The Arena

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
When someone insults you comically on this forum.... come here to settle the arguement in the funniest way possible :E enjoy :P

FLS-Edit: Woooo. Time machines are fun. Shame i cant go back to before the forums began.
lol.. another useless but fun thread started by Badger.
I've bought beer, snacks and supplies.

Come on, let's go ladies. Show me what you've got...
Badger, Your mother was a hampster and your father smells of elder berries :p

(hehe we start with the classics, aye!)
Ok ill take on [Hunter]Ridic] for the use of the Preston avatar.

Ill use my neo wannabe fighting skillz
Originally posted by Stone
Badger, Your mother was a hampster and your father smells of elder berries :p

(hehe we start with the classics, aye!)
Oooh, calm down. That's a little harsh there with the elder berries talk.
No I'm English Why Do You Think I've Got This OUTRAGOUS Accent You Silly American/Swedish/Spanish/Germany/etc Kinigits! :p
Well its after 12.00 noon here and he didnt show up so I win by default!. The Preston avatar is mine!
ding ding.... I declare thenerdguy the first winna of the Arena.... anyone care to take him on.... come ppl... test out your comedy madskillz.... :)
Yo momma's so fat, she makes Free Willy look like a tic tac :laugh:

Hahahahahaha.....Ok so that was crap joke. All "Yo momma" jokes are, the only thing worse is a "Yo momma" joke in leet speak.




When you go out to check the mail..... it registers on the richter scale :P

/me runs
/me and the whole board chases the dirty american :P
OK children... lets all pretend we are eleven year olds with acess to an intenet connection:

Gary:"m3h pwnz j00"
Phil:"j00 phuk><orz"

well done children


(and yes I know... i probably got the 1337 bit wrong :E)
Your Momma irons her pants on the drive way.
Your Momma is fo Funky she walked by the toilet and it flushed its self.
Your Momma uses a water hose as a belt.
Your Momma used secret and it told on her.
When Your Momma wears a yellow dress people chase her and yell taxi.

let's have creative jabs at people ... not just yo momma joke :P

(those who are aware of Chatham and Faversham, and their contents will know the angry cry of the Chav :"YA MUM")

enjoy :cheese:

/me runs
/me informs the Chav households of Faversham of your whereabouts.....

expect the crys of "OI OI" to begin soon
/me envisions a group of angry english people, running after "guinea pig", shouting oink oink... :D
here is a couple of chavs (courtesy of

Originally posted by nietzsche
/nietzsche envisions a group of angry english people, running after "guinea pig", shouting oink oink... :D

Putting like that makes it sound like a bad thing :)
BTW badger.. lets arrange that when we hit 995 we wait for eachother. I am going to bed now. so I cant post untill like about 10 or more hours.. well cya.. and dont hit the 1000 post's without me.
Nooooo Im going to be left behind with these scum...i mean fine fine people. It will be like the hindenburg disaster, only nothing like it at all in anyway apart from me shouting. Oh the HUMANITY!
/me kicks FP around.. chill man.. its not THAT bad .. *looks around and runs*
Originally posted by EVIL
BTW badger.. lets arrange that when we hit 995 we wait for eachother. I am going to bed now. so I cant post untill like about 10 or more hours.. well cya.. and dont hit the 1000 post's without me.

ok then :)

a new insult for you all

"You say your balls have dropped? Then why do you sound like a twelve year old girl on helium"

(some of you may have noticed that some of my insults come from Wierd Al songs..... :P)

if off to learn more C bbs spammers :P
Sorry MrBadger could you repeat that. Normal human hearing cant hear that high pitch.


I normally say things like that when leet "21" (reverse that number) year old start speaking with the voice over net chat.
I was going to write some clever comment here about the french, but by the time I'd noticed it was open, I'd forgotten...doh ;(
Originally posted by Stone
I was going to write some clever comment here about the french, but by the time I'd noticed it was open, I'd forgotten...doh ;(

Cool 100 post :)
You just posted that to make your 100th :)

Oh well i cant complain really.

Insulting the French is, because now the Americans are joining in too because of the whole war in Iraq thing. Theres always been a kind of lov....hate hate relationship between England and Fracne, they insult us and we insult them. Fortuantely we are safe as the French cant win anything. I point you too the funny funny site you get when you type in "French military victories" in google and press Im feeling lucky.

I dont really have anything against the French to be honest. My friend works with a french girl and she is really nice (no i dont mean attractive, she is but no more than any other girls i know). The country itself is nice too. Many a time have my family gone over ona so called "Booze Cruise" in my dads van. We dont buy beer and things like that, we just go for the wine and occassional whisky, although its better to go north for that :) The people ive found are quite nice until you start acting like a tourist e.g. Stupid

Anyway. They were out of line in my opinion with the war. Is it a coincidence they had deals for getting oil and didnt want to go to war?
I have allways made fun of the French!

My Dad has made fun of the freanch.
My Grandpa made fun of the French too.
Yeah, that was funny, I particularly liked this one

"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."
Heres another French military joke:

"The French revolution was the only really sucessful action the French have been involved in... mainly due to the fact their opponants were French"

well, that maybe true.... but it will be back.... it's just no1 is manly enuff to take up the gauntlet :flame: .... bring it on :cheese:
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