TF2........will suck....hahahahaha

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
now u all hate me, heres my arguement:

reply TF fans!
Originally posted by mrBadger

I think thats more like it.

Yeah :/ Im really looking forward to TF2 and HL2, first time in ages that ive actually looked forward to a game getting released :D
I have looked forward for TF2 for.. hmmmm... 4 years :cheese:
i just hope that u can kill a man with less than 15 bullets
He he he.... Realism is a lack in some games like CS and.... Half-Life :dozey:
i want tf2 to have the damage of dod and the playablity of cs and tfc mixed with a new hl2 and its own tf2 style and gameplay...oh my i think iv come up wit a winner..valve should be offereing me a job in no time...:cheers:
who cares about realism anyway? All that matters is this gameplay, if they would make tfc realistic (or make cs really realistic) then the games would be extremely boring. Because real war IS boring.
yeah war aint fun to play, if you want super-ultra-mega-hyper realism, join the army!this game features:
No saving
No loading
Once you die thats it
Real life AI
Obscured LoS
You can only reload and fire once you have practiced
The enemy won't come back when they are shot either

Can't get more realism than that!
whoa guys i wasnt say "realism the only way to go" im just sayin a realistic theme as to where your not shot 10 times with and assualt rifle before your char dies, that would not help gameplay. and besides that it was just my input and i was not attacking anyone elses ideas, and because i have nothing to do with the makin of tf2 my ideas are just that "ideas". course we can only prey to gawd the dont listen to some idiot :dozey:
U need a balance between realism and gameplay. Games which are too realistic are often not as much fun as a less realistic game but it can be the other way round where games which arent realistic enough suk :/ Just need a balance.
If u want realism play Americas Army :)
who wants to play realistic games, i personally think that the closer a game is to real life the less fun it is, wheres the fun in losing yourself in a world you know exsists ?
those who forget what their past means are forced to relive it. Those who relive their past will forgot what it meant.
bear that in mind all those ww2 game developers
if you make a realistic game then you need a realistic gameplay and a game that makes it fun to play. making tfc realistic is just gonna mess it up causs it whasnt supposed to be realistic. go play ghost recon if ya want realism
A game with abit to much realism is Rainbow Six (in my case Raven Shield). any comments on that ??
You always have to have a balance between realism and fun, personally I think DoD gets it about right, altho it tends to be a little too arcadey at times.
I love games like ghost recon and swat but they just dont go for mp causs dying from 1 bullet is just no fun when some1 is spraying at you from 500 feet away...but I think that with the hl2 engine they can make a realistic game more realism then dod (not just dieing from 1 shot) but they fact that they copy the way guns handly after firing them several times and bullet wounds/bleeding. Thats a thing I dont like about new dont bleed anymore :/ that whas good fun imo.
well, raven shield was ok (not gd, not bad), cos u cud jump between teemates, but a single player 1 man game like that wud suck. Splinter Cell strikes the right balence methinks
Enough realism!

Theres already enough 'realistic' games out there. Its fun to sometimes just play a game where you can run about with a minigun blasting everything with bullets that isnt stood behiond you. I like to jump 20 foot in the air after firing a rocket underneath me.
Being killed and sitting around for 10 mins waiting for a camper to die is all well and good but it gets annoying after a while. Besides im sure TF2 will be full of lots of new features to keep us interested. Even from the old info about it, it sounds like a great game.

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 187
yeah war aint fun to play, if you want super-ultra-mega-hyper realism, join the army!this game features:
No saving
No loading
Once you die thats it
Real life AI
Obscured LoS
You can only reload and fire once you have practiced
The enemy won't come back when they are shot either

Can't get more realism than that!

Tell me one thing What the hell are you dooing in the forums .?
Originally posted by mrBadger
who wants to play realistic games, i personally think that the closer a game is to real life the less fun it is, wheres the fun in losing yourself in a world you know exsists ?
Must...not...kill...evil badger...Anyway, I think some realistic games are great. For example, Operation Flashpoint. Definitely not the greatest game in terms of graphics, but I love infantry combat and as such, this game was a blast for me (except when I became an officer...the grunt life is for me), though it may not have been for everybody. Ah well, to each his own.

All i want is alot of stuff to be destructable, say if the fight was in a village, u could destroy a hole house, :devil:
well.... i must confess i liked Op Flash, and Op Flash wasn't that realistic. Uber-Conscripts. Op Flash's intro and training were....interesting....i liked it. And i kno ive shot myself in the foot now, lol. Supposedly 'Realistic' games that i found ludicrously un-fun:
SoF II (SoF was an arcade blast!)
Rainbow Six 1,2 (3 i think they got the balence right)
America's Army ( wtf was that about, both sides are american!!!)

the list continues
both sides are american in an effort to be more politically correct since its not just a game ( its an office US Army training tool :/ )
I liked AA but its underplayed in the UK so theres not many decent servers and not many people to play with.
Aim for the head indeed...... hmmmm...... headshots...... hmmmm........ memories invoked of CS......... people running into a room and shooting at the floor..... and yet still hitting every1 in the head.....hmmmm
yeah well we all know the problem they had with b0rked hitboxes where u could shoot people in the stomach and still get headshots :/ hopefully technology has come a long way since the HL engine so they should be able to make this a bit better :E
original poster, just go to .

The rest, I personally guarantee you TF2 will be nothing like anything you have ever seen in multiplayer gamin, so trying to breed what you like in CS, TFC, DoD, FA, whatever, will be far away from the truth.

You can't built the future by recycling the past.

The gameplay will still feature classes, but made differently. There is a Officer class, that leads a squad of players. Above all, there is a commander class, much like NS, which will control the team play from above.

I'm not making this up, this is all information from that link.

If you like what you hear, then think about it this way - this is how things were 3 years ago, god knows how much cool stuff they added so far.
i wasn't saying that, what i mean is that if it isn't origanal it will be terrible, doesn't matter about graphics and so forth. I want TF2 as much as you guys, its just i want it to be a totally unique experience...
I think the coolest team based game I have played recently would have to be Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, although there are a lot of things that should be cleaned up. The text system for example.
well.... i must confess i liked Op Flash,
Badger, My BullCrap alarm just exploded! I must admit that it is one of the best games i own, but i think u saying you liked it was a little off maybe?? I would repeat what you said about it but i can't repeat it on forums!
I didn't like it at first, cos I sucked at it, and i freely admit that, i ran towards the russians, lol but i do admit, it was a well designed game , just i sucked at it....