Two New Screenshots

commas, use them.

i hope we get to visit the borealis. on the note of content removed from the game, got any pictures of the old wasteland? i never picked up raising the bar, mostly due to financial reasons... and lazy reasons.

That's the airex.

Wasteland =/= Airex

I don't think Magnusson is a bad guy, just a good one with a shit attitude. We're gonna use several weapons created by him anyway.
Am I the only one that thought for a second Eli had a flat-top?
Ya if white forest wasn't going to get under attacked by the Combine I"m sure now she would have time to change her clothes.
No, it's resistance. In one draft it was, but that doesn't mean it will be in Episode 3.
It had zombies in the engine room or something. And flareguns :)
I think they were doing somekind of secret experiments on the Headcrabs.
Is it just me or do the pictures on the Monitors look like cut and paste. They aren't even rounded with the screen, look at the bottom edge, you can see pictures underneath them.
Thanks. So this new information is kind of confirmation of Episode Three being set in the Arctic. I don't see how this would work gameplay-wise; you know, with the desert of boring flat ice and all.
Games set in the Arctic are almost invariably shit scary. Examples include The Thing (vastly under-rated, IMHO) and the Arctic levels of No-One Lives Forever 2. There's a kind of isolation you just don't get with boring old deserts.
Borealis had a shitload of the old fast-running stalkers, too.
Awesome screens. Eli looks slightly possessed. By the G-Man.

I think you'll find that's: "Commas; use them."

This does not reflect your best work. See me after class.

Actually, it should be a colon, not a semi-colon. "Commas" is not a complete thought, and semi-colons serve to combine two complete thoughts. ;)
Interesting! I wonder what role the Borealis wil play.
I wonder if you will have to ride the Borealis to get to the arctic base.
Games set in the Arctic are almost invariably shit scary. Examples include The Thing (vastly under-rated, IMHO) and the Arctic levels of No-One Lives Forever 2. There's a kind of isolation you just don't get with boring old deserts.

God, I found those levels interminably boring.

Besides which, you liked the Thing? The game where you could test somebody to see if they were the Thing, and then they would transform two minutes later even if they had tested negative? GTFO.

Anyway, I want to see a moving ship in the game. Moving ships are cool. You can see the shoreline change, etcetera.

And I want better snow effects. No game has got snow right. Or sand even. But sand is more forgiveable than snow.
I want also better snow. Not some cs_office lame snow.

I like the new hires skins, I see very much improvement on Alyx, much more hires texture on clothes now. Same with Eli. Eli just has some weird new clothes, there is a new undershirt, but you can see a bit of the old shirt too :S

Hmm, Borealis? Well I think it will be just shown a bit in Ep2 and then Valve expects us to wait another 2 years to get onboard it.
Eli just has some weird new clothes, there is a new undershirt, but you can see a bit of the old shirt too :S

That looks like the kind of thing you'd put on after being shot in the torso.
lol, csoffice snow..i think it was not too bad. I hope it will be like "the awakening" mod was quite good.. I take it that Alyx survives the train wreck? Also, pic number 2 definitely is worthy of a caption contest.

Kleiner's finger seems very prominent in that shot.

"I'm sorry Eli, but probing appears to be the only option."

Anyway, I like the idea of the Borealis being ice-locked somewhere, and Mossman's base is inside it. Either that, or Mossman's team is exploring it, which could be equally cool.

EDIT: Anal probing, that is.
Uh, do you really think they'd go with that shit?

I want physically simulated snow. That'd be awesome. Imagine running through a storm, getting bogged down by the snow sticking to your boots...
Is it just me or do the pictures on the Monitors look like cut and paste. They aren't even rounded with the screen, look at the bottom edge, you can see pictures underneath them.

Those aren't pics. THAT is the TV shining, look closely.

And Alyx looks hawter then ever.
Eli looks slightly homicidal.

Eli: I'm gonna kill that G-Man.
Alyx: But... Gordon... love, employee, sentence fragments...
Kliener: But his personal portable nuclear reactor in his briefcase is set to go off as a revenge device!! I don't believe it is the best idea!!
What's this Borealis you're all talking about?

Large Cargo ship that was originally supposed to be in HL2. There were alot of different enemies in that ship.

Mod called Missing Information has the chapter totally done, it is quite cool ship. They are probably bringing it back to HL2 now.
Erm, no, it wasn't 'supposed' to be in HL2.

I want physically simulated snow. That'd be awesome. Imagine running through a storm, getting bogged down by the snow sticking to your boots...

Sounds cool, but it has to go with a game designed for that specific thing. I don't think it'd work with Half-life. You'd be surprised how much these things change the game.
You started on the Borealis until a month or two before release.
I remember trying to play Missing Information a while back. I got to the guy who looked like Cubbage, and something went wrong and I couldn't finish it. :( Maybe I should try it again sometime.

Then again, those stalkers ****ing SUCKED. :(
I think you'll find that's: "Commas; use them."

This does not reflect your best work. See me after class.

dude, his posts are very difficult to read. it wasn't really a correction, but a suggestion. also, next time you correct someone, don't make an ass of your self like that. if you want perfect punctuation, the internet is not the smartest place to look.
I remember trying to play Missing Information a while back. I got to the guy who looked like Cubbage, and something went wrong and I couldn't finish it. :( Maybe I should try it again sometime.

Then again, those stalkers ****ing SUCKED. :(

That guy is original Cubbage, they wanted to have similar character when Borealis was cut so they added Cubbage. Damn I can't remember the name.

And original stalkers were damn badass, I hope we see them sometime. They look so scary and horrifying. And the sounds and speed.
That guy is original Cubbage, they wanted to have similar character when Borealis was cut so they added Cubbage. Damn I can't remember the name.

Odell (I seriously spent like 20 minutes looking it up RtB, lol!)
Actually, it should be a colon, not a semi-colon. "Commas" is not a complete thought, and semi-colons serve to combine two complete thoughts. ;)

undertone said:
dude, his posts are very difficult to read. it wasn't really a correction, but a suggestion. also, next time you correct someone, don't make an ass of your self like that. if you want perfect punctuation, the internet is not the smartest place to look.
Sigh. Tough crowd. It was a joke, dear boy. A grammatically incorrect joke, ironically. It wasn't meant as a serious grammar fascist stamp-down and please don't say I'm making "an ass" of myself when you didn't exactly fare any better than me. Hop off your high horse please.
I want physically simulated snow. That'd be awesome. Imagine running through a storm, getting bogged down by the snow sticking to your boots...
That sounds annoying.