Unique weaps and items in HL2?


Dec 27, 2006
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For the next installment in the saga of my having too much time on my hands, I started compiling a list of unique weapons and itmes in HL2 (and expansions). This is what I have so far:

Annabelle, Father Grigori's high-powered rifle. Can anyone confirm that it fires 357. Magnum rounds?

Gordon's Gravity Gun* Actually one of 2 grav guns in the game--the other is grafted to dog's arm--Gordon's GG is seeminlgy the only one configured for use by a person.

Gordon's Crowbar* Only one appears in HL2, acquired from Barney and ultimately disintegrated in the Citadel's weapon dissolving field.

Alyx's Gun* Possibly one of two in the game--rumour has it that a citizen glimpsed during Gordon's elevator ride in Black Mesa East is armed with an identical pistol. It should be noted that Alyx's Gun is only seen firing in full auto mode in Episode 1 (and the as yet unreleased Ep. 2). Additional note, if the player shoots Alyx with a harpoon in Entanglement, her body goes lifeless, but the model for her weapon seeminlg just disappears.

Alyx's EMP -- Apparently unique, as the one used by Mossman in DE is almost certainly the same one that Alyx uses throughout HL2 and its expansions.

Gauss cannon on buggy -- The only known appearance of Gauss Cannon in HL2 is in the form of the buggy's defensive armament.

Tau Cannon on mudskipper** -- Not actually unique, as the same cannon is used against Gordon by purusing Hunter Chopper's, the one mounted on the Mudskipper is, nonetheless, the only one usuable by the player.

pipe wielded by citizen in RC -- During an early encounter with manhacks, Gordon is joined by a citizen weilding a steel pipe (a detail which is easy to miss in the flurry of battle).

Suppression Device -- An artillery weapon seen only once in the game, the mortar-like suppressor is located atop the Overwatch HQ.

Headcrab Shell Launcher (Lost Coast) -- The only in game appearance of the device used to launch the headcrab cannisters used to bombard the Resistance.

harpoon (Lost Coast) The Harpoon carried by the Fisherman in Lost Coast is cosmetically a bit different from the harpoon-like object found in "Sand Traps."

trap blade (Ravenholm)

Dog's Ball

Doll (in Point Insertion and Anticitizen One"0.

If you can think of any more items for this list, submissions are definitely welcome. This may become Appendix B in the "Things to do" thread.
...and, of course, the two vehicles. They're unique too.
In half life 2(not the episodes!).
The combine sniper rifle.
Being the only weapon, that doesn't have a model, but is seen in action in the game?

And aside from HL2, i haven't seen the pheropod anywhere else.
Occurs more than once in the game, ergo not unique.

Perhaps I should clarify. I'm not talking about items with unique attributes, I'm talking about weapons which appear only once in the game(s)--or rather, any weapon or item of which there is only one.
DOES the pheropod appear in any episodes?

Not to my knowledge, no. I've read somewhere that if you prdouce the pheropod with console cheats in Ep. 1, it has no effect on the antlions.

So, yeah, that could be one. Thought the problematic issue of how Gordon's supply keeps replenishing itself remains, Are we supposed to assume that Gordon is just breaking chunks off the original pheropod and throwing them, or does he supposedly have multiple pheropods? If the former, then it is unique; if the latter, then it is not.
Why don't you ask Valve?

But thats not the question.
The fact is that you get to use it ONLY in HL2. Nobody knows how he gets more. Or if you take, it has to be THE ONLY KNOWN weapon of it's kind, then don't add it, because all the guards have pheropods.
Well, technically, the Guards--at least in their existing form--don't throw them around like weapons. They have pheropods as glands within their bodies. Interestingly, "Raising the Bar" reveals that an earlier conception of the Guard had it hurling pods at the player to flush him out of hiding places. But that concept didn't make it into the final game.

Then again, Vorts have clearly been making offensive use of the pods for some time, so I guess you could say the pod acquired in ST is the only one of its kind useable by the player.
Gordon throws Pheropods on things, and they blow up. Through ST and NP the player uses like five hundred. Annabelle fires .357 rounds, but as the player isn't supposed to be using it, it could just as well be using pheropods as ammo, it's not canonical.

Oh, and about that pipe - how the hell was that done? Parenting the pipe to the model is hard enough, but using it in place of the Crowbar - impossible.

Maybe the device the Combine use to cut up the door in the Nexus Building (the room you enter with Barney, the doors close and you set up traps for them) should be added to the list?
Maybe the device the Combine use to cut up the door in the Nexus Building (the room you enter with Barney, the doors close and you set up traps for them) should be added to the list?

Don't they use that device twice in the scene--once at either side of the room? Wonder if it's the same one... Probably not, since all the Combine on the far side of the room die after after forcing their way through the first door.
Yes, that cutter is unique, unless we wont be seeing it again in Ep2.
I just replayed that room. There are 2 cutters. One used at each side, as I'd suspected.
But the cutters are still unique to that area, yes?
But you cant say we wont be seeing the binocs again.

They might use it again.
But the cutters are still unique to that area, yes?

Unique to that area, yeah, but not unique in the sense that there was only one of them. Compare with the little hula girl trinket in Kleiner's lab. Seen twice in the game, but clearly we see the same item both times. Come to think of it, I think there may only be one globe as well. And there's definitely only one mini-teleporter.

Compiling a list of unique items could make for kind of a cool HL2 replay scavenger hunt, actually.
Annabelle, Father Grigori's high-powered rifle. Can anyone confirm that it fires 357. Magnum rounds?
It does.

Gauss cannon on buggy -- The only known appearance of Gauss Cannon in HL2 is in the form of the buggy's defensive armament.

Tau Cannon on mudskipper** -- Not actually unique, as the same cannon is used against Gordon by purusing Hunter Chopper's, the one mounted on the Mudskipper is, nonetheless, the only one usuable by the player.
You got a bit confused here. The tau cannon and gauss gun are two names for the same weapon (The one that's in HL1 and appears on the buggy in HL2). The airboat/mudskipper uses a pulse machinegun.

harpoon (Lost Coast) The Harpoon carried by the Fisherman in Lost Coast is cosmetically a bit different from the harpoon-like object found in "Sand Traps."
Those objects aren't harpoon-like. They're harpoons. And there are 4 of them (That I know of, anyway).

Dog's Ball
Dog's ball is just a rollermine with its ability to attack removed.

Interestingly, a passage in RTB identifies G's weapon as a "shotgun." I'd guess this is just a mistake on the writer's part, as it looks more like a rifle to me.

You got a bit confused here. The tau cannon and gauss gun are two names for the same weapon (The one that's in HL1 and appears on the buggy in HL2). The airboat/mudskipper uses a pulse machinegun.

Duly noted.

Those objects aren't harpoon-like. They're harpoons. And there are 4 of them (That I know of, anyway).

True. The models have the name "harpoon", which I guess pretty much makes them harpoons. The one in LC does look different, though.

Dog's ball is just a rollermine with its ability to attack removed.

But it's the only one which has been modified this way and with which the player can interact freely, making it unique in my books.
Dont forget Breens table and clock.

Yup, and G-Man's briefcase, I guess. And the easter egg, HEV panel. There's also only been one HEV suit shown in HL2 to date. The modified HEV may indeed be the only one of it's kind.
There sawblades in Follow Freeman too... so I think they're not unique (zombie-filled big room with toxic waste, a rebel opens the way to you by planting explosive charges)
HEV panel, yes, good find! And... the Beware of D0G! sign too. The carausel (maybe missppelling) in the scrapyard too. And Ravenholm sign.. I'll think about others later.
Interestingly, a passage in RTB identifies G's weapon as a "shotgun." I'd guess this is just a mistake on the writer's part, as it looks more like a rifle to me.
Don't take the .357 ammo use as a definition of the weapon. The annabelle isn't really meant to be used, which is why it is only usable via 'give weapon_annabelle' in the console. The weapon uses .357 for some unknown reason. In fact if you shoot the shotgun it has 100% accuracy so if you shoot a soldier which is 100ft away it will kill them as if it were point blank. It's pretty silly...
There sawblades in Follow Freeman too... so I think they're not unique (zombie-filled big room with toxic waste, a rebel opens the way to you by planting explosive charges)
HEV panel, yes, good find! And... the Beware of D0G! sign too. The carausel (maybe missppelling) in the scrapyard too. And Ravenholm sign.. I'll think about others later.

The saw blades are definitely not unique; there are several of them in the game. There are also 2 carousels (the other being in the tenement area of Point Insertion and Anticizen One.

Good call on the Ravenholm sign. That is unique, as far as I know. And any phys. item that gives me a one shot kill is a good one in my books.
OOOo ofcourse! The beware of DOG sign. Good find!
There are also 2 carousels (the other being in the tenement area of Point Insertion and Anticizen One.

There's one more at Lighthouse Point, right beside a giant cliff for some reason. Rather dangerous for the children, I expect. :)
By the carausel in the scrapyard I meant that its the only one weld to a car engine, so you can turn it on and stuff...

the basketball ring is uniqe too if I think of it... no?
the slide in the beginning on the playground? the "whole" tic tac toe game... (not just the parts of it, the whole one..)
the pictures and stuff in Kleiner's lab, and in Black Mase East too (cremator head, picture of Eli, Alyx, and Azian)
from EP1, the car in the beginning is unique (the one in which you can sit) and the crashed gunship, and the projector too

if u consider sawblades unique, then the meathooks are definately unique too (afaik only Ravenholm has meathooks, and engine-traps with those big scythe-like-blades)
I don't know if it's identical to the "meat hooks" in Ravenholm (of which there are, incidentally, more thatn one), but I think it might be. You can find the LC hook on top of a crate inside the reckage of the old wooden boat, IIRC.
Sure is but what about the carrying tray in WH that was not seen there
There's an old human APC in one of the underground tunnels in Anticitizn One.
There's an old human APC in one of the underground tunnels in Anticitizn One.

I knew that it was different from all the others we've seen! Now how do you suppose it got there? Maybe it's a survivor of the 7 hour war.