Weekend Deal: 75% off Mount and Blade

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
This weekend you can buy Mount and Blade 75% off standard price that is $7.50 / 7.50? / ?6.25.
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Calradia is a land at war, offering great riches and even greater dangers to adventurers and mercenaries that flock to shed their blood on its soil. With courage and a strong sword, an unknown stranger can make a name as a warrior.
[*] Free-form sand-box gameplay. You are free to go anywhere in a world with more than a hundred unique locations including villages, castles and towns.
[*] Highly advanced and intuitive sword-fighting systems.
[*] You can be anything from a lonesome adventurer to a commander of armies or an owner of villages, castles or towns.
[*] Sophisticated AI will challenge you in combat and in your strategic plans
You can visit the store page here.
I read a few HL2.netters praising this, not looked into it at all myself but I'm sold. ;)

I think I will part with the cash at this price :D
Yes, it's a great game with mod support.
Is it worth it?

Oh my ****ing god yes. I ****ing love this game so damn much. And this is even cheaper than when I bought it like a year and a half ago (they were selling beta versions at reduced price so they could keep up development, and when you bought a beta version you got every update from then on for no additional cost).

This is probably one of my favorite games ever. I've sunk ridiculous amounts of time into it.
I downloaded the demo, and after playing it I went to buy it in Steam but the purchase info/button is missing from it's store page, along with the price in the search results.
Well worth it, esp at that price point. Sure the graphics aren't that snazzy, but the actual game play is fantastic, and the battles/sieges are bloody good fun. Buy this, you won't regret it.