So my neighbor's house just burned down...


Dec 7, 2004
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About 8 years ago we lost everything in a house fire, so when somebody came banging on my door screaming fire, I had a heart attack thinking it was happening again...

No people or pets were harmed in this fire and nobody else's property was damaged...the fire marshall saw me taking pictures and had me burn him a cd, I guess so he can try and figure out where the fire started to rule out arson...










Holy shit, those are good shots.

That's really shit, what're they going to do?
Oh god that's terrible, especially during the holiday season. My heart goes out to those people.

Also you appear to live in a beautiful neighborhood.
Oh god that's terrible, especially during the holiday season. My heart goes out to those people.

This. All of their stuff gone , just like that. That must suck huge amounts of ass.
Those are amazing pictures and that is a tragedy for the family involved. worthy.

I mean the pictures. But yeah sucks to lose all your property, especially now with the financial blahblahblah and stuff.

In the last pic you see the arsonist in the fire on the roof. He looks as if light were coming from behind him. He Is The Holy Arsonist.
So that's what magic smoke looks like (regarding second to last picture, bottom right corner).
Those are some beautiful shots.

Same thing happened when I was a kid, I hope the best for thse people.
Man those are awesome photos!

Why were you taking photos? Why didn't you rush in there and fight the fire from within! You should have brought some more fire with you and showed it who's boss!

One of my bigger fears right now is that I'll be home alone, and there will be a fire that starts up in the attic, that I cannot currently get to. I think about it up in there because of the new wiring we have, the whole house rewired by my cousin who was an electrician and is now a medic in the navy(working to become a SEAL). The boxes aren't all covered and I'm worried of a rodent or something finding its way up there and causing havoc.
On the plus side at least they'll have your beautiful photos.

For the memories.
My neighbor just got busted for ecstasy.
On the plus side at least they'll have your beautiful photos.

For the memories.

God damn, you always get me Darkside. I almost teared up there.

From the laughter.

But yeah, one man's tragedy is another man's photo opportunity.
Well, at least you fought back the blaze with the wind generated by your camera's shutter rapidly closing and opening. Truly you have done everything you can.

(Seriously though that sucks, awesome looking house.)
You didn't have to go burning down their house just for some epically nice shots.

Nah seriously though, that sucks ass man, hope they get sorted soon, you better be ****ing giving them a place to stay. :imu:

Edit: Bad, you have far too many posts. > _ >
About 8 years ago we lost everything in a house fire, so when somebody came banging on my door screaming fire, I had a heart attack thinking it was happening again...

No people or pets were harmed in this fire and nobody else's property was damaged...the fire marshall saw me taking pictures and had me burn him a cd, I guess so he can try and figure out where the fire started to rule out arson...

As if the house wasn't enough... ;)

Nice photos. I like how in one of them one firefighter is standing and his two colleagues are sitting down, chillin', with their hoses pointed at the house.

I feel sorry for your neighbor, though. ;/
I like how in one of them one firefighter is standing and his two colleagues are sitting down, chillin', with their hoses pointed at the house.

They're not chillin, they're sitting on the hose to keep it from going phew woosh woosh whoosh!

You created something beautiful from something so tragic. You sir, are a legend.
Well, at least you fought back the blaze with the wind generated by your camera's shutter rapidly closing and opening. Truly you have done everything you can.

I did kind of feel bad, but I mean there wasn't anything else I could do. I helped everybody move their cars to make room for the fire trucks and everybody/everything was already out of the house so I figured I might as well try to document it, otherwise I would have just been standing across the street watching like everybody else.
This is kinda weird cause I watched an episode of the Simpsons yesterday where Springfield fire service visited the school and did a thing on 'Buying a second smoke detector'


Anyway, thats pretty bad, especially at the time of year...
Cool pictures

Too bad a house had to get burnt up to take them
I did kind of feel bad, but I mean there wasn't anything else I could do. I helped everybody move their cars to make room for the fire trucks and everybody/everything was already out of the house so I figured I might as well try to document it, otherwise I would have just been standing across the street watching like everybody else.
Yeah, I was just being a dick. Really nice photos, anyway.
Shitty. But look on the bright side, at least you got a killer picture out of it. That last shot is amazing.
Amazing photos, absolutely horrific for your neighbors though. Any ideas what caused the fire in the end?
AWESOME! I wish I could be a firefighter so I could watch houses burn all day. Or burn them myself...
Who is that standing on their balcony and looking serenely into the blaze?
Can I get a full size download of this one? Assuming that the original is bigger, and that imageshack resized it for you.

I'm away from my desktop right now, but the one on my flickr is a large(r) version.

Who is that standing on their balcony and looking serenely into the blaze?

That's my mom, she was playing lookout with the hose trying to keep the tree from setting our house on fire also.