TF2 Stuck on Low Violence, help?


Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
I am having issues with TF2. I had to recently reinstall the game on a new hard drive.

But now, even though I am in the states, and have English set, my game is stuck on low violence and it is kind of annoying.

in my steamapps folder there is a team fortress 2 low violence.gcf file. I have tried deleting it, steam reinstalls it, I've tried renaming it, it still reinstalls it.

All my blood/gibbs vars in console are set to 1, I have even tried pasting over the "german fix", and putting the right files into the tf folder, and it still doesn't work.

I have deleted the game, verified the local contents, I still get the funny gibbs and no blood.

Any help?
See if support section has a fix.
I've seen those and they're actually awesomely funny. I'd keep them.
While I agree they are somewhat amusing, the hit detection bothers me a bit because I am not used to the different colors.
call steam customer support or something...
Please don't post next time if you are going to be a chocolate teapot.

As Riomhaire said check Steam support on the Steampowered website. I'd also investigate what age you set yourself as when installing Steam. I thought it may be possible if you set your age to below 18 that Steam automatically turns on low violence mode for all games as a parental block feature perhaps? Check your Steam settings if there is anywhere to alter this.