Teamfortress 2 haloween special!

Click on the heavys hat and get a free hat. Actually they ran out, so, dominate someone who is wearing the hat and you get a free one.
I've given up on finding hats via secret pages. Chances are they'll be out of hats by the first 20 minutes.
They ran out hours ago, but again, just dominate someone wearing one and you'll get it.
So whats new in the update? the page writing was really confusing as too what the update has.

Also is it live? I didn't see tf2 update?
There was a limited item here (now all gone):
When the update comes out in (hopefully) a few hours if you dominate someone who is wearing it you get a copy for yourself.
The Halloween Special will last for multiple days, with limited time achievements to unlock. The update will include koth_harvest (it's a good map).
You forgot an L and I thought it was an awful play on words involving a certain Bungie product.
Let me guess: No one in the australian time zone has these hats and therefore I'll never get one.
Danimal, I've seen a few around - so you could be lucky...
I've got one now and so does bascially the entire server I was playing on so you should be right.
Something's up with the servers. Are there a lot of rookies about?
Well they just had the $2.49 sale so I guess a lot of new people bought TF2.
Ya I thought something was wrong. I was backstabbing people left and right I got something around a 30 to 1 KDR.

I didnt know about the sale untill after I played, so after I was like "oh!".

Its an awesome update, and reminds me why I love valve.