The big misc Politics thread

seinfeldrules said:
And I would have disagreed with Kerry based on his actions.

And what actions would those be?

Doesnt mean I would have called him even a quarter or any of the names you are calling Bush.

Well, duh. That's because Kerry hasn't done any of what Bush has.

Face it, you're stance is on the extreme left wing side of American society right now.

My stance is one of common sense. If you re-elect a President that has lied to you, sent your children to war, has gotten the world to hate you, and has slowly started stripping away your freedoms, then I don't think you have any.

You can interpret that as far left if you want. I'd be all the more flattered by it.

seinfeldrules said:
Have you ever watched FOX btw?

Yes I have. I also check on a daily basis.

I'm tired and want to go bed now. I may reply tomorrow, depending on how many pages have accumulated since my departure.
qckbeam said:
What is it with you guys? There was a huge election in the United States that will affect the course of the world and has left a huge number of people very, very angry and you say we're bitching/moaning/complaining and dwelling on the past, close all threads relating to politics, and give us one thread to speak in? What the **** were you expecting in the off-topic forum exactly? Why aren't we allowed to make topics on what we wish to talk about? Why the bullshit quite frankly? Your reasons aren't making much sense.
So the sticky is your answer? Well your sticky is quite frankly a load of bullshit. Telling everyone to listen up or shut up is just stupid. Saying that the anger over the election that ended only hours ago is whining, bitching, moaning and complaining is stupid. Telling us we can only talk about it in this thread is stupid. I don't care if it's a gaming forum, this is off-topic chat. This is all a load of bullshit and some of us do have a problem with it and you can bet it'll be your problem as well.
These are my sentiments exactly. I'm very dissapointed with this.
Phisionary said:
These are my sentiments exactly. I'm very dissapointed with this.


During this election the electorate was pretty much divided 50-50. Just because the election is over, doesn't mean this ratio changed at all or that politics just went away. People are still heavily divided about something that affects all our lives.
Wow. I go out for a few hours, come back and it's all gone mad!

Before I make my political rant, which is of no relevence because
a) I'm a UK citizen
b) I'm on a half-life 2 forum
and c) because I don't lose sleep over politics

I would like to ask the moderators a favour.

The majority of people in this forum are putting across political views. They are backing up statements, hell, even in the old posts we had links to news articles - WE WERE HAVING A DEBATE.
A hot debate, strong views exchanged (don't know WHY we might be a little charged ryt now) but in general, between those who were making political points there was little slaggin off. Others ruined it. Others came along to knock their post count up, sound cool or even be funny (I don't see how anything on this topic is funny - if you find it funny, you don't have the slightest idea of the scale of these issues). We had, quite frankly, some idiots ruining a debate.
Mods, don't let that cloud your judgement on those of us who are debating. It's tense stuff, sure, blows are being exchanged but that's what debates are. I hear you're opening a political thread, I understand your concern, especially when we get threads of "anti-bush" which is just pathetic.
Thank you for controlling it; but please allow it to continue.

Now; the politics.
Bush should not have won. Simple. If we're going by quality of leadership, which we should, he should not be president now.
He's annihilating the economy
He has no regard for enivironmental issues which will, believe me, be important
In distancing himself from the UN he has undermined years of work, and set himself up as some sort of lone freedom fighting force who does not have to stick to the rules.
He's started a war on something inobtainable. Striking sticks at a hornets nest to make his pretty garden "safer".
While the American economy withers he wastes resources over throwing dictators his country installed - and in doing so misleading his people into believing there was a need to. Then, when quite clearly there was no threat - he plays the "he was an evil man" card and wipes his hands (absinthe, I got that from u - sorry to pinch it).
Now wrapped up in an anti terroism parcel he is quite free to invade other countrys.

Assasination? What's the point, it's the Bush regime that's doing the damage, he's just the cute guy on the box. And he would probably become a matyr and I'd bloody hate that.

So why didn't America vote for Kerry? Why? Because some people like Bush. Fair play. If you do, I don't mind as long as you know WHY you voted for him.
Others believed that the war in Iraq was preventing terroists and WMDs - even now - as demonstrated in an earlier topic (thanks again absinthe).
Others just go with the flow.

And also because Kerry isn't much better either. Politicians, as someone rightly said earlier, are never good choice. Life's a bitch. And we have no power to change it.
If you believe because I'm not crying about it or losing sleep it means I don't care, you are misguided. WRONG would be another word.

The world is entering a dangerous time, if anybody's stupid enough to believe it's safer check out the papers - bombings here, terrorist threats twarted there, masacres of innocent people. These were not happening in this proportion before bush. 9/11 is an important factor, and I don't like bringing that attrocity into a forum about who won the election, but you can't just say it happened and cause everything else. It happened because of Bush's Papa pissing about with countries he had nothing to do with (while he armed Saddam). Pissing a lot of people off. You think people danced around cheering in some eastern countries when it happened because they just 'didn't like America'? They had reason to. Though celebrating anyone dying is just insane, and bring civilisation down to a primitive stage.
Then America making blows in the dark at Osama didn't help matters. Bomb Afgan. Nope not there. Can't find him. "Overthrow Saddam, weapons, terrorists." What a great idea. Now we have several major terrorist organisations being forced out of the woodwork to battle against an enemy that is illegally invading a country A COUNTRY! in a hunt for them.

Human cost is just tossed aside. The rules that stood before, for a reason, are thrown down. And now the Western World is thrown into 'war' with a concept. But a concept that can, and does, kill.

And, to be quite honest, it seems to all point back at bush.

So sorry if some of us are expressing concern over him being reelected less than 12 hours after. Apologies if we seem a little hot headed on the topic. It just looks like we have good reason.

And Half Life 2 will be so cool. 12 days. Yippee.
Innervision961 said:
Well thank you stern, he truly doesn't represent me. And all I want to say is sorry, sorry to the rest of the world who had such a huge stake in this election as well, I'm sorry to our children and our childrens children who will have to repair and repay this deficit and this economy, and who will not have proper retirement or healthcare to look forward to.

I'm sorry to all who were disenfranchised during this election due to dirty tricks like fliers telling them their polling place has changed only to find out when they get there that it hadn't and that they couldn't vote.

I'm terribly sorry to our men and women fighting in Iraq who (and I know at least one soldier and his entire company) who wanted a change and couldn't get it. Even though they are fighting and dying they weren't heard.

Most importantly i'm sorry for the people who couldn't see through the fog of lies that this man and his entire administration have spread, they aren't patriots or comrades and aren't strong on defense or good for the economy.I'm sorry that the people couldn't decipher the lies they were spoon fed over the last four years and I'm sorry that they honestly the believe the next four will be any different... if not the same, worse.

I did my part, and I feel betrayed. I feel betrayed by this system, I feel betrayed by the government and I feel betrayed by the religous right who thinks dropping bombs is better than gay marriage. And you know what, some one said it already, I'll say it again. From here on out, we get what deserve.

Wow, your so full of crap its unbelievable. First off, you try and make it sound like Bush stole the election. Sorry buddy, but there was cheating on BOTH sides of the political fence. Your to blind to realise that however. Second, I find it extremely funny you try to make it sound like the military was for Kerry. Sorry junior, but most of my family has/is in the military, and I have alot of friends that is in the military, or is about to join. Wake up and smell the coffee, most of the military hates Kerrys guts. I also find it funny how you blame the bad economy on Bush. Bush wasn't in office but a few months, and you blame him? September 11th, the end of the tech boom, corparation scandals out the ass, and dozens of other factors (which Clinton could have easily stopped) is the result of the bad economy. And guess what buddy, the public has spoken. I was so happy when I heard Bush won, cause I was terrified the liar/hypocrite/miracle man who claimed he would bring turn the deficit into a surpluss, raise taxes, basically make healthcare completely goverment run, create millions of jobs in four years, would win the election. Thank god the American public seen through Kerrys lies and deceptions and empty promises. If your so afraid to live in America now, move to Canada or France. I'm sure they would be glad to have you. ROFL
Phisionary said:
These are my sentiments exactly. I'm very dissapointed with this.

Let's open a politics forum section for the time being.
-Frosty- said:

Let's open a politics forum section for the time being.
Wow guys.. thanks for not reading

god no wonder some of you get so worked up, never bleedin listen.
Tocqueville observed that for better or worse, the single irrevocable thing a president can do is appoint judges. Everything else can be fixed by the next guy.

Watch very carefully who Bush appoints to the courts. That will be his legacy.

If the first term is any guide, the days of a woman being able to choose whether or not to have the baby, under any circumstances, ever, are coming to an end. Rape? Incest? Life-threatening complications? Coathanger for you. Bush judicial appointees are that scary.
The world is entering a dangerous time, if anybody's stupid enough to believe it's safer check out the papers - bombings here, terrorist threats twarted there, masacres of innocent people. These were not happening in this proportion before bush.

Actually, hate to burst your bubble but terrorist threats, massacre of innocent people, bombings here and there have been going on for a long time. In fact, the 1990s seen a HUGE jump in terrorism. Alot of embassy bombings, car bombs, suicide bombers everywhere. I will try and find some sources, but if I remember correctly, terrorism in 2003 (Not sure about 2004) was the lowest in 30 years.
Actually, here is something I came up with quick, not what I was looking for but it basically says the same thing

There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003, a slight decrease from the 198 attacks that occurred in 2002, and a drop of 45 percent from the level in 2001 of 346 attacks. The figure in 2003 represents the lowest annual total of international terrorist attacks since 1969.

A total of 307 persons were killed in the attacks of 2003, far fewer than the 725 killed during 2002. A total of 1,593 persons were wounded in the attacks that occurred in 2003, down from 2,013 persons wounded the year before.

In 2003, the highest number of attacks (70) and the highest casualty count (159 persons dead and 951 wounded) occurred in Asia.

There were 82 anti-US attacks in 2003, which is up slightly from the 77 attacks the previous year, and represents a 62-percent decrease from the 219 attacks recorded in 2001.
The Dark Elf said:
Wow guys.. thanks for not reading

god no wonder some of you get so worked up, never bleedin listen.
i've found that it's better to read the posts rather than try to listen to them.. generally speaking :|

i'll be here all night folks! :D
The Dark Elf said:
Wow guys.. thanks for not reading

god no wonder some of you get so worked up, never bleedin listen.
I read the whole thread. I was agreeing with the idea of putting up a political forum (I read your post saying that you were working on it.) I was supporting the idea, and the fact that there was a need for it. Sorry for the confusion :)
Lil' Timmy said:
i've found that it's better to read the posts rather than try to listen to them.. generally speaking :|

i'll be here all night folks! :D
ho ho ho :p


-Frosty-, ok my bad :)
Dsty2001 said:
Wow, your so full of crap its unbelievable. First off, you try and make it sound like Bush stole the election. Sorry buddy, but there was cheating on BOTH sides of the political fence. Your to blind to realise that however. Second, I find it extremely funny you try to make it sound like the military was for Kerry. Sorry junior, but most of my family has/is in the military, and I have alot of friends that is in the military, or is about to join. Wake up and smell the coffee, most of the military hates Kerrys guts. I also find it funny how you blame the bad economy on Bush. Bush wasn't in office but a few months, and you blame him? September 11th, the end of the tech boom, corparation scandals out the ass, and dozens of other factors (which Clinton could have easily stopped) is the result of the bad economy. And guess what buddy, the public has spoken. I was so happy when I heard Bush won, cause I was terrified the liar/hypocrite/miracle man who claimed he would bring turn the deficit into a surpluss, raise taxes, basically make healthcare completely goverment run, create millions of jobs in four years, would win the election. Thank god the American public seen through Kerrys lies and deceptions and empty promises. If your so afraid to live in America now, move to Canada or France. I'm sure they would be glad to have you. ROFL

Whats even funnier is how deeply connected the bush family is to these companies that were wrapped up in accounting scandals, (eron anyone)

Second I know plenty of current and ex military men for kerry, and only 1 (one) to the contrary. Thus my opinion here is based on what I know. Not what I've read. Sorry, debate it all you want you can't change my reality.

I like how your side claims bush is strong on defense but as you say we were attacked after he took office (bin laden determined to attack within the US i believe was the name of the report. the administration recieved months before the attack, yet they did nothing, read the 9/11 comission findings)

Oh and good on you for poking fun at Canada and France you moron. We all live on this planet, your superiority complex just reiterates what a sad scared little man you truly are.

And on clinton fixing all these problems, well why hasn't bush? I haven't seen him jump to get rid of NAFTA, I have seen him give tax credit to companies who send our jobs over seas, and I have seen him open our borders, and I have seen him rape our healthcare. So you can spit your crap all day long, in the end we will still be at war because the invisible man told him to send us, our gas prices will still be through the roof, our security will still be in the hands of money hungry chimps who could give two shits about us. And ya know what, Canada and France are sure lookin' a hell of a lot safer and smarter these days.
The Dark Elf said:
-Frosty-, ok my bad :)
No problem, I'm just glad it got cleared up :cheers:

And I'm glad that you guys are flexible enought to create a new section for important topics (that's one of the things that makes these forums so great) :thumbs:
Well this is lovely; a certain staff member has decided to formally warn me about my posts in the political thread. Apparently I'm trying to "rile up" everyone and cause a lot of trouble or some such nonsense. To that staff member I'd like to say: please **** off. I've done nothing to deserve a warning, and nothing to deserve a ban. I'm tired of the over-moderation of these forums, and I'm tired of this superiority complex some of the moderators seem to have (not all of you by any means, some of you are fantastic moderators, people, and friends). I'm tired of people being silenced by moderators for having opinions. I've seen what goes on behind the curtain here, probably more than most members have, and let me tell you, it's not all pretty. I'm being threatened with a ban because a certain someone has a personal reason to attack me, and it is, just like this thread, a load of bullshit.
qckbeam said:
I'm tired of the over-moderation of these forums, and I'm tired of this superiority complex some of the moderators seem to have (not all of you by any means, some of you are fantastic moderators, people, and friends). I'm tired of people being silenced by moderators for having opinions.
:cheers: I agree.

And where the hell did that Daily Show thread go? Why go as far as delete it when all the other political threads just got locked?
terrorism in 2003 (Not sure about 2004) was the lowest in 30 years.

That came from a State Department report that they later retracted. Turns out they stopped counting in November. Oops. When they (very quietly) released the revised numbers 2003 had the highest rate of terror attacks in 20 years.
Dsty2001, I don't want this to become a flaming match at all. I genuinely appriciate people who take the time to research into what they're saying. But as Tim F rightly sed - they're flawed.
VERY flawed.
And it just shows how the system can 'brainwash' you. Please, don't take that as an offense - I am referring to a comment I made in a now deleted thread about the government having more control over us than we believe. Here is an example where a clearly intelligent person has been 'tricked' into believing something. You had every right to. And I would have done if that was all I had been told.

And qckbeam, I don't see how you've done wrong. Glad you aren't keeping quiet.
qckbeam said:
Well this is lovely; a certain staff member has decided to formally warn me about my posts in the political thread. Apparently I'm trying to "rile up" everyone and cause a lot of trouble or some such nonsense. To that staff member I'd like to say: please **** off. I've done nothing to deserve a warning, and nothing to deserve a ban. I'm tired of the over-moderation of these forums, and I'm tired of this superiority complex some of the moderators seem to have (not all of you by any means, some of you are fantastic moderators, people, and friends). I'm tired of people being silenced by moderators for having opinions. I've seen what goes on behind the curtain here, probably more than most members have, and let me tell you, it's not all pretty. I'm being threatened with a ban because a certain someone has a personal reason to attack me, and it is, just like this thread, a load of bullshit.

Well, ain't that pretty.. :|
Dsty2001 said:
I will try and find some sources, but if I remember correctly, terrorism in 2003 (Not sure about 2004) was the lowest in 30 years.

before you try looking it up, read this ..that claim was proven to be false
qckbeam said:
Well this is lovely; a certain staff member has decided to formally warn me about my posts in the political thread. Apparently I'm trying to "rile up" everyone and cause a lot of trouble or some such nonsense. To that staff member I'd like to say: please **** off. I've done nothing to deserve a warning, and nothing to deserve a ban. I'm tired of the over-moderation of these forums, and I'm tired of this superiority complex some of the moderators seem to have (not all of you by any means, some of you are fantastic moderators, people, and friends). I'm tired of people being silenced by moderators for having opinions. I've seen what goes on behind the curtain here, probably more than most members have, and let me tell you, it's not all pretty. I'm being threatened with a ban because a certain someone has a personal reason to attack me, and it is, just like this thread, a load of bullshit.
He speaks the truth...qck was once a mod.I'm here to back ya up anytime buddy!
TEXAS IS VERY PROUD OF BUSH TO WIN THE RE-ELECTION. Nothing is better than the freedom to hunt turkeys with AK-47s and M4s. Hopefully Bush will some day let us use our M-60s. Were also glad becuase we in Texas are very religious and Bush declares he has divine right (like a king.) Were also glad that we will destroy the enviroment and use up the worlds oil supply quicker than ever by drilling in Alaska. And we will continue to fight terrorists while paying them for their oil, and not trying to make an effort to conserve.


(sorry, i was tired after being at my high school which is about 95% conservative)
qckbeam said:
Well this is lovely; a certain staff member has decided to formally warn me about my posts in the political thread. Apparently I'm trying to "rile up" everyone and cause a lot of trouble or some such nonsense. To that staff member I'd like to say: please **** off. I've done nothing to deserve a warning, and nothing to deserve a ban. I'm tired of the over-moderation of these forums, and I'm tired of this superiority complex some of the moderators seem to have (not all of you by any means, some of you are fantastic moderators, people, and friends). I'm tired of people being silenced by moderators for having opinions. I've seen what goes on behind the curtain here, probably more than most members have, and let me tell you, it's not all pretty. I'm being threatened with a ban because a certain someone has a personal reason to attack me, and it is, just like this thread, a load of bullshit.
I agree, mods seem to be using powers for the wrong reasons and personal reasons all too much. I am formally behind you in any case.
qckbeam said:
I don't want to hear anymore of this "We have to rally around our president; what we need is acceptance" bull. I heard the same thing four years ago when Gore lost the election, about how we needed to come together and stand behind our President. I believed it then, and I followed it then despite the intense controversy. I won't be making that mistake again. Look where that got us, look where we are today. I can't respect Bush, I can't respect his administration, and I have lost all respect and sympathy for the people of this country that would not only put him back in office, but give him a Republican Congress as well. This is not the time to sit back and mourn our loss.
As a Republican, I gotta say.....................................................BRAVO! I hope the rest of your party takes this stance, goes even FURTHER to the left, and guarantees a Republican country for generations to come. You go boy!
Hapless said:
As a Republican, I gotta say.....................................................BRAVO! I hope the rest of your party takes this stance, goes even FURTHER to the left, and guarantees a Republican country for generations to come. You go boy!
I for one am going to move to canada and take over, switch over to a socialist dictatorship with me in contorl, start up a giant military, and take over the USA with help from mexico and russia.
Hapless said:
As a Republican, I gotta say.....................................................BRAVO! I hope the rest of your party takes this stance, goes even FURTHER to the left, and guarantees a Republican country for generations to come. You go boy!

Thanks, I'll continue to fight for what I believe is right, and I hope the Democratic party will follow that trend as well this time around. If everyone would have been tough on Bush and called things as they saw them instead of collecting ammo for the campaign, perhaps we wouldn't be where we are right now. I truly believe that the Republican fear machine is what won this election. We let it get too strong because it was unchecked for too long. It won't be happening again.
CyberSh33p said:
I for one am going to move to canada and take over, switch over to a socialist dictatorship with me in contorl, start up a giant military, and take over the USA with help from mexico and russia.

lol Mexico will send there entire army consisting of a jeep with a broken machine gun on the back and a few boys willing to fight for some beer.
KidRock said:
lol Mexico will send there entire army consisting of a jeep with a broken machine gun on the back and a few boys willing to fight for some beer.
yep, you'll never see it coming
Oh I think they have alittle more than a jeep. ..


And with that...I'm off to the haystack. zzZZ
qckbeam said:
I truly believe that the Republican fear machine is what won this election.

Its not long now before that escalates and you find yourselves in some crazy 1984 world...
qckbeam said:
Thanks, I'll continue to fight for what I believe is right, and I hope the Democratic party will follow that trend as well this time around. If everyone would have been tough on Bush and called things as they saw them instead of collecting ammo for the campaign, perhaps we wouldn't be where we are right now. I truly believe that the Republican fear machine is what won this election. We let it get too strong because it was unchecked for too long. It won't be happening again.

If everyone would have been tough on Bush??????? The Republican fear machine? Which party/candidate spouted these fearmongering statements:

1. If ______ wins, there's going to be a draft!!
2. The _________ Party wants to keep you from voting, just like they did in the 60's (with pics of blacks being sprayed with fire hoses)
3. If __________ wins, there's going to be a January surprise!!! He's going to take your social security!!!!!!!
4. If ___________ wins, the Europeans will be really mad at us!!!!!!!!
5. Vote (for Kerry) or DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....and much much more......

I believe the Democrats have drifted SO far to the left that they screwed themselves. Allowing people like Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Springsteen and the like to be the very public face of your campaign and party is akin to the Republicans getting out the ultra right wing, white supremacist idiots to campaign for them, then giving David Duke a seat of honor next to former President Bush at the Republican National Convention and having Matt Hale (white supremacist World Church of the Creator leader) as one of the speakers (just as Michael Moore got to sit next to Jimmy Carter and Al Sharpton was one of the speakers at the DNC). The majority in this country, OBVIOUSLY, does not align itself with those types, on either extreme, so why does the Democratic Party continue to trot these morons out? It has only succeeded in losing them Congress, the White House, and basically the country. It is readily apparent that YOU side with these idiots, given your rant. That is exactly the sort of thing that lost you folks the election.
Hapless said:
If everyone would have been tough on Bush??????? The Republican fear machine? Which party/candidate spouted these fearmongering statements:

1. If ______ wins, there's going to be a draft!!
2. The _________ Party wants to keep you from voting, just like they did in the 60's (with pics of blacks being sprayed with fire hoses)
3. If __________ wins, there's going to be a January surprise!!! He's going to take your social security!!!!!!!
4. If ___________ wins, the Europeans will be really mad at us!!!!!!!!
5. Vote (for Kerry) or DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....and much much more......

I believe the Democrats have drifted SO far to the left that they screwed themselves. Allowing people like Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Bruce Springsteen and the like to be the very public face of your campaign and party is akin to the Republicans getting out the ultra right wing, white supremacist idiots to campaign for them, then giving David Duke a seat of honor next to former President Bush at the Republican National Convention and having Matt Hale (white supremacist World Church of the Creator leader) as one of the speakers (just as Michael Moore got to sit next to Jimmy Carter and Al Sharpton was one of the speakers at the DNC). The majority in this country, OBVIOUSLY, does not align itself with those types, on either extreme, so why does the Democratic Party continue to trot these morons out? It has only succeeded in losing them Congress, the White House, and basically the country. It is readily apparent that YOU side with these idiots, given your rant. That is exactly the sort of thing that lost you folks the election.
the good thing is how much more can a guy eff up a country in 4 years, right? new president in '08, woot.

course, watch him remove the two term limit thing and declare complete authority over the government :p
CyberSh33p said:
course, watch him remove the two term limit thing and declare complete authority over the government :p

Now THAT'S some fear-mongering :cheers: You sure you aren't Republican? ;)
I'm more socialist really

check the av, gimme 25 years and I'll make it reality(minus the fire maybe)
This rightwing triumphalism is bizarre. The Republicans won by planting anti-gay marriage amendments on swing state ballots and pushing the issue relentlessly. IOW, fear of guys kissing won this race. God knows it's not any sort of extremism by the Democrats. The party run by Daschle? Hello?

Interesting question: how can the GOP gin up enough fear of gayness to win in 2006? They've already got the marriage angle covered. God knows they can't run on any real issues. I see Hastert waving a list of fifty - nay five hundred! - names of card-carrying gay people working in the federal government. Maybe a push to keep gay teachers out of public schools. Heaven knows, once you start demagogueing a vulnerable minority the possibilities are endless.