

  • Tomatoes are leet.

    Votes: 17 70.8%
  • Rather lick George Bush's Grandma's Bush >=D

    Votes: 7 29.2%

  • Total voters


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Well, Im not a big fan of raw tamatoes on a sammich or a burger. I like ketchup though. My mom said I was a freak because i was the only one she knew who doesnt like tamaters. I wanna find out If i am a freak or if theres others out there like me
Plz...why all the spam? Cant we take away the "postmeter"?

Or should i be a moderator so i can delete every spam thread?

(okey, let the flaming begin!)
Tomatoes pwn.

I can eat them raw, but I have to eat it with something, like a sandwich or burger. Pasta sauce/pizza suace, ketchup, and salsa are the reasons why I respect tomatoes.

Originally posted by Majestic XII
Plz...why all the spam? Cant we take away the "postmeter"?

Or should i be a moderator so i can delete every spam thread?

(okey, let the flaming begin!)

I'm with you on this.
don't you people have normal non-internet friends to discuss the subject of tomatoes with? no offense or anything...
nope sorry, can't stand the things, UCK!
I dont like tomatoes, and i dont like dead peoples bushes, so uh i jus wont vote, but if i had to id vote for the tomats. I like Cheeseburgers better tho, they own tomatoes and grandma's
Damnit dont take it so seriously, Im not spamming, i wanted to know.
I first registered when the board had about 300 posts in General Discussion, ive been going here a lot longer than you guys have, but i dont constantly post, i dont care about my post count.
i like ketchup and tomato soup but not tomatoes.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Plz...why all the spam? Cant we take away the "postmeter"?

Or should i be a moderator so i can delete every spam thread?

can I be a moderator? :)

this is isn't too bad..... it could be a valuable discussion.... as long as people don't just post

"T0m@t035 pwnz j00" (or something along those lines.... i don't speak leet... so i don't know :P)

I personally like tomatoes.... as they are healthy and cherry tomatoes are the nicest in light pre-lunch salads :)
Tomatoes are great, especially in condiment form (salsa, ketchup, etc).
I wasnt meaning to SPAM damnit! i just wanted to know
I'm another one who hates tomatoes but likes tomato sauce, why do people say if you like tomato sauce you like tomatoes ? :p
Its like when people say. "Do you like peanut butter? Well do you like butter?" "Yes" "Do you like Peanuts?" "No." "So why don....oh wait."

Anyway they assume that because you like butter and peanuts you automatically like peanut butter, even though thats not what it is.

I dont like tomatoes, although i like tomato products like ketchup and tomato soup. Which by the way are healthier for you than un processed tomato.
lol, i rememeber reading that book when i was little :D

EDIT: You've forced me to download it now :D
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Or should i be a moderator so i can delete every spam thread?

(okey, let the flaming begin!)
/me raises hand.

I should get first dibs at being a mod, I asked Munro a while back and he said, "I'm not looking for mods at the moment but I'll let you know when I do."

Plus, I have moderator experience :P
Originally posted by Stone
lol, i rememeber reading that book when i was little :D

EDIT: You've forced me to download it now :D
yeah.....Downloading....childrens books.....on!
wow, I feel like 5 again... must resist urge to type in 133t speech... :P
only joking can't stand the stuff, and it just irritates me...
Plum tomatoes--slice off the top, salt and eat...the best...
or a big slice of beefsteak tomato & mayonaise sandwich!
I'm growing three different kinds out back.
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Plum tomatoes--slice off the top, salt and eat...the best...
or a big slice of beefsteak tomato & mayonaise sandwich!
I'm growing three different kinds out back.
Huh? different kinds of tomatoes? Beefsteak? Does it taste like beef?
I dont know why everyone is yelling at me saying im stupid because this is a spam thread ITS NoT! I wanted to know dam,nit
Of course there are different kinds. It is a reference to size and shape. Beefsteak is an old term...a cut of beef that was the size of a man's hand without the fingers or thumb. A beefsteak tomato is big-the size of a grow man's palm and round. Slicing/Vine tomato are medium sized--like a billard ball. Plum/Roma is a little smaller and taller than wide-very meaty inside-little pulp (great if you don't like tomato pulp). Cherry tomatoes are like a large cherry. Grape Tomatoes are the smallest--you guessed it like grapes.

Okay..I'm hungry again...
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Of course there are different kinds. It is a reference to size and shape. Beefsteak is an old term...a cut of beef that was the size of a man's hand without the fingers or thumb. A beefsteak tomato is big-the size of a grow man's palm and round. Slicing/Vine tomato are medium sized--like a billard ball. Plum/Roma is a little smaller and taller than wide-very meaty inside-little pulp (great if you don't like tomato pulp). Cherry tomatoes are like a large cherry. Grape Tomatoes are the smallest--you guessed it like grapes.

Okay..I'm hungry again...

Wow .. I never knew we had such experts on vegetables (uggh fruits :) ) here.
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Of course there are different kinds. It is a reference to size and shape. Beefsteak is an old term...a cut of beef that was the size of a man's hand without the fingers or thumb. A beefsteak tomato is big-the size of a grow man's palm and round. Slicing/Vine tomato are medium sized--like a billard ball. Plum/Roma is a little smaller and taller than wide-very meaty inside-little pulp (great if you don't like tomato pulp). Cherry tomatoes are like a large cherry. Grape Tomatoes are the smallest--you guessed it like grapes.

Okay..I'm hungry again...
I would like to throw one of them big ones at someone, that'd be quite delicious if you ask me.
Rice pudding rules!!, rofl, I eat whole tins a once :D, for those who like tomatoes what do you like to have with em, so we can make spud say "EWW!!" :laugh: