Team America: Half Life Deathmatch Mod.



I want to start a new mod. To be based on the latest spawn of Trey Parker and Matt Stone; Team America: World Police.

Fisrt and formost aim for this mod is to be funny, this will be its biggest aspect. Sounds, animations, weapons, characters etc etc.

Some first thoughts/ideas:

  • Characters are puppets and should look like them, this means strings and all!
  • When shot, depending on the cirsumstances body limbs will detach, the player however will remain mobile.

Picture this: You shoot a guy in the arm, and it comes off so he runs off into the distance, you take another shot and take out the other arm, now he's running arround with no arms unable to defend himself. The phrase "Headless Chicken" comes to my mind!

  • Talking and actions such as waving or giving signals will be much easier to access, no menu's. For example using the numpad. This will allow quick and easy comedy banter amoung players. Animated taunting can also be accessed in the same way.
  • Guns would be completely over the top, if you have seen the film you'll know that they cause extreem ammounts of dammage and some of them are rediculously large.
  • There would have to be vehicules, I'm not sure if aircraft would be a good idea, this would require massive maps for them to be of any use, but jeeps and humvees with james bond style weapons and gadgets.
  • Large Quantities of blood and gore, but in a comical way.

Anyway, I'll leave this for now, I have to go to work, if anyone has anything too add or wants to tell me why this would never work please say. Thanks.


PS, heres a nice webby with loads of pics from the film:
lol, I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to implement a mod like this. I cam design and make maps but animating and modeling in more detail I don't have the faintest.

I just wanted to put forward this idea. If i get enough interest from the modders out there I hope we can put a website together and get a comunity going.

e-mail me if ure interested:

mac.tastic@gmail. com
Hells Angel said:
I'd play it but watch for law suits guys ;)

I don't know, Trey and Matt don't seem like the kind of guys to sue at the drop of a hat.

Might have to watch out for Paramount though.

Sounds cool. But alas I have no skills with which to assist.
So far, people sound interested.

Does anyone know where I can go to find assistance with this mod idea?
Sounds like alot of coding... and there aren't really any coders avaliable..... but good luck : p

DarkStar said:
I don't know, Trey and Matt don't seem like the kind of guys to sue at the drop of a hat.
Personnaly I wouldn't be scared of these 2 guys... better look out for the production team ( they are the bad one)