This is ment partly in jest, but its also from reading countless websites of countless mods that have not made it. Lets be frank, most of the mods listed at moddb are totally dead.
#1.Mod is based on movie/show/book/anime
"Lawsuits? Like AOL-Time-Warner has lawyers? As if!"
#2.Mod leader does not program c++
"But I'm a totally awsome modeler and I can even make websites"
#3.Mod leader uses l33t speak
"0f cOUR$e 1'M m4TuRE eNOU9H T0 le4d! "
#4.Mod leader spams posts
"If I don't make enough posts, I'll never find enough people to do the work for me!"
#5.Game plan promises single player, multiplayer deathmatch and co-op.
" will have multiplayer along WITH the epic 12-chapter single player!"
#6.Mod leader refuses to use proper grammer
"lol, just thought we shud all try and write sum song lyrics for, lol !!!!!!!"
#7.Mod has switched games 2 or more times
"first we were for half-life, then quake III cause it had better graphics. But then Unreal Tournament 2003 came out! Hey, did you just see the HL2 movies!?!"
#8.Mod leader is in it for money/power
"and then we'll win the contest cause our mod will obviously be the best, and we can use the money for..."
#9.Mod leader uses makes highly unnecessary use of animated smilies.
" :afro: :cheers: :bounce:
#10.Mod leader has time to make inane posts.
#1.Mod is based on movie/show/book/anime
"Lawsuits? Like AOL-Time-Warner has lawyers? As if!"
#2.Mod leader does not program c++
"But I'm a totally awsome modeler and I can even make websites"
#3.Mod leader uses l33t speak
"0f cOUR$e 1'M m4TuRE eNOU9H T0 le4d! "
#4.Mod leader spams posts
"If I don't make enough posts, I'll never find enough people to do the work for me!"
#5.Game plan promises single player, multiplayer deathmatch and co-op.
" will have multiplayer along WITH the epic 12-chapter single player!"
#6.Mod leader refuses to use proper grammer
"lol, just thought we shud all try and write sum song lyrics for, lol !!!!!!!"
#7.Mod has switched games 2 or more times
"first we were for half-life, then quake III cause it had better graphics. But then Unreal Tournament 2003 came out! Hey, did you just see the HL2 movies!?!"
#8.Mod leader is in it for money/power
"and then we'll win the contest cause our mod will obviously be the best, and we can use the money for..."
#9.Mod leader uses makes highly unnecessary use of animated smilies.
" :afro: :cheers: :bounce:
#10.Mod leader has time to make inane posts.