The titles.


Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
I know this isn't really that important, but I don't see why 'Headcrab' is above 'Manhack', since a manhack could easily kill a Zombie, which is well above Heacrab.

Ah well, as I said, it's unimportant, I just wanted to say. Oh, and also, could I maybe see a list of the titles? Just intrigued.
I once sorted the list of members by post count and came up with this list:

0 14 Scanner
15 99 Manhack
100 249 Headcrab/Barnacle
250 299 Headcrab
300 649 Headcrab/Poison Headcrab
650 749 Poison Headcrab/Fast Headcrab
750 999 Fast Headcrab
1000 1499 Zombie
1500 2249 Poison Zombie
2250 2999 Fast Zombie
3000 3999 Ant Lion
4000 4999 Metrocop
5000 5999 Combine Soldier
6000 6999 Combine Elite
7000 8499 Ant Lion Guard
8500 Ant Lion Guard/Gunship
16000 21295+ Combine Overlord

Not sure what the deal is with the overlaps, posts per day or somthing like that perhaps?



They are out there
I don't need a fancy title to tell me who I am.

EDIT: ant lion guard, lol.
I thought it was determined by the amount of threat against Gordon :/
Yeah, but I thinking the poison headcrab is more of a threat than a regular zombie. I tihnk overall attack is what it's based on. Also, there's no way a Metrocop is more of a threat than a Poison or Fast Zombie (at least when he's armed with anything less than an SMG).
meh sockmonkey is what you're all shooting for anyways: sockmonkey > Combine Overlord
I would never want to be a sock monkey.

I want the title of Cow God.
Call me sheep-shifter and I will sex you up
Because manhacks are less significant than headcrabs.
This thread is pointless.
Biozeminades? Did I say biozeminades? Surely, I didn't!



Don't tel my superiors and I'll give you a free beating.
*I'm not listening to you,Combine Overlord.
I have no fear of you.*
So people here are supposed to fight with the Combines and Monsters?
Damn,what about the Rebellion?I wanna be a Rebel Commander!!
Why bump Oreo?

Also, where do hunters have a place? Do they have a place?
meh sockmonkey is what you're all shooting for anyways: sockmonkey > Combine Overlord

I can't believe you have over 1k of posts already. I swear every night a mod just ups your posts by 50 or so. Subtly.