The Future of the Half-Life Saga

Sep 7, 2008
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I am very interested to find out what Valve will do with the Half-Life series after Episode Three is released. After some speculation, Gabe Newell himself had confirmed that Episode Four was a no-go, so what's next? Will there be another Half-Life game after Episode Three? I suppose we will have to see the ending of Episode Three before we can speculate about whether a new game should come after it, based on how the storyline unfolds. However, I can't imagine Valve ending the Half-Life series after Episode Three. It's their most successful series, and it has so many fans. The Half-Life series is something that Valve can continue to add on to for as long as they'd like, and it's too good to let die after only five game releases, three of which were not full-length games.

So, my question to you is this: what will come after Episode Three, if anything? I believe that we will see at least one more game after Episode Three. I'm hoping to see another full-length game after EP3, and hopefully it will be called Half-Life 3. I'm in the mood to play a game that goes on for more than six hours. However, how long would it take to make a game that is around 20 hours long, such as Half-Life 2? Think about how long it took Valve to develop and release Half-Life 2. Sure, they had to create a new gaming engine from scratch, but the mapping alone for a 20-hour game must take a long time. I'd like to see a "Half-Life 3", but I don't want to have to wait another eight years to see it. Plus, if they decide to develop another full-length Half-Life game, will they choose to design a brand new engine from the ground up, instead of simply updating the Source engine again? I suppose the answer is simple: so many questions; so little time.

So, this topic is mainly for speculation and discussion about the projected future of the Half-Life saga, and where the fans believe it will go in the coming years, and hopefully even decades. Please discuss, as I would like to see some various answers to the interesting questions I posed above.
I hope that they come out with Half-Life 3. It would be great, but I definitley think it won't take 8 years to create it. Considering that Half-Life 2 took, well 8 years to make, but they had to make the engine, plus they probably didn't start Half-Life 2 right after they made Half-Life 1. Half-Life 3 would probably be the last game in the series if they do make it, which they probably will, and the most epic too.
Yes, but Opposing Force and Blue Shift were add-ons. I wonder how long it would take Valve to make another full-length game while just focusing on creating that one game alone and using the Source engine to run it.
Half life 2:2004

Thats six years. And dont forget OpForce and BluShft.

Ah, yes, sorry about that, I'm just tired. Well, then yeah, that proves my point even more.

Yeah, Opposing Force and Blue Shift were games made by gearbox, though. So Valve wasn't involved with it too much.

Yes, but Opposing Force and Blue Shift were add-ons. I wonder how long it would take Valve to make another full-length game while just focusing on creating that one game alone and using the Source engine to run it.

For a full length game like Half-Life 2. I'd say maybe 3 years. That's just an estimate. Maybe a little longer.
After some speculation, Gabe Newell himself had confirmed that Episode Four was a no-go, so what's next? Will there be another Half-Life game after Episode Three? I suppose we will have to see the ending of Episode Three before we can speculate about whether a new game should come after it, based on how the storyline unfolds. However, I can't imagine Valve ending the Half-Life series after Episode Three.

It's been confirmed that there will be more Half Life after episode 3, so it's not a matter of if they'll make new content, but when. Source:

And as for the "when," you have to consider that they would probably develop a new engine, or at least heavily expand upon the current Source engine, which in itself can take years.
If they do upgrade the engine I doubt it will be as dramatic a change as it was from hl1 to hl2.
What valve should do is finish the HL2 story with Episode 3, then begin working on a whole new engine that would introduce a completely large scale half life like a half life 3. It should have mainly new characters, new setiing, new weapons, and have a different story but somewhat connects to hl2, just liek the hl2 story connected to hl1 a little... of course, having gordon and gman is mandatory for all hl games except expansions...

And to sneaki, you're rigth and wrong. The changes we may see from Source to Valves next engine may not seem as big as hl1-hl2 because Source is already being kept pretty up to date with all the lighting and constant upgrades for every product they release. But on the other hand, look how far we've come in graphical technology, Crysis looks pretty damn realistic and if valve releases another half life, it wouldnt be for many years and the graphics would be wayyy beyond crysis, so you never know...
Eh, I wouldn't really like having a game called: Half-Life 3, with a different storyline, new characters, and new weapons and all that. I don't understand why they would have to do that.

But, yeah. I don't know how they could update their graphics engine anymore. I mean, it looks really good with the new source engine they had with Episode Two. But, they definitely could make it look a little better. It doesn't have to be all graphics either that they update.
I hope they finally make a new game that has nothing at all to do with Half-Life.
Well, they are. Left 4 Dead.

Plus, they are making Episode Three. So once they are done that they will probably get more in tune with making games that have nothing to do with Half-Life.
Eh, I wouldn't really like having a game called: Half-Life 3, with a different storyline, new characters, and new weapons and all that. I don't understand why they would have to do that.

But, yeah. I don't know how they could update their graphics engine anymore. I mean, it looks really good with the new source engine they had with Episode Two. But, they definitely could make it look a little better. It doesn't have to be all graphics either that they update.

So you're saying that even beyond episode 3, you want to continue to use the same weapons, same characters, and continue being about humanity getting raped by the combine?

Im going off what half life 2 did, it was connected to half life 1, but it brought so many new and original thing, so half life 3 shoudl do that with half life 2... see? hmmm, nm
So you're saying that even beyond episode 3, you want to continue to use the same weapons, same characters, and continue being about humanity getting raped by the combine?

Im going off what half life 2 did, it was connected to half life 1, but it brought so many new and original thing, so half life 3 shoudl do that with half life 2... see? hmmm, nm

Well, I would like to see new weapons, yes, but keep some of the old ones, like the gravity gun and crowbar. I would also still like to see Kliener and Barney and Alyx. I don't understand why they would have to be taken out. And I would like to think of Half-Life 3 as the final fight against the Combine.
As I stated in another thread, any major characters that survive Episode 3 (let's just say Alyx lives) have a pretty high chance of carrying over into Half Life 3. HL2 expanded on HL1 characters/added a few more, so I don't see why HL3 can't do the same. Of course, the difference is, HL1 didn't have any unique characters, aside from the Gman, so Valve had no choice but to pick Scientist A and turn him into a prominent figure, such as Eli.
Yeah, exactly. Alyx, Kliener, Barney, Magnusson, Mossman, and the Rebels should all be in HL3. Of course we can never know what happens to the characters through the course of the next games, but we should definitely see Alyx.
It would be interesting if Mossman died right after you saved her. Annoying, but interesting.
Awesome idea incoming!

You know how they made Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy, Lego Batman?

Lego Half-life.
I think Alyx and Barney have become such an important part of both the story and the actual gameplay, it wouldn't be good to lose them. Plus they're both extremely popular with the fanbase, and surely Valve won't want to get rid of another major character.
Headcrab Pie said:
Awesome idea incoming!

You know how they made Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy, Lego Batman?

Lego Half-life.

It's already been thought of by many people including myself. It would be cool though.
Awesome idea incoming!

You know how they made Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy, Lego Batman?

Lego Half-life.
It's unlikely to see something like that, but it sure would be awesome. If they haven't created a Halo LEGO set or game yet, then I doubt they'll do one for Half-Life. Still, it would be something interesting.
How about a pokeman like game where you catch xen aliens?
I am very interested to find out what Valve will do with the Half-Life series after Episode Three is released. After some speculation, Gabe Newell himself had confirmed that Episode Four was a no-go, so what's next?

Hey, do you happen to have a link where Gabe said that?
Awesome idea incoming!

You know how they made Lego Star Wars, Lego Indy, Lego Batman?

Lego Half-life.

It's unlikely to see something like that, but it sure would be awesome. If they haven't created a Halo LEGO set or game yet, then I doubt they'll do one for Half-Life. Still, it would be something interesting.

I heard that they were gonna create a Lego Halo game.

Me too, but I haven't heard anything about the development of it lately.

How about a pokeman like game where you catch xen aliens?

I completely disagree... They should make Half-Life games until the end of days... Or at least until they run out of ideas.

Also; Fonzie jumping a shark=AWESOMNESS!
How about a pokeman like game where you catch xen aliens?
Darkside not only approves of, but endorses your idea. My Xenmon team would be a bullsquid, an archer, a kingpin, a panthereye, a stukabat, and a voltigore.

I will battle all challengers.
I would actually like to see them ending the Half-Life saga by resolving any outstanding plot arcs and finally exposing all relevant mysteries at the end
I agree with that statement of yours. I have always worried that the end of the Half-Life series will leave many unanswered questions about the G-Man, Black Mesa, the thing that Eli was going to tell Gordon when they got to White Forrest before he died, and why the G-Man told Alyx to say to her father "Be prepared for unforeseen consequences." Many more questions remain to be answered, but those are the foremost in my mind. Now, when the G-Man was talking about "unforeseen consequences," maybe he was referring to Eli dying? Maybe, but I think he was talking about something farther into the future of the Half-Life storyline. It's all a bit confusing, and my worry is the same as yours in that the last Half-Life game will finally answer every questions and mystery left in the storyline. Because, as it has been seen before, ending a story without solving the many mysteries of it is always disappointing and aggravating to the fans, especially in a game series such as Half-Life.

I feel that the biggest unrevealed mystery yet, however, is Who is the G-Man, and who does he work for? That is a question I can't wait to see the answer to.
If you read between the lines you can already tell who g-man is to gordon freeman.