Stern's visit to an American Christan Store

Reaktor4 said:
How about living your life by what it says in a book of stories?
It's a book about philosophies. As opposed to cluelessly wandering around the world selfishly thinking about yourself.
>>FrEnZy<< said:
If I was a christian, the last place I would want to go is america. I couldnt live with my self amoungst those crazy ignorant evangelicals.

There aren't that many evangelicals, and your every bit as ignorant as those you claim roam america for thinking so. Christians, outside of those on jerry springer of course tend to be somewhat casual about the religion.

Also, bibleman is the funniest thing I have ever heard of. If I were a christian I would be offended by it.
That bibleman thing looks retarded.
operative x said:
It's a book about philosophies. As opposed to cluelessly wandering around the world selfishly thinking about yourself.

Of course, because all people who don't follow the bible are selfish self-serving automotos, am i rite?

Drop the crack pipe.
Ah, how poking fun turns into war on a grand scale!
Stop having Jihad on each other or I'll smite you all.

In related news, I watched bibleman on tv once (dont know how... cable I think).. and it sucked so much it blowed!
Absinthe said:
Of course, because all people who don't follow the bible are selfish self-serving automotos, am i rite?.

yesterday at an all you can eat buffet I lifted the sneeze guard and sneezed right into the salad ...cuz I'm selfish like that

a few minutes ago when I went to the staff washroom and peed all over the toilet seat ...cuz I'm selfish like that

tonight before I go to bed, I'm going to let my dog out for the night and leave him out there till the morning despite sub-zero temperatures ...cuz I'm selfish like that

tommorrow on the way to work I'm going to go out of my way to drive other motorists off the road and if they get out and yell at me, I'll just run them over at high speeds ....cuz I'm selfish like that

disclaimer: the contents of the above post is meant to be taken with a grain of salt, it's sardonic if you will, tongue in cheek, smarmy and maybe even a little flippant, but it is not intended to insinuate christians are in league with satan, nor with his cabana boy: George W Bush
ya cuz Allah told them to do it ..oh look Allah told me to go out for lunch and not to come back for 30 minutes ...ta ta

I'm glad you agree, and great example by the way! :D

which part? the fact that your comment is idiotic or the fact that I think your comment is idiotic?

Actually nethire. I was pwned by logic, thank you.
Zeus said:
Yes great idea, that would last about... 5 minutes
Religion is the [something] of the masses.

Religion, hopefully will be abolished one day. Not becuase religion is bad, but becuase the education will be so good, people will see how silly it is to belive in something with no base or evidence what so ever.

Then we'll all be free!
No it's not! That's a myth! It doesn't conform to Smart's Seven Dimensions!
Religion *should* be about finding your own peace with God/the Universe/Shens, but sadly some people take it the whole nine yards and take every word in their holy book as fact, instead of as metaphor.

Please, don't judge us all by the most extreme. I'm only marginally Christian (I don't do Church, I drink lots, and I believe in lots of sex before marriage, but I still believe in some sort of God), but that doesn't make me stupid.

-Angry Lawyer
Solaris said:
Religion is the [something] of the masses.

Religion, hopefully will be abolished one day. Not becuase religion is bad, but becuase the education will be so good, people will see how silly it is to belive in something with no base or evidence what so ever.

Then we'll all be free!

I am willing to bet there are plenty of people far more educated than you or I who are fervent religion followers. Inferring that people who are religious are mindless drones is also a good way to make yourself look silly.

And I fail to see how someone's following of a religion puts you in shackles in any way at all.

One more thing: For the love of God (hrm...ironic) stop using the word Jihad without learning what it means and represents. It should be a crime the way the media has hijacked the meaning of Jihad. If ever you see someone chanting of a Jihad against the American infidels without going further into the meaning of Jihad, you can safely dismiss him as a representative of Islam.
So... uh... what does it mean?
Bait said:
I am willing to bet there are plenty of people far more educated than you or I who are fervent religion followers. Inferring that people who are religious are mindless drones is also a good way to make yourself look silly.
Probably, but its still quite silly imo. If no-one minds me asking, why are you relgious, what reasoning, have you gone through to adopt youre beliefs?
Zeus said:
Yes great idea, that would last about... 5 minutes

Yes, the world would erupt in some silly riots and protests of some 'stupid' beliefs. :p

Religion is the Opium of the people

:p (please take notice of the :p)
Solaris said:
Probably, but its still quite silly imo. If no-one minds me asking, why are you relgious, what reasoning, have you gone through to adopt youre beliefs?

Being a boy in your early teens, I don't really think its your place to say that religion's silly.

The answer - I'm not religious. Religious means following a set of rules as much as possible, and worship, and things. I don't really follow any specific rule set (although, I guess I'd most likely fall into the Christian Protestant, and/or Deist faiths), but I believe in some sort of God. I believe because it feels right. Nothing beyond an intuitive heart.

The big question - why does it bother you so much if people are religious? Unless they're oppressing you, or forcing their beliefs on you, then they should be left be. When my final hours roll by, and I'm lying on my death-bed, what difference does it make to you whether I think I'm going to a better(or worse) place/being reincarnated/slipping into oblivion? If I die, and I'm right, then I'll be sitting pretty with you guys in whatever's beyond here. If I die, and I'm wrong, and there is no afterlife, then it's not like I'm going to even be able to regret it, or even think about it.

Seriously, the problem some people here have with non-extremist religious people strikes me as similar to people who hate based on race or sexuality. Except instead, based on what they choose to believe.

-Angry Lawyer
I agree. I hate many elements of organised religion: the old, stupid, genocidal ideas common in just about every holy book (as far as I can see anyway), the way it can both inspire and become an excuse for evil, the way in which it tries to indoctrinate new members and brainwash existing ones, and the way half of the philosophy is really obviously custom-built as a way to control people (it's a good thing to die in a war for your god, or to starve for your god because the country can't provide food? How convenient).

None of this means that I hate religion or the 'traditionally' religious. It also does not mean I don't believe in God.
Angry Lawyer said:
Being a boy in your early teens, I don't really think its your place to say that religion's silly.

The answer - I'm not religious. Religious means following a set of rules as much as possible, and worship, and things. I don't really follow any specific rule set (although, I guess I'd most likely fall into the Christian Protestant, and/or Deist faiths), but I believe in some sort of God. I believe because it feels right. Nothing beyond an intuitive heart.

The big question - why does it bother you so much if people are religious? Unless they're oppressing you, or forcing their beliefs on you, then they should be left be. When my final hours roll by, and I'm lying on my death-bed, what difference does it make to you whether I think I'm going to a better(or worse) place/being reincarnated/slipping into oblivion? If I die, and I'm right, then I'll be sitting pretty with you guys in whatever's beyond here. If I die, and I'm wrong, and there is no afterlife, then it's not like I'm going to even be able to regret it, or even think about it.

Seriously, the problem some people here have with non-extremist religious people strikes me as similar to people who hate based on race or sexuality. Except instead, based on what they choose to believe.

-Angry Lawyer
I have a strong dislike for organised religion. Just believing in a god however, is a bit strange. I don't dislike anybody for holding that view. Just I' m intrested in why you hold these beliefs.

Being a boy in your early teens, I don't really think its your place to say that religion's silly.
I do.
Angry Lawyer said:
Religion *should* be about finding your own peace with God/the Universe/Shens, but sadly some people take it the whole nine yards and take every word in their holy book as fact, instead of as metaphor.
-Angry Lawyer
It's not about using religion as factual evidence to base upon everything, but find your own peace with your own existence/god/moral code. (Angry Lawyer is ridiculously too smart, listen to him!)

Religion, hopefully will be abolished one day. Not becuase religion is bad, but becuase the education will be so good, people will see how silly it is to belive in something with no base or evidence what so ever.
Regardless of what new education we receive, you could never disprove or prove it exists.
Absinthe said:
Of course, because all people who don't follow the bible are selfish self-serving automotos, am i rite?

Drop the crack pipe.
ok, ok, i admit i went too far and was wrong. Atleast i can admit when i **** up though.
/looks at everyone