Squad Based Online Co-Op

May 12, 2009
Reaction score
Fourth Wall Entertainment

Project name

Brief description:
Revolt is a co-op online Half-Life2 Modification set in the HL2 universe. The game focusses on the beginning days of the City-17 revolution, most likely during the days Freeman was in stasis.

Some changes to make the game have a more realistic squad-based feel would present themselves in the exclusion of a health system.

The most engaging part of the game lies within the responsiveness of the AI-controlled Combine forces. By using diversions and hit + run tactics, players will be able to draw their forces away from crucial points.

The game will also be class-based, so the player will be able to outfit their character with an assortment of different weapons and items.

Target aim:
Release online

Most likely no revenue, but full rights to use in a resume or portfolio

Source SDK

Talent needed:
As the game is set in the HL2 universe, most of the assets are already free and available to program with.

-Programmers that are familiar (or willing to become familiar) with the Source engine.
-3D Animator
-Texture Artist

Team structure:
TheOriginalGamesta - Level Designer/Game Designer

none yet

[email protected]

Previous Work by Team:
Another game in development: Here?

Additional Info:
This is a very new idea of fine, and before any more steps are taken, I'd like to see if anyone's interested in helping me out with it, so speak up if you're interested!!

if you guys need help with mapping i can help :) and i also do websites, just let me no
I'm just going to add some more info here, because I can't find out how to edit!

One of the major advantages of making a mod within the HL2 universe is that we can use a lot of the source code found in the SDK. All of the entity behaviours, models, and even parts some levels will be reused. Naturally we will be adding a few things, but the majority of the work will be slight tweaks, as we still want the game to feel like the Half-Life universe.
Thanks for bringing that up actually, I was trying to find a way to tackle amending that in another post.

Basically what I meant to say is that we'd replace the health system that's currently in Source with something like the "cover" system in COD or Crysis. The theory behind this change is that we figure the reason Dr. Freeman would be able to interact with the health and power stations would be because of the HEV suit.

Obviously, the average City-17 revolutionary doesn't have one of those so we figured we'd tone down the effectiveness of each player and remove both power and health, and put in the red screen thing. But, unless you get shot in the head, we won't be actually killing the player. Think Left 4 Dead, but a little more detailed. For obvious reasons, I don't want to get into the bread in butter at this point, but that's the direction we're moving in.
Left 4 Dead didn't have regenerative health, how is what you just described similar to Call of Duty or Crysis?
No, I mean at the point that you would die in Crysis or Call of Duty, you would become something similar to incapacitated from L4D.
Oh, ok. What kinds of classes are you going to have?
We're trying to avoid the whole classes thing. Instead the player is faced with a kind of "tech-tree" of upgrades, that way they can play in any way they can.

I guess the skills could be put into classes. So far we have Medic, Tech and Weapons. Under each we have ability-enabling upgrades (ability to carry more weaponry, use certain items), and ability-refining (faster run speed, more ammo). Also, under each of the classes are sub-classes. For example, under Tech, we have teleportation, gravity-altering and communication technology.
We're trying to avoid the whole classes thing. Instead the player is faced with a kind of "tech-tree" of upgrades, that way they can play in any way they can.

I guess the skills could be put into classes. So far we have Medic, Tech and Weapons. Under each we have ability-enabling upgrades (ability to carry more weaponry, use certain items), and ability-refining (faster run speed, more ammo). Also, under each of the classes are sub-classes. For example, under Tech, we have teleportation, gravity-altering and communication technology.

How long is each campaign?
I think we're going to be aiming for each mission to take on average about 30-45 minutes depending on the skill of the players.
I think we're going to be aiming for each mission to take on average about 30-45 minutes depending on the skill of the players.

Good. I'd hate to see so much effort put into tech trees if the experience only lasts 15-20 mins.