

Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
I think this was about 15 minutes of doodling.


Uhh, work in progress.


Don't like this one at all


This was an experiment in getting an idea across very quickly. Some sort of random oribital laser cannon hitting a city. A purple city D:


Koshime inspired ship speedie, I really have nothing else to say except that I despise the colours.


I don't want to post any horribly old stuff, so that'll do for now. Might keep this updated.
The last two are teh sex. Those ships look sweet (colors and all), and random orbital lasers FTW.
I really like that purple one. Although it totally looks red to me. The only thing I wasn't sure about until I read the description were the lasers. I wish the color was lighter.
That flower is pretty amazing and very detailed. Good work.
I actually like the dark jungle one. The only thing that seems off is the way the figures are holding their guns (assuming thats what they are)

First one is cool too :D
At first I though the orbital laser one was an image with cracks appearing in glass.

I know, weird, but that's what I initially thought.

I actually like the dark jungle one. The only thing that seems off is the way the figures are holding their guns (assuming thats what they are)

That's a jungle? to me it looks like a black image with some blue detail at the top right.

WTF. My contrast and brightness are already set well so I can see in dark games pretty easily... yet I can't see that. Weird.
That's a jungle? to me it looks like a black image with some blue detail at the top right.

WTF. My contrast and brightness are already set well so I can see in dark games pretty easily... yet I can't see that. Weird.

Bahaha, same.
Very awesome joint doodles. Whenever I doodle it's usually about joints and whatnot, but you're much better than me :(.

Are you working from a book or reference, or just from your imagination?

Bridgman ftw.
My imagination unfortunately. Sometimes I try and draw skeletons, but they're all wrong too.
Nice studies, but I think the hands are tending to be too small

I like the skull pile, you've definately improved since putting that tablet down :)
So you just do these purely in photoshop. Nothing predrawn or scanned in, just from scratch?
The digital ones, yes. It's too much hassle to scan drawings in because mine suck. So scanning them in to make them suck digitally doesn't make that much sense to me.
That's pretty impressive. I dunno how Photoshop works, but if it's anything like trying to draw in MS Paint that's good.
Its nothing like trying to draw in paint, but its still really good.
more perspective ! try a not straight (forgot the correct word lol) horizon. Oh and more atmopheric depth, fog etc... looking good though. : D

Updates, some are sketches from a few weeks ago. Most are pretty recent though.













That mountain looks like a toad. :eek:

Very nice though.
I dont really see a toad...

The lighting is awesome on it though, I scrolled past it while the images were loading, and I mistook it for a photo.
Nice arm studies.

What do you use for your anatomical studies?.

I blow hard drawing folks, let alone making uber-sauce paintings of space-pewpews and stuff. :)

Great stuff you got going there, love the paintings.
Cheers nurizeko, I look at Bridgman if I want to do any studies on the human figure. Need to do alot more.
I dont really see a toad...

The lighting is awesome on it though, I scrolled past it while the images were loading, and I mistook it for a photo.

Looks like a toad to me. :D Or some sort of creature like Jabba the Hutt.

I cannot help it that I see things where there is nothing!