Video Card or RAM?


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Which one would make the game work better?

A better graphics card or more RAM?

Current specs:

  • HP Media Center PC m370n
    2.8-GHz Pentium 4
    160GB hard drive
    DVD+RW and CD-RW drives
    17-inch LCD
    ATI RADEON 9000 graphics card with 128MB DDR SDRAM video memory
    Altec Lansing 221 2.1 spekers
Vid card, I'd say. But its really not hard to tell. Are regular HD reads slowing you down? If so, get more ram. If you just have a low FPS and/or GFX look shitty, get a new Vid card.
I'm about 85% sure that it's the GFX card that needs changing. I'm not familiar with the ATi range before the 9600s, but I can guess that your card is starting to get long in tooth and is at least 3 generations old now. The Ram is less important.

Ideally of course, you shouldn't be asking "or" but telling yourself "and".
well the graphics look perfect when i put everything on HIGH is just that its lagging alot... is not that smooth... and another question.... can you put 2 graphics card in one computer and be able to oppeate both of them at the same time?
yes zero, but you can only use the dual Nvidia GT 6800's which cost about 1000$ and then you need the special motherbnoard that supports them... buy a 9800 pro... your needs will be met, and you have 512mbs of ram, that is known as a power user. just buy a new gfx card and you should be setdon't buy an x800... not worth the price
Yep, definitely graphics card. Your RAM is double that of the minimum requirements so you won't have a problem with that.

I'd recommend either a Radeon 98xx or the Radeon x600, x800 or x850
oldfaq said:
yes zero, but you can only use the dual Nvidia GT 6800's which cost about 1000$ and then you need the special motherbnoard that supports them...
Thats only for SLI operation. You can use any two video cards in a machine for multi-monitor support. They just wont work in tandem (and I'm not sure about game preformance, but if it worked at all it would be poor).
512mb of RAM is fine, that graphics card is really rubbish tho, a cheap alternative would be a radeon 9600, my mate has one and he can play HL2 and CS:S on max settings at 1024x768 really well (above 30fps)
I have a 6600gt tho :D
Video card definitely and RAM if you have the extra $70
Phalanx said:
512mb of RAM is fine, that graphics card is really rubbish tho, a cheap alternative would be a radeon 9600, my mate has one and he can play HL2 and CS:S on max settings at 1024x768 really well (above 30fps)
I have a 6600gt tho :D

Or if you spend like $50 more you can get the 9800pro which is almost 2x as fast as the 9600xt much less the 9600 (non-xt).
I have 2.4ghz 512 ram AIW 9800pro (my comp is the same as reccomemded requirements) and it runs without a hitch. But u need to make sure to update your ATI drivers.
It depends on what's the limiting factor. Of course a faster graphics card will allow you to run high quality graphics, but if you are chomping at long load times, then you need more memory. I had 512 M and I noticed long load times after about 6 reloads. I think the game has a memory leak. Anyway, $81 got me another 512M and that problem is history.
Just so you know the radeon 9000 is actually a DirectX 8.1 part thats just slightly slower than a radeon 8500. So I would say the graphics card needs changing for at least a 9800 pro or preferably a 6600GT.
512 MB is known as a power user? Lol, I have 1 GB, and I know there are other people with even more, we must be crazy! Anyways, I would say video card, though most people would know better than me. Currently (as my sig says) I have some old NVIDIA GeForce2 Ultra 64 MB card that sucks for HL2. I'm trying to get an X800 series card, so if you have the money, go for it! (Or an NVIDIA card, whichever you believe is better, they are about the same and always argued over).
f|uke said:
Thats only for SLI operation. You can use any two video cards in a machine for multi-monitor support. They just wont work in tandem (and I'm not sure about game preformance, but if it worked at all it would be poor).
Don't you have to have two AGP slots then?
Seaf AGP is dead, new AGP cards will be around for some time yet. There are plenty of new MBs without PCI-E, and even more users just wanting to upgrade their cards. ATi will have a bridge chip out soon to allow their PCI-e GPUs to run on AGP. But to answer the question, 512 Ram is a must, and a true DX9 9600 or better, or 6600 or greater ;)
hotsnot said:
6600 GT all the way
just make sure to get AGP
I've got a 9600xt (upgrading to a sli asus and 6600gt pci-e), but the 9600xt is pretty good, i run 1024 max everything.

....though if you want to spend a bit more get a 9800
I have a 9600xt 256meg edition... I had 512 system ram and got around 50fps and my settings were defaulting medium models and textures.

I got another 512 of ram, a total of 1024, and now I am getting 70fps, WITH my settings defaulting all to high. ONce you have a good graphics card, the ram really helps.
Kyo said:
Those cards use PCI Express. AGP is practicly dead.
Uh, AGP is still a viable solution for those who don't have IRL money hacks :rolleyes:
Go with the Radeon 9800 series. They rock and they're cheap. Some might suggest getting a 6600 GT cause they're around the same price and perform better, but i'll tell you now...never got one of those cards.

I took advice from a friend and got a 6600 GT about 3 weeks ago. I've had so many problems with it that its just ridiculous that someone should have to spend an additional 150 dollars upgrading their computer, or their power supply, or doing all this crap to see if its overheating just to find out that none of it works. There are alot of problems with the 6600 series. So ignore this card.

So yeah, Go with a Radeon card.