when tons of objects are caught in an explosion. Wouldn't worry about it,

heres something i just can't understand(besides just killing a man), in the hl2 video in ravenholm, there was a big explosion amongst crates, and there were MANY splinters, yet it hardly hiccuped. BUT in CS:S in chateau just those few boards exploding causes slowdown on everyones comp.
poseyjmac said:
heres something i just can't understand(besides just killing a man), in the hl2 video in ravenholm, there was a big explosion amongst crates, and there were MANY splinters, yet it hardly hiccuped. BUT in CS:S in chateau just those few boards exploding causes slowdown on everyones comp.

It likely has to do with the server and it's connection, not your computer. All the physics (except the ragdolls) are calculated by the server and then sent to the clients. If the server isn't up to spec or the bandwidth isn't enough, it probably causes the hiccup.
nickanderson said:
yeah that wouldnt be rate related. :monkee:

no. its not rate related. because on my own server it still does it. how bout them apples?
Eat Fresh said:
It likely has to do with the server and it's connection, not your computer. All the physics (except the ragdolls) are calculated by the server and then sent to the clients. If the server isn't up to spec or the bandwidth isn't enough, it probably causes the hiccup.
lol the splinters are not calculated by the server
poseyjmac said:
heres something i just can't understand(besides just killing a man), in the hl2 video in ravenholm, there was a big explosion amongst crates, and there were MANY splinters, yet it hardly hiccuped. BUT in CS:S in chateau just those few boards exploding causes slowdown on everyones comp.

I thought it was just me :|

My guess is that the map was poorly designed in that area.
hopfully all whom are complaining, or expressing their concerns, are also responsible enough to take 30 seconds to do bug reports. we send enough they;ll get sick of it and fix it.
Hey but people whio here thinks physics should be removed out of css, I mean they don't play a big role to enhance the gameplay, but they do play a big role in ruining it, taking the physics out will remove a uge load from our pc and make the framerates go up. But before you start flaming me,
what I mean is this:
They should make physics play a decent role in the gameplay or otherwise remove them, so I don't hate physics but now the only thing they are doing is f u k i n g up our game.
I'm not really sure what role the physics play in actual CS:S gameplay (eg. you can push tables into doorways to stop people coming through or anything like that), but it sure is enjoyable to watch a terrorist get shot and slowly slip off the side of a walkway onto the ground below :)
Miker75 said:
I'm not really sure what role the physics play in actual CS:S gameplay (eg. you can push tables into doorways to stop people coming through or anything like that), but it sure is enjoyable to watch a terrorist get shot and slowly slip off the side of a walkway onto the ground below :)

You can't push tables, they actally push you back and so do the barrels wich can be annoying, and the thing with the terrist well isn't that ragdoll thing and not a physics thing, besides would you rather have that with all of the negative effects of physics or rather live without it but also without all the problems.

physics is the best thing that could happen to any game.
I'm a fan of realism, and i want to see shift flying around when i throw a grenade damnit!

plus shooting every part off a computer never gets old

imo physics are essential to any game.

clan matches on the other hand... yah physics are pointless.
but in pubs, i couldnt live without it.
Mac said:
plus shooting every part off a computer never gets old.

It does, and real fast too. I don't play CS for that stuff, I play it to frag people. The ragdolls are nice though, but I can do without the flying bananas.
CB | Para said:
It does, and real fast too.

i guess im more easily entertained then you

but you got to admit, seeing shit fly every which way after tossing a grenade is pretty darn satisfying, and pretty true to life.
Yeah you're right, I wish my pc could handle it hehe - it's actually the reason why I disabled the props.
Physics don't do anything now but get in our way.

I like the ragdolls though.
poseyjmac said:
heres something i just can't understand(besides just killing a man), in the hl2 video in ravenholm, there was a big explosion amongst crates, and there were MANY splinters, yet it hardly hiccuped. BUT in CS:S in chateau just those few boards exploding causes slowdown on everyones comp.

fukn LOL.

RATM owns.

So do you people agree that valve should pull out the physics from css if they aren't planning to let then play a bigger positiv role in the gameplay, cause now now they do play a big role but not the way valve wanted it, and removing them would make our fps increas dramaticly. And would make css more fun to play. or better yet they should remove the barrels and so, all the things that push you and make the physics an option that the high end user still can turn on, if they wanna see dead bodys and so flying trough the air when a nade explodes besides them.
Who think the third option is the way to go.
YES !! valve should remove the physics as they serve no purpose other than annoy/slow down the game.
if you dont want physics.. go play cs 1.6
Yes ukfluke, go play 1.6 if ya dont want physics! Physics make the game come alive! You cant stop revolution! :p
TheEdge|Jinx said:
Yes ukfluke, go play 1.6 if ya dont want physics! Physics make the game come alive! You cant start a revolution! :p

fixed 10charlimit
So you people want the physics to stay in even if the only thing they do is ruin the game. You know I have nothing against physics, I only wanted them removed because they serve no purpose, on the other hand they do take a lot of recources up that could have been removed, I only wanted said that the physics should be removed if valve doesn't make them serve a real purpose and ukfluke agreed with that. Please do read my post on the previouse pages before you comment.
Ok... i had a problem with the physics too... but their is a way to get this problem to go away.

Splinters are done on the client side. So it makes sense that valve would make a way to edit it. Right now its set to 15 splinters. I changed mine to 5. go look in the cs CFG and edit that bad boy.
mayro said:
Ok... i had a problem with the physics too... but their is a way to get this problem to go away.

Splinters are done on the client side. So it makes sense that valve would make a way to edit it. Right now its set to 15 splinters. I changed mine to 5. go look in the cs CFG and edit that bad boy.
exact name of the cvar