The doctor will see you now...

I was laying down until 1:14PM MST because I had a headache, then once I came out and tried to unlock everything my internet was down for over twenty minutes. It's working now though, 40%. Still gotta pretty bad headache, but the pain means nothing compared to the joy that I will be experience in just minutes!
Im at school now and i just built my compy last night... I hope the preload is done when i come home :)

Happy HL2-day.
Out of interest is this loading while people download the remainder of the game via steam. Id hate to think I have to transfer anything on my dialup when i grab mine from the store tomorrow...
Smigit said:
Out of interest is this loading while people download the remainder of the game via steam. Id hate to think I have to transfer anything on my dialup when i grab mine from the store tomorrow...
From what I can tell this loading goes something like this:

Start decrypting files
Freeze decrypting and download a small file in the background
continue decrypting files
Freeze decrypting and download a small file in the background
continue decrypting files

I have a high speed connection but due to strange problems involving how steam seems to work in relation to the fact that my connection is my University it only downloads on steam at a rate very close to dial-up speeds.

Its been about 40 minutes so far for me since I started this whole process and it is currently at 80%, so this is do-able with dial-up.

Although since you are getting retail I don't have a clue how that will work, you may be able to skip most of this process for all I know.
I was wrong: they apparently set up a troubleshooting page really quick: really slick stuff. Course, it still doesn't work (me cries and cries and cries....) ;(
Apos said:
I was wrong: they apparently set up a troubleshooting page really quick: really slick stuff. Course, it still doesn't work (me cries and cries and cries....) ;(
/me pats Apos on the head

Don't worry, you'll get it to work soon enough. :) :D
At least Valve is being so cool about it. I mean, look, here I am crying my eyes out on the Shackboards, and out of the blue some Valve guy comes and points me at the new support system and even suggests that they might get to my error tonight if possible! Sweet.
The Mullinator said:
From what I can tell this loading goes something like this:

Start decrypting files
Freeze decrypting and download a small file in the background
continue decrypting files
Freeze decrypting and download a small file in the background
continue decrypting files

I have a high speed connection but due to strange problems involving how steam seems to work in relation to the fact that my connection is my University it only downloads on steam at a rate very close to dial-up speeds.

Its been about 40 minutes so far for me since I started this whole process and it is currently at 80%, so this is do-able with dial-up.

Although since you are getting retail I don't have a clue how that will work, you may be able to skip most of this process for all I know.
hopefully, I cant imagine it has to download anything or the like that may occur on steam, probably a much simpler process. *preys*
Holy crap. Valve earns mega-cookies on this: I didn't even have to track down support: I just burst into tears like a baby posting on a random fan messageboard, and out of the blue a support guy and eventually Erik Johnson himself both track ME down and try to help fix the problem!

That's pretty damn cool.
Why must you tease me?

;( ;( ;( ;( ;(

Hope you guys have fun playing, I'll be in the same boat as you soon. So this is my temp-leave post, I can't risk any spoilers after getting this far along.

A month and I'll be back.

Cheers :)
A little slow to begin with... the cuts between loading gets to be a pain in the beginning... but, now that there is a bit of action, I'm kinda diggin it...

A few small graphical glitches appear from time to time with my GeForce 6800, but nothing a future driver won't fix.
Holy shit on a stick Batman. I can't believe how much this game kicks ass. I have a pistol and I'm shooting the combine and they're blowing up and ragdollin and things are happening and I'm watching barnacles pull up barrels and and and...OMG. This game is a thing of beauty. :O :O :O
Stop with the spoilers, even the small ones, you bastards! :) use the spoiler tag for goodness sakes, not all of us are playing yet. :)
*real physical tears come to my eyes*

What a ****ing great day. I just got the pistol and decided to see how everyone else was doing. So far things are just as awesome as I expected. And to see that level of tech support out of valve really, really means something.

Three cheers for Valve everyone, they do shit the way it's supposed to be done.
bah, the anticipation is OVER !!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Playing through it on hard, im only doing a couple chapters, so far it's the heat. Best game I have ever played so far. I love the bunnyhopping, as they took out strafe jumping, but you can build up speed by bunnyhopping in a straight line.

I can't say how great this game is so far, it's got the feel of the original half-life, with constant noise, but it's got a weird european feel at the same time, it's just incredible. I'm looking forward to playing some more tonight.
Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's 10:22 AM here in Portugal, and here the game unlocked at 8:00 AM.
Just managed to play it for 10 minutes before leaving for work ( where i am now :flame: ), and i didn't even got to use any weapon... but i can already say this:

I want to go home to play HL2!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
hope to play once i grab mine from the store :\
have fun all!!11
THE best GAME OF ALL TIME HALFLIFE 222222222!!!!!!!!!!! been playing since 3 a.m eastern
Just a quickie peeps.
Anyone know how to backup Hl2 + Cs:S onto spanned CD's????
the backup utility just says 0MB available??!!
any help appreciated as I don't really wanna have to Dl'd 4 gig again :s
Yep, the game rocks. It's so incredibly cool I'm beginning to think this is a giant step for mankind, or something.

It's so cool we need a new alphabet to make words capable to describe how cool this game is. Hell we need new sounds as well. Something like: "This game is kweeaatzzchkrrrrrrrrbborrnoo" wich means really cool times infinity and beyond.
Chris_D said:
Restart your Steam browsers and enjoy this time, it probably won't get this good ever again.

Now where is my HL3? Huh???
if the current cycle is any indication of future half life games, HL3 will come out in 2010
i have to go to school! :(

welcome, welcome to the longest day of your life... its shittier here