The Mullinator
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What is City-17? Thats a question that we have not had an answer to. Until now. For anyone that has read my theory over on the "Combines - Angry Russians " thread. Anyway read this article and you will know what my theory was as to what City 17 might be. This is the article here in this article of Secret Russian Cities. So much of what is in the article applies to what we know of City-17 thus far, and it might even help to explain part of the story of HL2. The article even goes as far as to provide the names and links to some of these former secret cities(although non of the links I tried worked). Here are some of the more important paragraphs in the article...
Another article can be found here
This is a motherload of info on where HalfLife 2 will take place, please read it all and discuss.
EDIT: Thanks Jager for the Link
In response to the immense challenge of the unfolding East-West arms race, Stalin decided to create dozens of centers of research and development excellence in the USSR. Some of these so-called "Naukograds" [Science Towns] were "Akademgorodok" [Academic Cities} devoted to basic research. Others were secret cities which were to provide the technical foundation for Soviet military technology - sputniks, long-range missiles, thermonuclear warheads of extreme yield. Among the work performed in such places were chemical, biological and nuclear weapons research and manufacturing, enrichment of plutonium, space research, and military intelligence work.
Such "secret cities" were known only by a postal code, identified with a name and a number. Originally, the number following the city was the distance in kilometers the facility was located from the city. In practice, the numbers were in some instances arbitrarily assigned, and changed from time to time, to obscure the actual location of the installation. Thus, the All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF) was initially known as Arzamas-60, a postal code designation to show that it was 60 km from the city of Arzamas. But the "60" was considered too sensitive, and the number was changed to "16." In 1947 the entire city of Sarov (Arzamas-16) disappeared from all official Russian maps and statistical documents. The facility has also been known Moscow-300, the town of Kremlev, and Arzamas-75. Zlatoust-20 is probably the same as Zlatoust-36, and Kurchatov-21, Moscow-21, Moscow-400 and Semipalatinsk-121 are almost certainly the same as Semipalatinsk-16.
that explains the wall surrounding City-17The "secret cities" share these characteristics, but they were separated from other urban areas, self-contained, and protected by fences and guard forces. The secret cities require a special permit for entrance, and are usually surrounded by a concrete wall. Personnel working in the Soviet nuclear complex were under heavy surveillance by the KGB, and underwent an intensive screening process, and their activities were closely monitored. Soviet-era control systems relied heavily on keeping personnel and materiel in secret cities and facilities, closely monitoring nuclear industry personnel, and severely punishing control violations.
Another article can be found here
This is a motherload of info on where HalfLife 2 will take place, please read it all and discuss.
EDIT: Thanks Jager for the Link