Valve about Ep3 announcement


Nov 21, 2007
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Found a Doug Lombardi recent interview:;title;5

Although an announcement may be impending, a release date remains farther away on the horizon. "The next time you play as Gordon will be longer than the distance between [Half-Life 2] to [Episode 1], and [Episode 1] to [Episode 2]," cryptically noted Lombardi. Half-Life 2 was released for the PC in November 2004, with Episode 1 following in June 2006 and Episode 2 debuting alongside The Orange Box in October 2007. Doing the math, that would put Episode 3's release date as far off as 2010.

Everybody happy now? Ok, move on...
This was posted in the news or mentioned in one of the topics.
2010....they started work on ep3 months before ep2 was released, so fall/winter 2009 is more likely.
Episode 3 is confirmed to be released in the space between spaces.
2010....they started work on ep3 months before ep2 was released, so fall/winter 2009 is more likely.

Didn't they say a few months ago that they were still in the idea stages and they didn't know where to go with the plot or something like that?
They did say that but I think it was quite a while ago. I'm sure they've got a decent idea of what they're doing with Ep3 by now judging by the fact that they're going to release some sort of information in a few months, they wont want to change their ideas for the game too much after that, which happened with Ep2.
Episode 2 was such as blast. If they screwed up episode 3 then somehow i can't see their ever being a half-life 3. I would prefer them to take 2-3 years to finish episode 3 instead of rushing it just to get a new features out.
Maybe we'll get small teaser by spring, among with the official announcement.
I'd sure like something special for Half-life's 10th anniversary, a teaser would be nice, even if it turns out to be only vaguely related, like the 1st Episode Two teaser.
maybe if they just stuck to one game they would actually get things done.
Hey, Valve, I remember when you said you had one team working on Episode One, one team working on Episode Two, and then they'd join together and push out Episode Three superfast.

Lying is always good fun.
2010....they started work on ep3 months before ep2 was released, so fall/winter 2009 is more likely.

I'm hoping for this. If it's released in 2010, it had better be DAMNED good.
Come on Valve!

2010??? EPISODIC CONTENT god damn it.

And Idea stages? Seriously, does the unlockables for TF2 really take up so much time etc?
2010's okay. I think the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21 of that year though.
Episode 2 was such as blast. If they screwed up episode 3 then somehow i can't see their ever being a half-life 3. I would prefer them to take 2-3 years to finish episode 3 instead of rushing it just to get a new features out.

But the last part in a 3 part trilogy is generally the hardest to wrap up, so its understandable to take more time with it, so that you can do some story quality control

2010's okay. I think the Mayan calendar ends on Dec. 21 of that year though.
2012, just in time for Half Life 3 :D
To be fair, 2010 may at least be on time with their schedule. If they said "mid-09" then we would have gotten it in 2010 anyway.
I hope its not gonna be years or something off the ending of EP 2, a few days is enough.
The next time you play as Gordon will be longer than the distance between [Half-Life 2] to [Episode 1], and [Episode 1] to [Episode 2],"

if this was exactly what he said he might aswell refer to the "storyline time" right?
Hey, Valve, I remember when you said you had one team working on Episode One, one team working on Episode Two, and then they'd join together and push out Episode Three superfast.

Lying is always good fun.

Development cycles change. It doesn't work nearly as fluidly as that.
LOL 2010 even the BMS mod is propably released by then after 10^100^1000 years of modding.

Maybe they should hire that guy who made Minerva, he made awesomeness in a couple of months time, it's almost as if Valve and the BMS team live next to a singularity that causes time to slow down.