Studio Ghibli + Level 5 = Ninokuni (The Another World)

The... Another... World...

The Another English more like it, amirite?!
I'm not familiar with any of the other names you've mentioned nor do I have a DS so I'll sadly be missing out on this one.

The Another English more like it, amirite?!

If you say so.
Nintendo seems to be back on track. Glad to finally start playing my DS again.
Dogs and blobs aren't races. You're an animal and Quix is a gelatinous ooze. Just get out of here you don't get rights.
Darkfries69 said:
Quix is a gelatinous ooze.

Quix is also a petrol station, which I imagine is a play on the word "Quicks!"

Quick sticks turn patient hicks to dicks.
DS is for children, the only couple of games that weren't for babies I played the hell out of, then I finally sold my DS. HOWEVER I WANT THIS GAME.
japan is a messed up country, grown men collect pokemon dolls, have sex with blow up dolls instead of making children, and randomly commit suicide. also their gameshows, wow :p degeneration to the max.
It isn't just Japan where the DS is popular with adults.
<3 everything from Hayao Miyazaki and well...Studio Ghibli. Too bad I don't own a DS. Just have to stick with their films I guess.

Besides, I thought Miyazaki despised modern technology (including video games obviously), all his animations are hand-drawn.
A Ghibli RPG made by Level 5...what else has to be said? :naughty:
1) Is something 'Ghibli' if Miyazaki and Takahata (or even their lesser directors or key design staff) aren't going to be involved at all?
2) Where is my Nausicaa RPG, and why should I care about anything else until someone makes it?
3) "Nur nur nur, this news is older than the Sun"
Western nations are messed up. Grown men collect Barbie dolls, have sex with their own children instead of their wives, and commit mass homicide in schools after planning it all meticulously with their faggy goth friends. Also, what the **** is Deal or no Deal about? :p Degenerate trailer-park trash.
I'll generalise about you all. You shits.
Go into a bar in Japan and tell the 30 to 40 something year olds sitting around and playing Dragon Quest that the DS is just for kids ;)
This is as weird a generalisation as any Lame-o made.

Thank god neither of you mentioned underpants vending machines. They so clayzee.
This is as weird a generalisation as any Lame-o made.

While in Japan this summer I was surprised to see adults playing the DS in bars. I asked the friend I was staying with if this was uncommon and apparently it isn't. How's that a generalisation?
Because your friend thought you asked if it was common, so he said it isn't.
While in Japan this summer I was surprised to see adults playing the DS in bars. I asked the friend I was staying with if this was uncommon and apparently it isn't. How's that a generalisation?
It's one of those typical 'aww, isn't Japan like mecca for otaku!' pieces of weeaboo wishful thinking that isn't typically backed up with on site evidence. Which apparently you have for once :p But, even if you've actually been, honestly... did this happen everywhere? Is this even something that if you saw in the UK, would be that worthy of comment? (I'd venture a no, and ask if this isn't as much an issue of the absolutely impenetrable popularity of Dragon Quest in Japan as of the popularity of the DS among adults).

My point is, that whether in reverence of ridicule, people tend to look at Japan and take the more unusual aspects as some kind of culturally stable and significant phenomenon whilst completely ignoring everything mundane and normal about the place. And this isn't limited to the people basing their entire knowledge of the country on Thirty Minutes over Tokyo.
But, even if you've actually been, honestly... did this happen everywhere?

It happened enough to stand out as different. In one week spent in Tokyo I saw more adults who looked to be in their 30's playing the DS than i've seen in the UK fullstop. Have you ever seen a group of adults sitting in a coffee shop playing the DS? It wasn't unusual to see arcades filling with business men in suits during lunchtime either. This was just before Dragon Quest's release btw, but I think you make a fair point. This month's edge mentions that groups of people are now getting together in public to play Dragon Quest, which is something you just wouldn't see in the UK. It's disgustingly popular over there - in one large store the entire wall space was covered with the same DQ IX poster :rolling:
japan is a messed up country, grown men collect pokemon dolls, have sex with blow up dolls instead of making children, and randomly commit suicide. also their gameshows, wow :p degeneration to the max.

Um...Im pretty sure Japan is one of the most over-populated places in the world.
They're having birth rate problems though, last I heard. As in not enough children being born.
if its anywhere near as good as their movies are, ill pick up a studio ghibli game.
Just from the vid, I'm not sure how well the gameplay will be, but I'm a fan of the movies as well so I'm looking forward to this.
I like the look of this. Could be a reason to dust off my DS.

Kupo's point about the lack of Miyazaki/etc. involvement diluting the Ghibli brand, however, is a good one.

Kupo's hypersensitivity to comments about Japan's cultural eccentricity are not appreciated, however, since they had the opposite of the desired effect almost turned this into a thread about panty vending machines.
Kupo's point about the lack of Miyazaki/etc. involvement diluting the Ghibli brand, however, is a good one.
Good point? Yes. Will it actually make a difference? Only time will tell, but it certainly seems already to exude more magic than Ponyo did. :p

Kupo's hypersensitivity to comments about Japan's cultural eccentricity are not appreciated, however, since they had the opposite of the desired effect almost turned this into a thread about panty vending machines.
Dangerously close there. Glad it didn't succeed.
Just a post to update folks that the "other platform" besides the DS that this is being made for is the PS3!! Yes, I know everyone just assumed the Wii, but it is being developed from the ground up for the PS3 as well as the DS. This is incredibly positive news for me as I am hoping Ghibli will want to really push the machine to make it play just like one of their spectacular films.

When Level-5 announced Studio Ghibli tie-up RPG Ni no Kuni: The Another World for DS in 2008, it made some vague reference to a console counterpart to the game. This week's Famitsu reveals that the console version is for the PlayStation 3.

The magazine doesn't provide details on the PS3 version. But this bit of text should intrigue Ghibli fans: "You'll be able to adventure in a world that has the feel of a Studio Ghibli anime."

Yes, this means I will be buying both version of the game and I have not looked forward to much with this kind of anticipation!!
Wow, that's... weird.

Well, at least the animation won't be gutted by the DS' tiny screen and tinier cart size.


PS3 Trailer (looks lush :))

More DS pics


DS game: The Ebony Wizard
PS3 game: Queen of White Ashes

Both get their own "Magic Master Book"
Wow that cel shading is kind of bland. The flat colouring really clashes with the detailed backgrounds. Ghibli get away with simple character designs in their movies because the animation imbues them with such charm, but here it just looks... basic.
Looks superb to me. Each to their own it seems!
That trailer makes me insanely happy. It is really incredible how happy it makes me. The problem is that the wait is going to be close to unbearable as this has just jumped to the top of my most wanted list--both versions!! I will make a pretty safe GOTY 2011 call for me as well. Holy crap that looks fun!!!!:E

And here is the YouTube trailer in a convenient post too. :)