Unreal Tournament 3 to be PS3 exclusive


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Well a timed exclusive (meaning on consoles, the PS3 will have it first for a while...probably a long while). Here's why:

The reason? Well, Keighley said it's because Sony is allowing user-created mods for the game, and Microsoft thinks it could be used to "undermine" their Xbox Live service. The 360 version will come out at a later date after "they resolve some issues." That implies there's more than one issue, so we'll have to keep an eye on this...and also, how long is this "timed" exclusive? At last check, the game was scheduled for a January 2008 release (Q3 2007 in Europe), so do we have an update on this?

...This won't hamper the PC version's release, will it? :|
Bullshit. It should be released for the PC first.


The first posted stated in brackets (meaning for consoles)....meaning I am only talking about consoles..the PC version will be out when the PS3 version comes out...read more carefully.
Leave it to a PS forum to bend the truth. It's not a timed exclusive, it's just not coming out until they resolve some issues with Microsoft.

Sounds cool that Sony is allowing user created mods.

Anyway, who cares about consoles. :LOL:

Not sure if I'll be interested in this game for the PC... does it have a single player mode? If so then I'm pre-ordering it. If not then I'm not getting it.
Well, that's too bad for you 360 people, but I'm glad to hear that mods will be a possibility for PS3.

Oh, and thank god for X-BOX Live right? Isn't it great to pay for a service that blocks user created content? No sense in letting any of the riff raff in, then we wouldn't buy as many "micro transactions" with "Microsoft Points"!

I have trouble believing this. In the past, Playstation websites have been full of false rumors. What might have happened: PSXtreme makes up some news, they get lots of traffic, and their advertisers pay their bills + profit. I'll believe it when I hear it from a trusted source.

According to PSXExtreme
Until now we haven't found that Keighley GameTrailers interview, and we haven't found out either who gave this confirmation about Unreal Tournament 3 being a timed exclusive for the PS3. But as soon as we find it, we'll update the article and post the video. Until then, let's file this one under rumors.
Notice the question mark at the end of the headline? Yup, that means we haven't confirmed if this is fact or fiction

Where is the link in PSXExtreme to the video interview? Suspiciously absent.
wait so there are people that will take the console version of ut3 over the pc version? This is UT. This game is twitch twitch twitch reflexes and backflips. How anyone can choose to play it on something other than a PC is beyond me.
This was proven false by Mark Rein over at PlanetUnreal.

Mark Rein said:
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]We have not finalized a SKU plan, or a release plan, for Unreal Tournament 3. The release date speculation in their story is pure nonsense of course as are all 'published' release dates for UT3 at this point. The statement that "their past comments regarding Sony's next-gen system haven't been exactly glowing" is complete rubbish. We were on stage showing UT3 at the original launch of the PS3 - in fact it was the first EVER public demo of anything running live on PS3. We've supported the platform from day one the same way we've supported Xbox 360 from day one. People were impressed by what we have done so far on Xbox 360 and I think they'll be equally impressed with what we will do on PS3 and PC. We're the cross-platform-happy company and it's all going to rock :)
wait so there are people that will take the console version of ut3 over the pc version? This is UT. This game is twitch twitch twitch reflexes and backflips. How anyone can choose to play it on something other than a PC is beyond me.

Agreed. I certaonly wouldn't buy UT, or any other twtich shooter, on a console. Who here tried Q3 on the DC? ergh

I'm a big console fps fan and actually prefer playing many fps with a pad, but not something like this.
I had Quake 3 on Dreamcast, you could play against certain PC people and it was just ruthless slaughtering of console nubs. Good times. I eventually traded for store credit and a copy of Majora's Mask.
The controllers analogue sticks are terrible. :'(
*Laughs at dream431ca for posting an article with lies from a PS fanboy website*:LOL:
Oh and dream431ca, maybe you should read my reply I posted to you in the GTA exclusive 360 episodic content thread about how Sony is just as guilty to 'bribing' game companies at MS, but maybe you did and didnt have any good response to it, oh well.:)
Yeah, shooters like this don't work for me on consoles.

Oh, and its not bribery, its business. :)
People cant read. The 1st few comments all are like "PC PLZ LOL HAHA LOL KTHX"

Man thats ****ing annouying.
great, Microsoft and their shit again..

so ps3 now supports a lan connection(internet), installable os, bluray, mouse, keyboard, ut3, MODS! great!
Yada yada. I have been impressed somewhat with the PS3 online service - it's hard to moan about something that's free - but compared to Xbox Live it feels sparse. There's just hardly any content.

If Xox Live was a shopping center jam packed with gamers buzzing around and demos/games/clips to download, the PS3 online would be a weekday evening at an art gallery - every now and then someone walks by and there's the occasional thing that looks interesting.

Things are bound to improve with time, but, given the choice, i'd happily pay the 360 sub to have something comparable on the PS3 right now. However, free content is good - i'm not impresed by MSs money grabbing ways - so credit where credit is due. Now all we need is more content.
Yada yada. I have been impressed somewhat with the PS3 online service - it's hard to moan about something that's free - but compared to Xbox Live it feels sparse. There's just hardly any content.

If Xox Live was a shopping center jam packed with gamers buzzing around and demos/games/clips to download, the PS3 online would be a weekday evening at an art gallery - every now and then someone walks by and there's the occasional thing that looks interesting.

Things are bound to improve with time, but, given the choice, i'd happily pay the 360 sub to have something comparable on the PS3 right now. However, free content is good - i'm not impresed by MSs money grabbing ways - so credit where credit is due. Now all we need is more content.

I'll take a free service that lets me do what i want to do most, which is play online any day, over a service that charges me 60,- for extra crap which I don't need or want.
I'll take a free service that lets me do what i want to do most, which is play online any day, over a service that charges me 60,- for extra crap which I don't need or want.

If by cheap crap you mean loads and loads of demos and arcade games to download, then yeh ;) The reason I choose Live at the moment is simply because there are so many people playing a crap load of games. It hasn't really kicked in yet for the PS3 online.
Oh, and its not bribery, its business. :)
I know, but in the thread about 360 exclusive content for GTA IV, he said that MS were Bribing Rockstar and blabla, and I replied stating the fact that Sony paid Rockstars a great deal of money to keep the previous GTAs as timed exclusives for the PS2, and asked how that was any different, apparently he decided to ignore my reply because he couldnt come up with a good response to save himself some face.:)
I know, but in the thread about 360 exclusive content for GTA IV, he said that MS were Bribing Rockstar and blabla, and I replied stating the fact that Sony paid Rockstars a great deal of money to keep the previous GTAs as timed exclusives for the PS2, and asked how that was any different, apparently he decided to ignore my reply because he couldnt come up with a good response to save himself some face.:)
Hahaha! Yeah, that was what I was going for with my comment--just a general observation about business practices among the rich and powerful. Sony, MS, Nintendo--they all use strongarm tactics to impose their will on the videogame scene. No biggie. Some people turn a blind eye to it when it comes to their console maker of choice is all. ;)

The question is, will this investment pay off or fizzle?
great, Microsoft and their shit again..

so ps3 now supports a lan connection(internet), installable os, bluray, mouse, keyboard, ut3, MODS! great!

Erm, Xbox Live was the first online service for consoles to host custom user-created maps (Pariah I believe it was)... So don't go around saying that MS doesn't want it or XBL is the inferior platform considering they were the first to do it years ago. I promise you they are working on it, and if Epic really wants it, they can get it out of MS.

*Edit* Oh, and read my post a few back... Mark rein proved the exclusivity as false.
Erm, Xbox Live was the first online service for consoles to host custom user-created maps (Pariah I believe it was)... So don't go around saying that MS doesn't want it or XBL is the inferior platform considering they were the first to do it years ago. I promise you they are working on it, and if Epic really wants it, they can get it out of MS.

*Edit* Oh, and read my post a few back... Mark rein proved the exclusivity as false.

You're my hero.

Originally Posted by Mark Rein
We have not finalized a SKU plan, or a release plan, for Unreal Tournament 3. The release date speculation in their story is pure nonsense of course as are all 'published' release dates for UT3 at this point.

We're the cross-platform-happy company and it's all going to rock
Midway [publisher of all 3 UT3 games] just invested three hundred million dollars in 'next-gen' games. They need to re-coup as much money as possible; selling games will do that. They don't want to be doing anything exclusive. This isn't Mario brothers, this isn't a house-hold word known game, so they need as much exposure as possible.

Fan websites like to stir up a bunch of shit don't they? I found out a long time ago, if you want the truth, you read magazines or browse web-sites that cover ALL the systems. If you want someone to lie to you and create rumors based on speculation, then go to a fan website. Be prepared to be let-down if you do.
Is that the same Playstation 3 fansite that said Gears of War was gonna be on PS3 because Epic was pissed at Microsoft. lawlz
What people seem to forget is that these mods have to come from somewhere, there is NO guarantee people will invest time into making mods for UT3 UNLESS they are compatible with the PC version too in which case it'll be easy, but I have high doubts.
What people seem to forget is that these mods have to come from somewhere, there is NO guarantee people will invest time into making mods for UT3 UNLESS they are compatible with the PC version too in which case it'll be easy, but I have high doubts.

I didn't comment on it, but I was thinking the same thing; are these mods to be made on a PC or will there be a console editor as well? That sounds like torture to use a gamepad to make a mod.
The mods for ps3 and xbox are made on a pc, just like epic makes the dammed game on the pc.

And it is a very good idea to make mods for the consoles, since the console versions will probably sell a lot more units and have a bigger community.
when you say "exclusively for ps3" that is saying its only for ps3, but yes who cares about consoles. the unreal series has always been great only on pc.
Oh yay. Unconfirmed rumors, with people lapping them up.

Color me surprised.
Whoa. This is bad news for anyone planning on playing a PC game on an inferior platform. Lol.

Speaking as a 360 owner, that is. Unreal Tournament on anything but mouse + keyboard is wrong wrong WRONG.

Edit - Or not, whatever.
man i sware if i liked to use linux and it supported manyu games, i'll ditch by pc and use ps3 ONLY!!
The mods for ps3 and xbox are made on a pc, just like epic makes the dammed game on the pc.

And it is a very good idea to make mods for the consoles, since the console versions will probably sell a lot more units and have a bigger community.
Source? And there's no guarantee they will have a bigger community, you have to keep in mind UT has been out for PCs for many generations and already has a huge community, you cant honestly expect just one console release of UT3 on the PS3 to surpass that community in size..

And I'd like a source about how they use tools on the PC, I see none in the article in this topic, and the article in this topic isnt even reliable to begin with..