So, how long have you been waiting?

How long have you been waiting for HL2?

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May 8, 2004
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Though now I'm a big fanboy of HL2, I never really heard about it until about a year ago, maybe less, maybe more, when I was back playing DoD. I was amazed at what people described on the DoD forums. That's about when I decided to learn about it, and I finally landed here.

Anywho, have you been waiting ever since HL's release, or did you hope on the bandwagon later in HL's success?
I missed the boat with the first game. Think I caught the bug about 1999. And I've been waiting ever since.
i played hl when it first came out, than i sort of lose interst, so i'll say 2 ½ years.
Didn't even play Half-Life until Christmas day 2002. After that I began waiting. Then what seemed to be perfect timing for me after I beat Half-Life and all its expansion packs HL2 was announced in May 2003 and I have been waiting for it right here at this website ever since.
my brother bought half-life like a month er so after it came ive been waiting for a sequel ever since i beat the first half-life.....not until bout 2 years ago did i actually find out they were making one
I've been waiting since... May2004.

Yo Gumby, that's a cool avatar man.
since i first saw that crowbar picture "yes it's coming" or something along those lines... i've pretty much read/seen/heard anything related to hl2.
2 years
I didt really care that much back then but now that i got a better comp then my old one i am the ownage
I think I heard about it when I read a E3´03:s report on a computer magazine... The first shots looked awesome, but I almost forgot it right after I had finished reading the magazine.
Then I read somewhere around last christmas, and the hype really started to go up. I had to get a job so I could upgrade my sucky computer a bit and ofcourse get the money for the game... And then in summer, after getting a 8/1 ADSL, downloaded the binks. I cant stop thinking about HL2 after those :)
when it was about to come uot i got hyped and then it got delayed so for all that 2 years i was going crazy
My whole life man! I can never seem to find any luck....

Oh wait, you're talking about HALFLIFE... oh
four years...
i remember talking about a sequal with my friend 4 yrs ago
i bought HL when it first came out and was blown away by the new tech it had and such.. then after completing it.. i heard about TFC.. it was fun but in the back of my mind i was hope that in a year or two i'd be playing HL2.

so yes, the wait has been a long 5-6 years now for me and it looks like the wait will be well worth it :cheers:
Since December of 2003. I would consider about one year.
Since May 2003 when HL2 was officially announced. I never played HL before but those movies looked so cool, I knew I had to buy this game, after that I bought HL and BS and OF and now I'm totally 'into Half-Life' :p
I've been waiting since I saw the first screens of HL2 on, which wasn't long before I registered at these forums.
6 years. 6 horribly long years knowing (after playing HalfLife) how good a game CAN be, but being forced to play lesser games (or replay HalfLife -- thank god for expansion packs!). Since the minute I finished HalfLife, I have waited for the moment which will arrive at 12:00am, Teusday the 16th of November 2004!!!

Coincedentally, it has also been 6 years for me with my wife (who was my girlfriend at the time). She bought me HalfLife as a gift for my birthday, and did not complain when she lost my attention to it for weeks at a time! Needless to say, I married her right away! Now, I have a wife who is letting me take 2 days off of work for HL2 release, and is going to keep a reign on our 1 year old son while I play. It is hard to believe sometimes, but there really are women out there who understand us geeks, and love us (or at least tolerate us :E ).
No one has been hearing about this for longer than 2 years. That's when Valve announced. :p
6 year vet. Though I have also truly been waiting since the Crowbar 2 ad was scanned on the internet.
I knew it would happen eventually though. And boy did I wet myself when the first magazine cover scan of the HL2 preview came out in April 03.
Well Valve didn't show off HL2 until E3 2003, so I guess 1.5 years
SnowBall said:
6 year vet. Though I have also truly been waiting since the Crowbar 2 ad was scanned on the internet.
I knew it would happen eventually though. And boy did I wet myself when the first magazine cover scan of the HL2 preview came out in April 03.

Likewise...... cept I didnt wet myself.... :eek:

Ever since I finished the first game (about five years ago)

What a day that was!!! :sniper:
when 2 years ago, around oktober 2002 I heard about the rumor, but nothing was confirmed, untill around may 2003 it all became official and joined these forums
I've been waiting ever since I finished playing HL1, right after it came out six years ago.