The Battle for Middle-earth II single-player demo, Tomorrow.


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
GameSpot is proud to announce the world premiere of The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II single-player demo. Get your first look at this highly anticipated RTS sequel, and unlock the world of Middle-earth as it was meant to be! With a wealth of content taken from Tolkien's original fantasy novels, you can now experience unseen lands and mythical campaigns that go beyond the famous motion pictures.

The demo features a tutorial and single-player skirmish mode with two maps. You'll be able to choose from two of the games' three new factions: Goblins and Dwarves.

Demo file size: 1.3 GB

Holy shit.
1.3 GB just for an sp demo?
Haha! Saw this too and didn't think it was even worth posting.

But yeah, that's huge. Hope everyone like it! :|
Holy crap in a few months we should seriously start considering putting demos on discs and ordering them :|
I think that's about the same space the entire Age of Empires game takes up. :x
DigiQ8 said:
Demo file size: 1.3 GB


What are you people on, isdn?

Heck, even is pushing movietrailers at 120+ MB these days.

Meh, at 1.3 gigs I highly doubt this game is worth the download, the first one blew chunks and somehow I feel this game is no different.
AiM said:
Meh, at 1.3 gigs I highly doubt this game is worth the download, the first one blew chunks and somehow I feel this game is no different.
The first one was okay, but I really can't stand having to build only on one particular plot of land. Same thing with Empire at War it seems. Looks like they have fixed that for this release and the creation of your own hero looks pretty interesting too, but probably not worth the price right away. Reviews will help, but with so many other titles poised to come out relatively soon, my money will probably be spent elsewhere....
I would prefer BFME 2 over Empire at War and Age of Empires III. I liked the original, and this looks like a worthy sequel. Check out some of the gameplay video's, looks pretty fantastic, so many new features. I'm excited about create a hero, formations, naval battles, dragons, super powers (they look cheap as hell, but still cool), better base building etc. I also found Battle for Middle Earth to be an RTS that I'm actually good at playing online. I get my ass handed to me in AoE III, Warcraft III, and just about every other RTS :dozey: .
If I got a good d/l link I can use my d/l manager on then I'll get it. I hate filecloud and filefront and all those places because I get like 150-200kb/sec. On solid direct links with my manager I get 1MB/sec :D
Last One In said:
Download is avaliable on must major sites now for those of you who care.

Currently I get 400 kB/s from Expect that to fall though, as more people start downing.

boglito said:
Currently I get 400 kB/s from Expect that to fall though, as more people start downing.

Same here. It's running at around 380 kb/s. A little under one hour to go.
1.3Gb does seem abit steep, esspically when you consider it's probably only going to be two tutorial levels and an example skirmish map... few hours download for 5 mins of game, nah

Oh and i wont be getting it either lol
I played thru the tutorials. Looks good. Gonna try out the skirmish tomorrow.
Played it. Good production values. Otherwise just another uninnovative generic RTS. Not really surprising, just disappointing.
I think it hits the spot, the interface is nice, the music and scenery, awsome.. feels more LOTR like. Tbh its not dissapointing atall, it all depends what you are expecting.

Any hardcore RTS fans I think will probably struggle to find anything that offers anything more exiting, I happen to think its an improvement and a solid demo, that hopefully reflects the final version.. but imo dawn of war is the best modern RTS out there still.
Well the first LoTR:BfME wasn't all that great to begin with, so is it just a marginal improvement? I don't want to waste my time downloading 1.3 gigs worth to play a slightly improved re-hash of the original, the first one nearly bore me to death :|
I never played the first one, so I cant really compare. But I love building insane fortresses, and this game has defensive walls galore!! In my skirmish, All I have been doing is fending off the raids from the goblins, and building building building. So far I have a 3 layer defense, each with defence towers and catapaults. The only way through them is the one little gate in each wall. On top of that, the goblins seem to enjoy raiding and razing my mines, so each one has 2 layers of defensive wall with five defense towers. I havent even seen their base yet, but im assuming they just have some dumb structures with no protection. Stupid goblins.

But yeah, I am really liking this game. I had absolutely no expectations of it, and just downloaded it while I took a shower. Glad I did.
xlucidx said:
Can ya'll post some screenies?

I didn't know this when I was playing yesterday, so no screens from me, but you have to use ALT + PrintScreen to make a screenie.
Most of the features were good, but the "one unit=batallion of 20 (or whatever)" clutter makes me not wanna play this game. I like the way they did it in wc3; stronger units, but less of them.

.bog. waits for sc2
downloaded it, loved it

it pretty much feels like a LOTR/Medieval game set in an upgraded C&C:Generals engine... which is a really nice thing actually.

gonna pre-order my copy, can't wait to make my own hero.
Most of the features were good, but the "one unit=batallion of 20 (or whatever)" clutter makes me not wanna play this game. I like the way they did it in wc3; stronger units, but less of them.

Hehe, I feel just the opposite, but I know what you mean. Warcraft III has small battles, but you really need to know how to micromanage. I like BFME because I just like taking masses of freaking armies and send them clashing with another, alot more action says I. :dork:
Spoonoop said:
Hehe, I feel just the opposite, but I know what you mean. Warcraft III has small battles, but you really need to know how to micromanage. I like BFME because I just like taking masses of freaking armies and send them clashing with another, alot more action says I. :dork:

I like to be personal with my units. Babysit them and herd them away from harms way when they get low on health etc. I <3 it. After a rather big battle in the bfme2demo I was like "??? Did anyone die? Are everybody here? *tries to count unshapely blob of gondorites*"

Perhaps if that battle had happened in a not so tight place it would have looked cooler, but as it were my castle was being assaulted by stinking goblins, and the walls + secondary buildings made things intimate. So intimate, in fact, that most of my archers just stood there for the majority of the battle.

Nah, give us warcraft4 or starcraft2 (or preferably both), up the unitcap somewhat, and make friendly units able to be more intimate with eachother.

Nah, give us warcraft4 or starcraft2 (or preferably both), up the unitcap somewhat, and make friendly units able to be more intimate with eachother
RTS porn ftw.

I love BFME2, it's everything the first game SHOULD have been but wasn't.

Thus far I've had more fun with the demo than I had with the entire first game.
Wow, This has to be one of the most visually pleasing RTSes I've played in awhile.

I'm definitely getting the Collector's Edition.
Bleh, I've got a rather annoying bug...

All of the walls and some towers, are completely blacked out.
I play with everything on medium.
:| I'm sure you all know my rig by now... so would you say it's graphics card problem?
clarky003 said:
I think it hits the spot, the interface is nice, the music and scenery, awsome.. feels more LOTR like. Tbh its not dissapointing atall, it all depends what you are expecting.

Any hardcore RTS fans I think will probably struggle to find anything that offers anything more exiting, I happen to think its an improvement and a solid demo, that hopefully reflects the final version.. but imo dawn of war is the best modern RTS out there still.

The awesome animations in Dawn of War have ruined most other RTS's for me graphically ;(
boglito said:
I like to be personal with my units. Babysit them and herd them away from harms way when they get low on health etc. I <3 it. After a rather big battle in the bfme2demo I was like "??? Did anyone die? Are everybody here? *tries to count unshapely blob of gondorites*"

Perhaps if that battle had happened in a not so tight place it would have looked cooler, but as it were my castle was being assaulted by stinking goblins, and the walls + secondary buildings made things intimate. So intimate, in fact, that most of my archers just stood there for the majority of the battle.

Nah, give us warcraft4 or starcraft2 (or preferably both), up the unitcap somewhat, and make friendly units able to be more intimate with eachother.


Ok, I have to correct myself. I played the demo some more, and the batallion-issue isn't as bad as I thought. Actually I found the demo to be pretty enjoyable and somewhat wc3ish. Ofcourse, after playing wc3 for a long time I notice a lot of little things that are done right in wc3 that for some reason is not implemented in bfme2, but all in all they get pretty close.

When the full game ships I will read a little about the other 4 races to see if there is more diversity. Dirversity in rts=gold, which is why starcraft is so pop. Goblins and dwarves were pretty diverse. What I wonder is how the diversity will be within the factions.

Dwarves were a little boring, but goblins were more fun than expected (except the fact that regular goblin units were useless). I wonder how the heroes will affect online play. It seems like they have a bigger impact on the battle out of the box than wc3-heroes did. Especially the most expensive goblin hero is pretty unbalanced, in addition to the ring-hero. Ofcourse, they are also extremely expensive, so I imagine they will be seen very rarely in online battles.

All in all the game looks enjoyable and a possible buy. I'm not going to roll 90+ on my 2d10 just yet, though. There are a lot of small things that could have been better (and maybe is in the full version).
