thief series


May 19, 2003
Reaction score
so i got thief: deadly shadows in the steam sales and i've just started playing. I haven't experienced tension this thick in a game for a long time, and while the game does look and feel a bit aged nowaday -- it kicks ass. The sound design and voice acting especially stick out in my mind.

Are the previous two thief titles along the same lines as the third? I'm thinking of getting 'em all.

P.S: I heard there's a fairly spooky level later in thief that takes place in an orphanage? How is it in terms of scariness level? I don't have such a good track record with the creepy in my games.
The first two are excellent games, many say the third is the weakest in the series. As with System Shock 2, the older Thief games take some configuring to get up and running, but are well worth it.
so i got thief: deadly shadows in the steam sales and i've just started playing. I haven't experienced tension this thick in a game for a long time, and while the game does look and feel a bit aged nowaday -- it kicks ass. The sound design and voice acting especially stick out in my mind.

Are the previous two thief titles along the same lines as the third? I'm thinking of getting 'em all.

P.S: I heard there's a fairly spooky level later in thief that takes place in an orphanage? How is it in terms of scariness level? I don't have such a good track record with the creepy in my games.

So glad you're enjoying it dude, Thief 3 (despite the consoley limitations) is one of my favourite games. It's just a shame you rarely feel any scale in the places you're in.

The first two are super-old now but still, get on it, the gameplay and the tension are still there, and Thief 2's levels are huge and great exploring. Plus you get Garrett's sexy voice in all three.

'Giant Rats. Riiiight.'

Look forward to the orphanage, it's fantastic. But it is also super-****ing scary.
Thief 2's really good, on-par and probably better than Thief 3 (a.k.a Deadly Shadows). As jondy mentioned, large levels, also rope/vine arrows actually come in useful - think Tom Cruise's hacking scene in Mission Impossible except as a thief.

Thief 1 is also quite good, but can be a pain when coming to it from the 2nd or 3rd game - there are tonnes of undead unlike the later games, thus blackjacking tactics you may be used to already will not work. It also suffers graphically compared to the later two games.
Yeah I also bought Thief 3, and I am kicking myself for having not experienced this sooner. It is a fantastic game so far, right up my alley in terms of the kind of stealth game I like to play.

I am also looking forward to playing the Cradle, heard very good things about it.

Also shooting Moss Arrows at people is hilarious.
Yeah I also bought Thief 3, and I am kicking myself for having not experienced this sooner. It is a fantastic game so far, right up my alley in terms of the kind of stealth game I like to play.

I am also looking forward to playing the Cradle, heard very good things about it.

Also shooting Moss Arrows at people is hilarious.

This game would have already had a sequel if more people had tried it. Thief 1 and 2 were fantastic but the third one took forever to come along and everone sort of glossed over it. Granted it wasn't perfect, but it did capture the essence of Thief and added some additional free roaming (plus lame loads). I keep hearing about a fourth one coming along but no one is admitting it. Whoever bought the rights last was talking about it so here's hoping they go for it.
The thief series are very,very good, but don't expect much graphic wise from the first two.

Tbh, I found Thief 3 way easier than Thief 1, mostly because thief 1 is mostly about GOD ****ING ZOMBIES AND VARRENS WHY ISN'T THIS CITY DEAD YET?

Also, Constantine's rooms and chambers of dimensional rifts and tears in the space-time continuum are awesomely fun. Except for the rat-men and praying-mantises and the exploding kamikaze frogs.

I've been looking for Thief 2 for the past 5 years, and have never managed to procure a copy. My Thief 1 CD has deterioriated to unusable levels, so I am sadly unable to regain the happiness that is found in saving the known universe and stealing people's shit.
Love the Thief series as well. I first experienced it with Thief 3, but then went back and got the first two and wished I had gotten all over them when they first released. Still awesome games that best a lot of current offerings in terms of atmosphere and gameplay and just about everything else. Glad you enjoy them too!! :thumbs:
I haven't played Deadly Shadows but I have played Thief 1 and 2 and they are amazing. Very old games(graphically speaking) but everything about them rocks my world.
Thief 1 also has the scariest level I have ever played in a video game ever!
Get them now, you won't be disappointed!
The Thief series are amazing. The cutscenes still look great to this day and show that even the best rendered facial wrinkles and acme just can't compete with stylized, immortal graphics.
*i better use the sewers...OH SHIT, SPIDERS EVERYWHERE!"
I can get the trilogy for about $30 USD...might go for it...

edit: will all 3 run on windows 7?
Thief is probably my favorite game series ever. Thief 1, the cathedral, was basically the scariest thing I've ever experienced. I haven't played 3 though... but now that I have a laptop and steam, I should get on it.
I never finished Thief 2 and never even tried the original Thief.:[

They're on my extremely large to-do list.

Watched a great Let's Play of Thief 2 Gold just last month though, it does seem to be a great game.
I have a problem whit thief deadly shadows

when I go to the menus it freezes

when I press escape it freezes

even when I read something it freezes too

it has been happening to me since I started the city level

it wasnt happening before

any help?

I have vista
I never played the Thief series, but zombies? I had no idea there were any mythical creatures in those games.
I never played the Thief series, but zombies? I had no idea there were any mythical creatures in those games.

The first one has a lot of plant-like and animal-like creatures toward the end. The second one has steam powered robots. The third one has a fairly wide assortment of mythical jerks. The zombies are only in one part though... the scary asylum.
Seems like a very cool game but I don't think I could handle the graphics of the first two :p
i played the 3rd game and it was really good, i own thief 1 and 2 aswell but i cant get them to run on my pc :(
Thief is such a brilliant series. I actually only completed the first two games last year. Visually underwhelming? The thing is, these Dark Engine games always looked crap. They're just of that pedigree where everything is as good as it reasonably could have been, through such gimpy technology... and then some. Every texture does its job, the cutscenes are stylish yet economical and the sound work is genuinely as good as the best of the following decade. They focused on what was most immersive - spatial sound quality, lighting, story and voices - over what was most technically impressive (polygons, ultra-large textures).

Even the Thief 2 expansion-sized fan missions, 'Shadows of the Metal Age' are bloody good too. Sure, the main character is hardly Garrett (and definitely not Stephen Russell), but there's a damned load of respectable effort gone into an aspect most fan-mods wouldn't think twice about.
i wouldn't expect any news of thief 4 until Deus Ex 3 comes out, so probably a 2012 release then :|
thiaf? what?

On topic: I've always wanted to play Thief 1 and 2, never got around to looking at them though. Thief 3 was one of the most immersive games I've ever played.

thi4f is the official logo :/ it sucks...
Edith Thi4f is just the teaser logo. They already said so, and would be pretty daft to go ahead with it anyway.
the reception to thiaf was that bad they had to say it was a teaser :p

clearly a uturn move lol