Two New Screenshots

Or, of course, they rounded them up in the streets and altered them through force. It isn't like they were going to ask nicely.
Or, of course, they rounded them up in the streets and altered them through force. It isn't like they were going to ask nicely.

"Join the combine forces!"
"Don't make me say please!"
"I'm not joining."
"You're breaking my balls here..."
"You're a giant slug..."
"just join for me?"
"You have a whole armada of unworldly synthetic creatures tougher than the strongest earth metal, but you can't force a fleshy human to join the combine?"
"... Please?"

Nah, we'll never go to the homeworld. At this stage, I don't think they even have one, and mainly because it's totally out of the realms of plausible. Gordon and co are fighting a bunch of augmented humans; they haven't really come up against the actual Combine yet. They simply couldn't deliver a blow big enough. And 'homeworld' is a tad cheesy.

I am not so sure, if Valve gives us at least a small clue or a hint about the Combine homeworld or at least their main base of operations, maybe we will go there; Valve always leaves clues to were we might be going It's not like we have limited time to do such a thing, the Gordon Freeman saga won't end at Half-life 2: Episode Three.

Even if there isn't a homeworld, there's gotta be a main base of operations where they make Citadels, work on those synth creature's, and don't forget the Counsel of Combining Advisors.

P.S: Alyx mentioned it in Ep1 I think beofre she shows Gordon the transmission. :p
After the Conquest, some people volunteer, remember in one of the CP announcements, it says "Memory extraction is one more step toward higher rank privileges" (Or something similar) Maybe when a Human Gets to the highest rank of CP they get converted to a OverWatch solider.
I am not so sure, if Valve gives us at least a small clue or a hint about the Combine homeworld or at least their main base of operations, maybe we will go there

Eh, it'd be kind of lame. I don't mind going off-world, but I don't see us going to a 'base of operations'. It just isn't plausible, especially in the trilogy. Humanity is pretty busy trying to stay alive to launch any kind of off-world assault.

Even if there isn't a homeworld, there's gotta be a main base of operations where they make Citadels, work on those synth creature's, and don't forget the Counsel of Combining Advisors.

I disagree. They transform each world they conquer into a kind of outpost, and thus many will be a base for developing Citadels. The Combine have given the impression that they are vast, have destroyed and assimilated so many races that at this point you'd be lucky to even penetrate a layer of it. Currently, there's a small rebellion underway on a remote outpost called Earth.
P.S: Alyx mentioned it in Ep1 I think beofre she shows Gordon the transmission. :p

She mentioned their universe. ^^
She mentioned their universe. ^^

There is, but slightly. After she shows the player the Mossman thing after you fix the core. She says something along the lines of "where ever they came from." ;)

After the Half-life story arc, I couldn't think of anything else where we would go off-earth like you said. Have anything in mind?
After the Half-life story arc, I couldn't think of anything else where we would go off-earth like you said. Have anything in mind?
As long as we get to see those sentient fungi I'll be happy.

Xen has been hinted as a major plot point, odds are we'll return to that dimension-thingy (definition of what Xen actually is is a bit shaky)
Personallu I would cringe at the fact of going to base of operations for the Combine, just far too cliche for Half-Life. Besides its not really any of the people of Earth's concern. All they will wanna do is get the Combien already stationed on Earth off it, and then permenantly cut off the teleportation link to the rest of the Combine Empire so they cant send anymore on.
Personallu I would cringe at the fact of going to base of operations for the Combine, just far too cliche for Half-Life. Besides its not really any of the people of Earth's concern. All they will wanna do is get the Combien already stationed on Earth off it, and then permenantly cut off the teleportation link to the rest of the Combine Empire so they cant send anymore on.

You're probably right. Actually defeating the entire Combine empire would be a massive cliche, given how collosal it is compared to Earth. Even if they came up with some semi-plausible excuse like Kleiner inventing a deadly computer virus, it would still seem a bit far-fetched. Having said that, I could easily see them cutting the Combine off from Earth by the end of Ep3, so then what? A whole new non-Combine-related story arc? They'd still need to connect it with HL2 in some way, like HL2 is connected to HL1.
However, going to a planet controlled by the Combine IMO wouldn't be as cliched as going to the "homeworld", and could be pretty interesting.
Nah I doubt the link will be severed in EP3, it will involve 'The Project', but I dont think that is big enough for something as odacious as severing a teleport link. Could be, but I doubt it.
It'll have to be in EP3. This trilogy is to wrap up the Earth storyline.
you think there be might a chance that Gordon gets trapped in the Combine's homeworld in the end of ep3?
Nah because like I was saying, its too cliche, not to mention the Combine homeworld must be galaxies away.

And I suppose you are right Samon, but with the teleportation link severed, how could they create a new story arc with a HL3 (or HL4) providing there is one.
This isn't Battlefield Earth. They aren't going to teleport a nuke to the Combine universe, and have it implode.

Though it would be nice to see the Combine heirarchy of worlds: whether they have multiversal headquarter universes, industrial universes, whether there is inter-universal trade of materials or if each universe is internally self-reliant, etcetera.
I myself am shaking in anticipation for the teaser trailer for Ep. 3 that'll be at the end of Ep. 2.
Post Ep3, I wouldn't want to stay on earth for the remainder of Gordon Freeman's tale. I want to go other place's, I want to see the Combine architechure. I want to move around! :D

I want to see Citadels being made like we saw Gunships being made, that would be a site to see. If it isn't the Homeworld, I can unstand that; But any place out there that's full of Combine architechure, Im game.
And they thought I was an idiot when I said the HEV suit was being upgraded in ep2.


I win. :cheers:
I didn't know you could get so excited over a new flashlight icon.

Map looks awesome.
Thats me, finding things. I got here before Samon did, he was going to post it lol.
Pretty cool. Looks like the flashlight will have a power source separate from the oxygen and sprint utilities.
V-Man Speculating

On the subject of humanity cutting off the teleport link to all the Combine, whenever I read that I just thought of some lame ripoff game where you're millions of years after that and scientists are experimenting with teleporters and they accidentally open a rift to the combine universe. Plus you'd be meeting or playing as the ancestors of the Hl2 series.
Ooh, and while your at it throw in some ancient tomb where you have hyroglyphs (may have been spelled wrong) of Gordon Freeman with a crowbar.
On the subject of humanity cutting off the teleport link to all the Combine, whenever I read that I just thought of some lame ripoff game where you're millions of years after that and scientists are experimenting with teleporters and they accidentally open a rift to the combine universe. Plus you'd be meeting or playing as the ancestors of the Hl2 series.
Ooh, and while your at it throw in some ancient tomb where you have hyroglyphs (may have been spelled wrong) of Gordon Freeman with a crowbar.

Doom 3?
We haven't seen the purple Vortigaunt plot point played out yet Ep.3/Post-Ep.3 could feature that.