

Jun 17, 2007
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When reading all of these threads and posts and whatnots something has occurred to me. There has been a revelation. Now I will tell all about the cake and what exactly Aperture Science could possibly be doing...

In the website for Aperture Science it talks a lot about cake. To me it seems as if the cake is standing purely as a motivational object to the tester, whoever the tester is. What I am about to say is purely speculation, but I think that the woman in the game is not the only one who has been through the tests, judging by the way the game is designed and the fact that there is writing from other test subjects on the wall. Maybe the voice that you hear throughout the game is an intelligent AI system promised cake by its advisors. It would seem that the AI would want a cake once the project is done seeing that it is an AI and has never tasted anything before. Quite possibly there could be a level where you are almost baked to death (radioactively baked that is).

Through further speculation by yours truly it has occurred to me that humans could quite possibly be one of the many races that have been tested by Aperture Science. Maybe this is just blind luck but I want everyone to hear this, I want everyone to know this.

In Half-Life 2 the only people you see that can use the Human portals are humans themselves. Maybe, just maybe, humans are the only species that can properly teleport from one locale to another without dying or being mutated. It seems that the Combine could quite possibly have genetically modified themselves so they can teleport at all. We have only seen Humans teleport in HL2...this is so mysterious and so...makes sense. Please discuss, I want all edges of this covered.
Why wouldn't other species be able to go through the portals without dying? Also, I doubt the announcer is much of an AI, just a recording programmed to play whenever the test subject progresses.
Well Riomhare, some might die or become mutated just becasue of the way their DNA is configured, and the AI is obvious. Check this out--

THECAKEISALIE there is an A and an I in there....hehe anyways that is bull but i am pretty sure bout the species thing because i just have this nervous feeling...also i like your avatar, i just wish there was the Gman pic on the screen behind the vorty....
We eat cakes to get health in Portal.
Well Riomhare, some might die or become mutated just becasue of the way their DNA is configured....
I don't get it. In Half-Life you can see how thousands of aliens were teleported and nothing happend.
The reason you never see the Combine teleport is because their teleportation technology is not as refined as Kleiner and Eli's. However, Mossman was sent to spy on their work so that she could then get the Citadel's teleport in working order.