The Christmas loot bag thread


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not getting anything, so I want to drool while viewing everyone else's stuff.

Post pics gogo
What do you mean you aren't getting anything? Like NOTHING at all?

What's your steam name?

OT: So far from my GF I got a shirt with this on it

Got a load of chocolate, smelly stuff and a few items of clothing as well as £100 cash. Not bad :)

Merry Christmas all!
Candy and misc junk food, socks (awesome ones), Inception and Frontline Blurays, a good quality soldering iron to replace my piece of shit one, a The Shins cd, a $40 gift card to a nearby hobby store, and Stephen Colbert's America Again: Re-becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't.

I'll be off to see both sides of my extended family later today, so i'll probably have more candy and gift cards before the day is out.
All I got is Limbo from Smash on Steam, which is a really cool (and sometimes frustating) game.
$100 cash and $25 Macy's gift card. Mom was nice enough to exchange that for more cash with me so now it's $125 cash.
My brothers got me a couple T-shirts (one OFWGKTA, one Regular Show), a new set of headphones which sound amazing, and a set of speakers for my apartment. They swagged me out. I love them. A bit of cash, some chocolate, a nice tea mug, a pair of slippers, and pyjama pants rounds out the rest!
Woolly wine-coloured jumper, grey scarf, grey fingerless gloves, minecraft shirt, a hoodie, South Park socks, a watch, a little plastic Shyguy toy/model, cassette tape to USB converter (for the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy audio dramas I bought at a market a while back), an "emergency power" kit that uses a AA battery to recharge a phone and a shirt.

Not pictured: Canon Digital Rebel that I took the picture with. I finally have something more modern than my old AE-1 Program to take pictures with! Best Buy and Pizza Hut are $50 and $15 respectively.
This is what I got. People know how much I like Jaffa Cakes, apparently:

I got this WETA 'flight to the ford' art print

I also got books on The Hobbit and Game of Thrones TV series, A sustain pedal for my keyboard, a new razor, The Dark Knight Rises on DVD and some chocolates/lollies. Also the odd voucher or two. And a couple of new shirts.
I haven't opened everything but I also received: Plate of home made cookies from my aunt, $60 from my parents, Mass Effect Trilogy from my brother :)
Got candy and vouchers which I used to get myself a few CDs and the Wire box set because I heard it might be pretty okay.

Here are some pretty things which yeah lol physical media but sometimes you just gotta have things, you know.


Just got the rest of my stuff.

She knew exactly what I needed!


Also got a $25 subway gift card :)
$300 cash from parents and grandparents. Probably going towards this month's Verizon bill and a GTX 670.
Got $200 cash for new tires, gift cards for Outback, a $25 gas card, The Walking Dead video game for Xbox, The Walking Dead Compendium Vol 1 and 2 (they're both bible sized) The Expendables bluray/dvd, Batman Dark Knight Rises on bluray/dvd, lots of snacks for work, scratch offs :( no winners, new boxers and new shirts. I also got the Wii U for my birthday/xmas gift from my girlfriend when it came out so I also got Zombi U for xmas. The other games I have (some I bought on my own with birthday cash) are the newest Mario, Skribblenauts, Ninja Gaiden 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Rayman Legends (comes out in February/ March) and the latest Rabbids game too.

My family is very large so I also got a nice cold and I'm very run down from traveling non stop since Sunday
Dota 2 shirt from my cool sister



Dota 2 metal keychain, also from my sister


And $100 of giftcards for my favorite eatery places!

lol physical media but sometimes you just gotta have things, you know.
We shall not even crack jokes about this. I love having physical copies of stuff.

I f*cking love Vinyls.
And $100 of giftcards for my favorite eatery places!

Only one of those places should be considered a favorite eatery.

So by day's end, I also got a gift card to Stop and Shop, another gift card to Cheesecake Factory (that was locked inside a bitch of a 3D maze with a ball bearing inside, took forever to get it out haha), more candy, and an M83 cd titled Hurry Up, We're Dreaming. Good stuff.
You foreigners don't know 'bout Five Guys. Best fast food Burgers & Fries available. All the other chains blow ass in comparison.

I never had five guys. Braum's makes a damn tasty burger. Their beef is flavored so awesomely. Whataburger is good too.
Do Americans have Hero Burger? One just opened a few blocks away from me, I just went there tonight and it's pretty damn great. Never had Five Guys but I think Hero would be on the same level, it's all fresh-made, traceable free-range Angus beef, stuff like that.
You foreigners don't know 'bout Five Guys. Best fast food Burgers & Fries available. All the other chains blow ass in comparison.
Actually, I think Brown Bag Burger might be better. Haven't had it in a while though.
You foreigners don't know 'bout Five Guys. Best fast food Burgers & Fries available. All the other chains blow ass in comparison.
Goddamn yes, I've never supported some one's post with the passion that I support this post.

Snowboarding boots, Sandman #5, a hoodie, a handful of gift cards, nice gloves, and comically oversized binoculars for astronomy stuff.
you're all burger eating fatasses lmao

a metro poopy buttload of clothes some from Doomtree or The Black Angels or just nice clothes in general and my sister gave me a scarf and also I got more alcohol to fuel my habit go to HECK
You foreigners don't know 'bout Five Guys. Best fast food Burgers & Fries available. All the other chains blow ass in comparison.
You foreigners don't know about Handmade Burger Co.

Seriously, though, HMB Co. is like, the best I've had. So fricking good. The burgers there make BK Burgers look like rat patties filled with dog shit and grenades.
I don't like burgers but Five Guys is ok. Used to go twice a month with officemates. I always get mine with A1 sauce. I like them better than In n Out which I tried once in California and everyone else always raves about. The cajun fries are good too.

This year I got caramel popcorn and a few other food items, a blanket, and some cash. And bought myself a couple of CDs because Magic Bullet Records is practically giving them away for their holiday sale. I got the two Romance of Young Tigers CDs for $4, plus they mailed extra music because they are nice.
-LOTR extended edition bluray set
-Creative 5.1 computer speakers (which I got for $60 with a gift card and are way more awesome than expected!)
-Game of Thrones blurays
- $50steam gift card
-A new Martin acoustic!! :))) (for my birthday, which is on x-mas)
-an iphone case that makes it look like a PC hard drive
-Asus DGX soundcard to replace the super nice Xense one I sold
-Forza 3... A little late to the whole "Forza party"
-An official "Dexter" kill shirt from american apparel, and a mug that gets bloody when you put hot water in it

It was a good xmas.
Lord of the Rings 1969 India Paper 1-volume edition

Hoodie, gloves, Civ 5 expansion, hat, food stuffs, other books, Labyrinth special edition DVD.