Team Fortress 2 - Medic Achievements Revealed and More!


May 6, 2005
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The German Team Fortress 2 fansite, Team Fortress 2 (a good name choice I think!) has revealed the 36 new Medic Achievements![br][url='' ]
Most of these are achievements are too easy to even be considered achievements. I want something you have to work hard to get. Something that you really have to try to achieve. Something that you can brag off to your friends.
That list seems fair to me, i'd imagine even people who don't go out of their way to get the achievements will definitely get them some time. Nothing too drastic on that list.
Neat. Good to have more and i cant wait for the new Video!
How about some actual content?
I couldn't care less about achievements.
"Switch to Medic" is an achievement? He's not that bad of a class.
These are not the actual names of the achievements.
When you heal somebody on fire, the fire goes out faster. I thought you people knew that already but, oh well. Rapid charge is rapidly charging in spawn. Simul charge is ubering 2 people at the same time (you can do it btw). Join charge is having 2 medics on one guy. It's obvious of what they are anyways.
Isn't that alot of achievements for just the medic? o_O
new video is obviously Medic. Heavy vid came out in Russian because the voice actor was Russian, Medic is German so voice actor will speak German... and the fact Valve are placing so much emphasis on him makes it more likely too.
I like the 'FYI' achievement, but I agree I'd prefer new maps to new fluff.
FFS why Germans get Meet The translated? Are they too stupid to learn English?
FFS why Germans get Meet The translated? Are they too stupid to learn English?

They would enjoy it more in their native language. I wouldn't call the Germans stupid they one of the smartest people around.
There are too many. I think some stupid achievements should be removed. For example, "Switch to Medic" and "Setup Charge".
this is so COOL. this really adds some good elements to the gameplay.

<3 TF2.
English is one if not hardest of languages you can learn.

I beg to differ, having perfected it in less than two years (when I was just a tiny 9 yr old kid) with Castilian as my first language. Plus I am now learning Latin, so no, English is definitely not hard to learn.
There are too many. I think some stupid achievements should be removed. For example, "Switch to Medic" and "Setup Charge".
Some of them are designed for new players to help them discover (and get positive reinforcement for) good work. TF2 has no manual so you can only learn by experimentation, observation and discussion, achievements (even the basic ones) are there to accelerate player training.
Assuming these achievements are correct, they are pretty underwhelming for players seeking a challenge :(
that they are. I want something thats not going to be necessarily hard, but time consuming.. like 50,000 kills or something like that.
I beg to differ, having perfected it in less than two years (when I was just a tiny 9 yr old kid) with Castilian as my first language. Plus I am now learning Latin, so no, English is definitely not hard to learn.
It's much easier for children to learn languages than adults, so saying that you were 9 at the time makes it much less of an achievement.
I'd say its still an achievement, as a kid easier yes... but i wish i knew latin :p
It's much easier for children to learn languages than adults, so saying that you were 9 at the time makes it much less of an achievement.

Oh, sorry dude, didn't mean for it to be offensive :E, that is true though, I completely agree since my parents are learning English now and I need to help them all the time! Again, sorry, wasn't trying to be mean :eek:.
Bah, I think these achievements are a waste of time.
It's like Valve's saying the Medic is underplayed, and to make people play them they're handing out free achievements.
They should spend more time making the Medic a desirable class to play instead of throwing these cheap gimmicks at us.
The Bonesaw medic sounds suspiciously like a "duel" achievement. Epic medic/medic bonesaw duels while both teams watch, anyone?
I beg to differ, having perfected it in less than two years (when I was just a tiny 9 yr old kid) with Castilian as my first language. Plus I am now learning Latin, so no, English is definitely not hard to learn.
English is easy to learn because it is present in all Western cultures and many non-Western cultures. It has a massive presence in the film and music industries worldwide compared to native film and music production, especially in Europe.

English is hard to master because it is one of the most bastardised languages in the world. Its roots come from Old Norse, Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin. This mix means rules for pronunciation always have exceptions. Its vocabulary uses almost the full range of sounds our mouths are capable of. As a language, it also probably has the widest variety of accents for any language from across England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the United States and Canada.

English is easy to learn because of its prominence in popular culture and business. It is very hard to master due to its complex nature as a result of its many linguistic roots.

Chinese is probably one of the hardest languages to learn because it doesn't have an alphabet. You can't add a letter to a word in Chinese and be able to read this new word and learn its new meaning, because 'letters' don't exist. Only words. Even if alphabetised, a word like 'gong' could have between 4 and 7 different vowel sounds for the 'o' depending on the dialect, but the characters for these 7 different words will not look anything alike.

Anyway, back on topic.
Hehe, can't wait for these achievements. It's nice that you get visual feedback now when other players get one.
Half of them speak for themselves. And I've already done most of them :hmph: