Two Propositions


Aug 24, 2008
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Over the course of the past week, we have had a 10 year old member posting threads in the Half Life sections that "angered" a lot of people.

Now, I don't think these people were really angry, but they resorted to calling Gman names, ridiculing him for posting theories that have already been discussed.

I conclude that this young member was not old enough to know any better than to post theories that have already been covered. They were new to him, but he wasn't old enough to know to look for those threads with those theories. Being 10 years old, he just wanted to share his insight with the rest of the world. And then it got shoved violently right back at him. It'll be a miracle if he comes back at all.

Proposition 1: Cap the age limit to 13 or older. A user cannot be allowed to register if he does not fit the age requirement.

Proposition 2: Create ONE G-man thread, and if ANYONE (new member or old) posts an individual Gman thread, give that person an infraction, lock the thread, and tell the person to repost his/her theory in the universal Gman thread. If anyone doesn't like gman theories they can simply ignore the thread. This way, we can give freedom to those who will inevitably talk about Gman to their heart's content, and we will hopefully filter out everyone who hates Gman theories, leaving the theorists to their discussions.

In order to do this, I think we would need to conjoin the Mythology and Half Life Series threads into one. There is too much ambiguity between the two, as Gman theories coexist in both.


There is an age limit, it's just that people under it lie to register.
Both your propositions are in effect. LEARN TO SEARCH!

Proposition 2: Create ONE G-man thread, and if ANYONE (new member or old) posts a Gman in a separate thread, give that person an infraction, lock the thread, and tell the person to repost his/her theory in the universal Gman thread.

No. Why should a thread be locked if the main content is not G-man-related? Just because someone replies with a quip/theory about the G-man doesn't mean the thread should be locked. Instead, the post should just be deleted. There is no need to lock a thread completely unrelated to the G-man if someone wants to be an idiot and post about him in there.
There is an age limit, it's just that people under it lie to register.

How did you know he was 10?

Both your propositions are in effect. LEARN TO SEARCH!



No. Why should a thread be locked if the main content is not G-man-related? Just because someone replies with a quip/theory about the G-man doesn't mean the thread should be locked. Instead, the post should just be deleted. There is no need to lock a thread completely unrelated to the G-man if someone wants to be an idiot and post about him in there.

I'm saying if someone creates an entire thread to talk about one individual theory it ought to be removed and the theory would be thrown into the universal theory thread. I don't care about little quips.

Currently there is no stickied thread that consolidates Gman theories.

edit: woops. The way I worded my original statement sounded like I was implying all threads with any small Gman references would be locked. My mistake.
the faq which none of you guys check said:
If you are under the age of 13, the administrator may require that a parent or guardian provide consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process.

I still think it's a bad idea. Too many boob pictures in Lounge and Art threads.

There's no way to keep people from registering on the site, it's too easy to lie.
I think I lied my first year here, since I was 13, and no one likes 13 year olds.
If a young kid wants to get in here, there really isn't anything we can do to stop him.
10 years? Damn. I was about 11 when registering on my first forum and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Kudos to this kid.
10 years? Damn. I was about 11 when registering on my first forum and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Kudos to this kid.

Bitch I was 9. .hack// RP forum. Kickass at the time.
If anyone doesn't like gman theories they can simply ignore the thread.
Or people could just ignore or stop getting uppity in the Half-Life theories forums until we actually have something new to discuss. The only thing more tired than a G-Man theory is the page full of 'already discussed / n00b' posts that follows. Just leave them at it to have their own debates.

That said, I don't believe 10 year olds should be on forums for mature rated games whether they speak like William Shakespeare or Wesley Textspeake.
Can we just ban the ****er and everyone else withing his age range/with an I.Q. close to his and move on with our lives? He's building a cluster of ulcers in my stomach.
I still think it's a bad idea. Too many boob pictures in Lounge and Art threads.


Yeah cause that'd be the worst stuff you could find on the internet. And so much more easily accesible than any other source.