Stern's Cute Kid of the day: Kid gets traffic cone stuck on head


May 5, 2004
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To Charlie Thomas, it must have seemed like a wizard idea.

Spotting a discarded traffic cone, the imaginative three-year-old immediately saw its potential as an impromptu Harry Potter outfit.

But after placing it carefully on his head to show his family, the magic soon disappeared.

The plastic cone became firmly stuck and despite the best efforts of the toddler's parents, it refused to budge.

"We tried to pull it off, tried laying him down and wiggling him free but that didn't work. We tried soapy water but that didn't do the trick so we had to call the fire brigade to cut it."

Mr Thomas said Charlie was very excited by Halloween which, combined with his love for Harry Potter, meant the cone was an irresistible temptation.

He said: "My first reaction was laughter. It wasn't until I got over to him and realised it was really stuck that I got worried."

When they thought their only option was to cut the cone, they called the fire brigade for help, who spent 30 minutes cutting him free using small levers, cutting tools and pliers.


That's some strange looking traffic cone.

I'm used to seeing these ones and pretty much that's it.

it's the UK they dont have American Traffic Cones™ in the UK
Yep... we make em as cheap as possible here... no wasted plastic at all.
we have both ..generally the taller ones are for the street while the smaller more sturdier ones are for highways

Since when do sober people misplace traffic cones?

These are the traffic cones here in Ontario.

They're about 4 feet tall.
We also have the shitty American-style ones. The giant barrel-sized ones are used mostly on busy streets and highways though.
That rocks. We used to play with traffic cones all the time when they were around..
You know, playing Megaman......
Oh wai-
Hah kids.

Anyway traffic cones look like this in my area:

And suddenly, a whole new career path opens up to me. :eek: