UFO activitiy in the UK recently


Dec 8, 2004
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So we've had quite an exciting week in the UK for UFO stuff.

This pic was taken last week in London. Those glowing orbs just dipping below the clouds couldn't be seen by the naked eye, but could be on camera.



Even more exciting is that 1000 pages of government reports on UFO activity in Britain were revealed on Sunday that detailed all reports between 1987 and 1993. A handful of these remain unexplained.

One such incident in Scotland in 1990 resulted in this picture:


It had this report attached:

The Ministry of Defence first became aware of the existence of the craft when the Daily Record newspaper presented it with six colour photographs of the object. The UFO seen by two men, one of whom captured it on camera, as it hovered in daylight near the A9, at Calvine, north of Pitlochry, on August 4, 1990.

The witnesses said it hovered for about 10 minutes ? during which time military aircraft were also seen making a series of low-level passes ? before moving upwards, out of sight, at great speed.

The files show that officials established from the photographs that the military craft were Harrier jets even though, intriguingly, none were operational in the area at the time.

An MoD minute prepared for the then Armed Forces Minister, Sir Archie Hamilton, and dated September 14, 1990 states: . . . "They [the photographs] show a large stationary, diamond-shaped object past which, it appears, a small jet aircraft is flying. The negatives have been considered by the relevant staff who have established that the jet aircraft is a Harrier (and also identified a barely visible second aircraft, again probably a Harrier) but have reached no definite conclusion regarding the large object." . . . The files show that a year after the original photographs were taken, the MoD tasked experts to produce line drawings of the UFO which would give officials an idea of scale.

Even the creation of the drawings was shrouded in strict secrecy. One undated document suggests "very special handling" because of "sensitivity of the material". It also orders "minimum handling by listed personnel".

I'm quite broad-minded. I'll believe what people tell me. I love the idea that the government were spooked enough by this that they got experts to draw up the scale of it.

What do you guys think about UFOs, life in space and what are some of your experiences?

I personally believe there must be other life in the universe. As the film Contact said, "If it is just us... seems like an awful waste of space" which I think is absolutely true. Whether they have visited us however is another matter. I'd like to think they would make themselves known to us rather than just flit by to poke their head under the clouds then bugger off again.
However crop circles intrigue me in this respect, some of them are so complex, you have to wonder how humans could do it...

Once when I was on holiday on some Mediterranean island or some such, I saw a small bright light in the sky fly in this formation:


It's one of those things that has stayed with me, despite being over 6 years ago. It was quite creepy. Everyone at the hotel watched it for about 10 minutes and then it suddenly disappeared.


Tell me your stories!


  • ufoflightpath.JPG
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I can photoshop some white smudges on a photo too!

Anyway... I do not believe at all that we have been visited by an alien race.
Those UFO's look like the underside of a bunch of lamps.
I believe in alien life, but I don't believe that they have visited this planet.
They probably observe us from way out there with their highly advanced radars and shit.

We're a pitiful race that isn't worth the trouble to hide amongst by alien lifeforms.

God, I feel like such a nerd even talking about UFOs.
It's the Cylons returning after 150,000 years to see how things are going.
Window reflections are pretty scary, guise.
I'm not sure how I feel about UFOs. On the one hand, I believe intelligent life probably exists outside of Earth. On the other, the standard flying saucer shape makes absolutely no aerodynamic or efficient sense outside of hollywood science and travel to Earth seems too impractical and pointless to be intentional and too ridiculously unlikely to be random.
considering how many galaxies and stars there are, and just recently finding hundreds of planets near the closest stars I'm starting to believe it more and more. the probability isn't that low for them anymore. hell in our solar system alone there are over 100 large planets and moons that could take hundreds of years each just to explore.

i hate when i wake up with one of these on my face
Window reflections are pretty scary, guise.

I thought that at first too. It looks like it was taken in a hallway through a window and the ceiling lights behind him showed up. But, according to the article, the picture was taken off the roof, and its not one of those glassed in rooftops either. But its still definitely a reflection, though likely from one of the myriad of reflecting things outside the building in the streets or on the slanted rooftops below.
Oh crap, looks like Pi has been testing his latest invention again!! :O

But seriously, they look very much fake. too bright and it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the picture.
I think life exists out there but I also think physics will prevent us from ever contacting it. Which is a real shame.

Am I the only one who think this looks like an underwater scene? A fish, some bubbles... and the reflection of an object at the surface of the water.

And that seriously looks like a catfish or something.
I think there just has to be other life out there, and not just the universe, which the human mind cant even comprehend just how big it is, but our galaxy along is HUGE, with god knows how many systems in it, and considering that we evolved into intelligent life, there is no doubt in my mind that that process must have happened elsewhere.

But I don't believe we have been visited by aliens yet, that first picture was rather laughable tbh.
The files show that officials established from the photographs that the military craft were Harrier jets even though, intriguingly, none were operational in the area at the time.

The law of common sense states that if you see and have proof of a Harrier jet flying about in an area, then it was operational in the area.
Tell me your stories!

Don't mind if I do! New years eve last year me , my bro and my old man went up to London for the fireworks or whatever and about an hour or so before the fireworks began we kept seeing these orange orbs moving upwards in the sky , they were quite bright for their size and moved up as if floating like a balloon. We kept seeing them all through the night and in total we saw about 30 of them. We figured they was some sort of flare or something like that (although that does not explain how they moved upwards). On the way back in the car we switched the radio on half way through the talk show they had on just in time to hear the guy say "If you have any more reports of orange orbs over London please call in and tell us about it!". We stared at each other and then burst out laughing.
Do I believe there is life out there? Absolutely

Do I believe UFO's come to earth, fly around, then take off making sure people only getting horrible pictures? **** no


Anyone who has ever claimed to have seen a UFO either WANTS it to be true or they are just lying.
I desperately hope that UFOs are real. I just think they're really cool, and if aliens are simply observing instead of destroying us, then they can't be all bad.
I sometimes feel sorry that I live in a country where the government goes out of its way to disprove ufos' existences.
From what I hear and can tell, most other nations are either open about it or tend to ignore it, rather than cover it up.