Tags ****ing rock.

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Party Escort Bot
Oct 20, 2004
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Seriously, they do. I just added the "more overlords" tag to Pitzy's Starcraft thread :D
I added a 'tags' tag to a tags thread about tags! Roxor!
Tags are pretty cool. A bit abuse-prone though...
I added a tag about Munro making a tag about tags.
Seriously, they do. I just added the "more overlords" tag to Pitzy's Starcraft thread :D

I have an idea now, thanks!

And I agree E, this does seem like it's going to get abused....too bad there wasn't a way to easier watch them.
Tags are pretty cool. A bit abuse-prone though...

Some people will use tags realistically, and some will put it jokish ones like "Munro tags tags." So what? What's wrong with a little fun? :p
I take back my previous post. Some asshole made an unnecessarily offensive tag in stern's candy thread.
... abuse would seem to depend on how traceable tags are. Then they could be moderated. Probably not too much of an issue if abusive tags are reportable?
Maybe tags can only be added by mods or just certain people? Would be a bit restrictive but maybe stop any abuse?

I mean having them moderated means more work for the mods. But I don't know how busy mods are so they might be able to.
Yeah but slightly more work for mods tho. I guess a overall tag limit would help but I don't know if there is.
Im thinking the OP and Mods should be the only ones to be able to add and change tags.
I like that the tags are an avenue for comedy. As long as there are one or two relevant tags, then people will be able to use those tags to search, while the rest are there for lulz.
They might be used as avenues for personal attacks and we'd have no way of knowing who did it. It already happened in one thread.
They might be used as avenues for personal attacks and we'd have no way of knowing who did it. It already happened in one thread.

The mods will know. Each tag is linked to an account as the people who added them can edit them.So the mods look up who has the account linked to the abuse tag and bam they can take measures necessary.

I think one of Cpt threads has abuse tags, not sure tho.
Yeah thats what I was referring to. Its been taken down though, thankfully.
Yeah thats what I was referring to. Its been taken down though, thankfully.

I wonder what the punishment is for abuse tags? Might have to add to the rules or something to make it clear.
How about tags are only added by the thread starter? Or has this already been mentioned?
I didn't realise that one of the tags was an attack on Stern until I remembered that he and/or his parents are from Mexico :eek:

(or Portugal, or one of those other latin-american countries, I forget which)
How about tags are only added by the thread starter? Or has this already been mentioned?

Already has.

I didn't realise that one of the tags was an attack on Stern until I remembered that he and/or his parents are from Mexico :eek:

(or Portugal, or one of those other latin-american countries, I forget which)

Didn't know that. But I hope who ever done it gets hunted down by the Cpt.
SUPER abuse prone.. I saw one that had an episode 2 spoiler in it. Retarded.
I don't think we can, admins may be able to though. If they can't, then rest assured we're probably going to mod it so that we can. There WILL be repercussions for tag spam/flames/etc, for those that are completely irrelevant or not in good humor. Also if it becomes a huge problem we'll probably remove tags altogether. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS GUYS :arms:
The employee at mah local games workshop always says that when someone drops a model.
Some people will use tags realistically, and some will put it jokish ones like "Munro tags tags." So what? What's wrong with a little fun? :p

Fun, HL2.net - I think you're on the wrong forum sir.
I have no problem with the amusing ones, it's ones like "fvck tha police" or "gay thread" or "[snip] dies in ep2" that I'm annoyed by. It's cool though, I have my banhammer to console me.
There's a tag limit of two per person. An overall limit isn't really a problem. If a thread's popular, it gets more tags. Makes sense to me :/
All that matters is this :dozey: is still here ;) :dozey:

Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Kadayi! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your internet enemies, see them driven before you, to hear the lamentation of their women, and post a :dozey: at the end of every Post you make.
Mongol General: That is good! That is good.

Don't see the use. Forum search FTW.

They're already filled with so-called "humour" tags. Why not just have them auto-strip the thread name or something.
I have no problem with the amusing ones, it's ones like "fvck tha police" or "gay thread" or "(EDITED) dies in ep2" that I'm annoyed by. It's cool though, I have my banhammer to console me.

*** dies in ep2"
**** dies in ep2"
*****dies in ep2"
******* dies in ep2"

Real smooth Ennui!

I recommend tag body spray.

For all tag offenders, I recommend immediate buttsechs.
I suppose it encourages people to put their spam down the bottom, get that out of their system and make better posts too?
I think it's funny as hell and it should stay. If it's a problem, just temp-ban or ban the offender I say.
Yeah, I think they did, and the old icons are back....
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