We should get Valve to bring back the tau and add more weapons: the Apos proposal

yea I'm probably bumping an old thread here
oh well
what I find a little depressing is how people expect that the tau cannon, exactly as it was in hl1, would be ported
a lot of people have problems with the jumping, and a lot of people think the primary fire is a waste of time, and a lot of people think charging up the shot is too quick
WHY would you assume that a new tau cannon, in a new engine, in a new game... would play exactly the same?
the key is to have a weapon that is the same in spirit as the original tau cannon, or the original tripmine, or whatever
Apos said:
Er, what? Suit power and armor are the same thing, at least how I meant them. I was NOT talking about the same meter that counts energy from running and such: just the energy power that acts as armor in HL.
That was a reply to someone else. They meant suit power as in AUX power and armor as in armor. So I replied as such.

It's more powerful than the machine guns, and you may not always have time to charge in a heated battle.
Have you ever used the pistol glitch? I used it for a little bit (to see if anyone would notice, no one did, even when I used nothing else for an hour or so). It was quite easy to charge up the pistol during a fight then dump all the bullets on someone and kill them in 1 hit, just as easy as it was to do back in HLDM with the tau cannon. If you were fighting multiple people, yes you might not be able to charge it up. But this is still pretty irrelevant - having two different ammo types for different fire modes that essentially do the same thing is pretty stupid and confusing.
i dont know if the tau needs a comeback, but i would like to see some bio weponry and stickymines/grenades

the stickmines could be rather rudimentary, but entertainng to say the least.

my idea is 2 modes. 1) primary - standing near a wall floor ect, the mice is "placed" and extends a fiber or lazer (depending if its bio or mech ect)

2) secondary - the mine is "tossed" and sticks to anything it touches. if a person is hit, the mine wait 4 seconds before sploding. otherwise, it pulses or glows and is proximity motion
(croutching and walking up allows for avoiding the explosion)

now, where the heck are my snark-look-alikes
The solution to Gauss ammo is this: Make it hard to find, and don't put too much in each pack.

Say you can hold 120 points of ammo, 3 points per normal shot and 12 points per charged shot. That works out to be around the level of the other guns. 30 points per pack might work.
Good idea, this is what I think:

Don't add trip mines, as said before to many objects move, and with the gravity gun...=/

But definately add remote mines, or whatever they are called. You could set up traps with the physics engine, or just use them in short distance fightings (throw/detonate as soon as possible).

As for the tau cannon, I like the idea of having it drain your suit power... all you have to do is avoid the 'jumper' for a while, and after they run out of energy, use pretty much any weapon.

Crowbar... yes. Definately. No arguement.

And about the gluon gun... No. Just...no.

Game. Set. Match.
also the machine gun needs to take away 3 to 5 more hit points per bullet. u have to have the gun point blank with their head and it still takes 20 bullets to kill them. boo.
I would like to see:
1) A "proper" assault rifle, i.e. the OICW
2)The Tau cannon, why it wasn't there in the first place amazes me.
3)More weapons-definately.

And of course we need those damage values reasesed.
I also want, unofficial maps and the competition aside, more official maps.
The solution to the trip-mine problem is obvious. Just make it so that it can't be placed on physics objects and can only be placed on stable walls. Also of course it doesn't have to be in every level (just like all the original halflife weapons weren't in every level). It'd be great to have it in there.

Bringing it back would be totally kick ass.
Elg - that'd be a huge overkill. The main problem with the SMG right now is that it's quite inaccurate. Perhaps 1 extra damage per bullet, but that'd be the limit IMO. Right now, according to the files, the SMG does 4 base damage per bullet and the i-rifle does 8. I'm pretty sure there's a damage modifier for torso that makes it do more than this, and there definately is for head.

If you get a -lot- of headshots it's possible to kill someone using the SMG in about 7-10 shots, which is a very short amount of time for holding the trigger down (roughly only 1/4th of the clip). If you're up close but don't get headshots, you can still take someone down in about 20-30 bullets. The main problem is really the accuracy, since a lot of them don't actually hit their head or chest, you do less damage, hence making it harder to hit them.

As for not placing trip-mines on physics objects - yes and no. You might not want to put one on a monitor, but on a file cabinet, perhaps. Or a car, or the big dumpster, seem like fairly reasonable targets to me.
First and foremost....BRING BACK THE CROWBAR - Period. It's silly that they didn't include it. I could take or leave the Tau, I'm glad to see there isn't a gluon gun (vacuum) but where are the trip mines or satchels, I wouldn't mind seeing the sticky charges either. I'm disapointed with the crossbow, that was a great weapon in HL1 I don't really use it in HL2 DM now. Anyway......we need the crowbar...WHO'S WITH ME?
crowbar yes. i want that first. satchels would be awesome too, setting traps and watching their ragdoll corpse go flying. would be much more satisfying than in hl1
I was upset that the crowbar wasent in there to begin with. How bout a new DM weapon that we have never had before? Not sure what just something cool, I'm sure the brains at Valve could think up something new and fun :)
The only weapon addition HL2DM needs is the crowbar, that would be the only thing theyd consider including! So there...
Crowbar? Agreed.

Tau? Hmmm... not sure, it was a fun gun, but also very dominating. The approach of HL and HL2 aren't the same either, HL had a higher pace and less realistic map settings, it would look rather silly and unfitting to see some guy jumping with it. It would more seem like a glitch like the gravity jump.

More weapons? Sure, as long as they are diverse, no need for 25 assault rifles/machine guns. There were some pretty good suggestions made by someone here, to add for example the hopper mines from the singeplayer, or let people launch manhacks.
I pray to god that valve does not add the tau cannon. this is hl2 not hl. If you want to use the same strategy youve been using for years, you can play hl:dm. Adding the tau cannon would ruin hl2:dm by making it exactly the same as hl:dm.
I always preferred the through-walls aspect of the tau over the jumping aspect
I agree with Apos on this one.
Plus I'd like to add my 5c:

I think that The player should always spawn with a weapon that is beyond the pistol (mainly the shotty or SMG), and that the SMG needs an accuracy boost; it would reward players who want to aim and still please the masses. ANyway, it won't matter much; EVERYONE starts with one.
taking the gauss from halflife series is like taking the rocketlauncher out of the quake series