What am I, 90?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I feel like an old man.. Not in body, but it's the fact that everything now-a-days pisses me off. Like there is no point to half the shit anyone does, and they still do it.. Like I used (like 2 years ago) to love watching science shows, I used to think 'wow, that's really interesting' when they'd explain how your eyes work or something like that, but now I see it and think 'how does that help anyone knowing how your eyes work? What will anyone use that information for besides showing off their 'intelligence' in stupid conversations, it's not like they can invent shit to make our 20/20 vision better.. Shit.' It's retarded.. I'm thinking this way about everything, even video games 'why the **** do they keep advancing technology, the graphics in games now are fine, f*ck off with the new requirements.. It's stupid.. I don't want to spend $1000 upgrading my computer every time a new games comes out.. I'm not rich ffs.. Shit. Current gen looks perfectly fine.' We'd still love Atari graphics and be spending $20 on new games if they didn't advance it so fast. If we never got a taste of the '3D' graphics, we wouldn't care that it looks like Atari, we'd think thats good, but no. We spend $1000 on a new console and $80 on ONE new game. WHAT IN THE F*CK! I could buy SO much shit for $80, f*ck a god damn game. I have 10 XBOX 360 games. THAT IS $800! I have 20 PS2 games, and bought them new. THERE IS ANOTHER $1400! Total of $2200. That is absolutely crazy. 30 video games cost me $2200? I could buy a damn car for that.

Almost everything that is new within the last 3 years seems stupid to me.. All the old stuff is good, why improve? Don't get me wrong, I'd love a big fat HD TV in front of me.. But that's only because my games and movies look like shit on my old 32' TV according to the stores and companies.. Which cost like $1500 new.. It's f*cked. I don't even think HD looks any different.. I'm not kidding.. An XBOX 360 games looks exactly the same on a HD TV as it does on my old TV.. My TV is like 5 years old.

Is there something wrong with me, or am I 'just getting older'. I'm only 17 by the way.

God damn HL2.net... (I'm joking)

EDIT: Oh yea, internet culture pisses me right the f*ck off. I can't stand all this lol and rofl anymore either, yet about 5 years back I typed like that.. All the time. orly owl, goatse, Chocolate Rain (which was NEVER funny to me, anyways. It's gay) can f*ck right off. I just want to punch someone in the face when I talk on MSN or something like that 'hi, wutz up?' 'Nothing' 'o rly? u wanna go n get sum food?' F*CK!

Even my sig is pissing me off and I just put that in like yesterday..
take a break from it. Whenever I get tired of hearing music, I stop. And the next day or maybe a few days later, it's good again.

Nobody says you have to buy the latest stuff.. Buy some old games from ebay or a local used game store or something.

and avoid anyone that talks like that

there you go. you are 17 again.
That is why I buy very few games. I am pretty much strict to only purchasing Valve/HL games, the rest I just borrow and try out.

Occasionally, I'll buy a non Valve game.

All I have is HL, HL2, HL 2 Ep.1, HL Ep.2, Portal, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, CS:S, and TF2. -All of those with the acception of Blue Shift and Opposing Force came with either my HL2, or my Orange Box. All together that is like...120 bucks? Was pretty worth it for all those games I play.
The only other game I have that I've bought is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which was 20 bucks

I have plenty of games that could last me a long ass time, sold my Battlefront 2 and KOTOR, didn't need them.
What do you need all those games for? I probably shouldn't be talking, ever since I was a kid until now I've always wasted money on toys. I will never grow out of Detailed Action Figures, hey, at least I still enjoy them :p
Well, ever since I got a job I've spent every cent I've made (about $700 so far, I got the job like 2 months ago, part-time) on guitars (2 of them, Les Paul and Ibanez (Ibanez for $75, it was a steal) and guitar accessories (specialty picks, strings, etc), but the thing is - that's fine. It's productive, It's my hobby and I hope to go to university for music/guitar, it lets me be creative. What do games to for me? Oh, I wasted 2 hours of my life.. oh, I beat the game.. Oh I unlocked an achievement, that's gonna get me pussy for sure.. Atleast with guitar it actually DOES have the potential to get me alot of different things. I could've bought alot of shit guitars for $2200 or one really bad-ass guitar. I could've also used the time I spent on video games to spend making my music skills better. Alot better.
You need a long ass vacation out of country. And you don't have to buy stuff right when it comes out, and if you do, ebay. I get tons of stuff cheaper, it's probably saved me over $1000 on the 22 items I've gotten.
I'm getting tired of gaming too.

After Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, GTA IV PC, and Spore... I'll essentially have completed my gaming life and will in turn be selling all of my games.
Cause in all honesty I'm also starting to get VERY bored of gaming, I find myself enjoying being around friends more than I do with a mouse and keyboard in my hand nowadays.

I myself am also DAMN sick of this internet speak, where everyone sounds like a retarded little child.

Seriously, f*ck off with that shit.

Luckily, I'll be getting away from the gaming world soon for 3 glorious weeks scouring the west coast around the end of July with my girl, my sister and her boyfriend, and a couple of my friends.

So that'll probably be a nice way to unwind for my part.

As for you, I suggest just unplugging your computer and putting it away and hanging out with your friends alot more.
Going to the beaches, taking strolls down town, going for a peaceful drive down the countryside.

Anything BUT playing video games.
Have a break. Have a kit-kat.

Srsly, get a new hobby or hop on the nearest chick...that's not your mom...or your sister...
Well, it's not that easy, I live in the country, I have one friend within walking distance (a long ass walk even there, I might add), I got my beginners license at 17 rather then 16, so I have to wait another year before I can drive by myself.. Even then I have no car except my parents, which they use 95% of the time..

I can't really 'go' anywhere.. Summer vacation started for school a week ago, and I thought it'd be nice to not to anything for 5 days (I've got 5 days off work), but to be honest, it's just made me even more pissed off.. I can't afford anything to do (like a bow and arrow, or a dirtbike, y'know, country things) because I get no hours for work meaning no cash.. Damn. I haven't played video-games in the last week either, by the way.

I'm going to a Rush concert July 9th in Toronto, that'll be a really fun day. One day, though.. Hopefully I can tag along with some people to a few other concerts this month.. But after that there is nothing

1. Get monies
2. Get dirtbikes
3. Get fun
4. ???
5. Profit

People say money is only a tool. True. But it makes the world turn.
That pisses me off, too.

It was on an episode of South Park like 5 years ago.. IT ISN'T FUNNY.

No offense to you, though.

It also isn't easy to buy a $2000 piece of machinery when I earn probably about $150 every 2 weeks.. I work like 4 days every 2 weeks and get payed every two weeks.. It sucks ass. The only days they make me work are weekends, too. I work Saturday and Sunday (tomorrow and day after), then I'm off for ANOTHER 5 days.

EDIT: For the record, these aren't the only things that piss me off - EVERYTHING pisses me off, these are just a few examples.
90? More like 3, you freakin' cry baby. Could you think of anything more trivial to bitch about?
I don't know how rich you say you are, but $2200 for a normal person is alot, especially wasted on games.
Meh, stuff pisses me off too.

I hate my friends and their little anime addictions.
It's you who is wasting your own money. Get a real job, little boy.
I don't know how rich you say you are, but $2200 for a normal person is alot, especially wasted on games.

Well it's not like it's food, if it bothers you that much just stop buying them.
I have.. Didn't I mention I spent $700 on guitars? (which I'm not complaining about)

This thread isn't about WHAT pisses me off, my point was that everything, including little things, piss me off. And I asked why.

I was just citing examples of small things that piss me off, that shouldn't piss off a normal person.

And Pes, did I not mention that I've got no car? Didn't I say I live in the country? It was hard enough for me to get this job, because it's such a hassle to just hand-out resumes let alone get to work. I'm happy I've got this job, I just don't like how they give me no hours. Why don't you learn to read, little boy.
Wow, I spent $700 on a piano, leased a house, payed for this semester's college, and got a new engine for my car all in the same month. Don't even begin to brag about expenditures.

It's called not blowing your money on worthless shit and working hard. Wow, what a concept. You say you're 17? You don't even need money. You're not in college, you don't have a girlfriend, you don't have bills.

About your hours... ask for more? What a concept. I think you're too afraid to ask for more because you're a lazy swine.
Jobs are hard to find these days, prices with everything is increasing and raping us. You live in the US right?
I think you guys really need to get out more. If gaming is boring you, you've obviously spent way too much time playing them. I enjoy an active social life, and I enjoy playing video games a couple times a week as well. It's a hobby, like anything else. If you really feel that you're bored of gaming, perhaps you overstayed your welcome in front of the computer screen/living room tv.
'wow, that's really interesting' when they'd explain how your eyes work or something like that, but now I see it and think 'how does that help anyone knowing how your eyes work? What will anyone use that information for besides showing off their 'intelligence' in stupid conversations, it's not like they can invent shit to make our 20/20 vision better.. Shit.'

You would be suprised. In the past few years alone, laser surgery has improved, sunglasses that have the ability to change strengths based upon lighting conditions have become more affordable, the military has sets of glasses that have an LCD type lense that adjusts to every condition the eye is in, correcting focus, colour blindness and other issues in real time and user adjustable, cheap, optical wear has been developed to help even those without much money.


It's retarded.. I'm thinking this way about everything, even video games 'why the **** do they keep advancing technology, the graphics in games now are fine, f*ck off with the new requirements..

HL1 was an amazing game, but it truly did not have the same sort of impace as HL2 or any of the episodes. I was much more emotional at Dr. Eli Vance's death than any of the misc. doctor models in HL1.

It's stupid.. I don't want to spend $1000 upgrading my computer every time a new games comes out.. I'm not rich ffs.. Shit. Current gen looks perfectly fine.'

In 1990, my computer cost $3000, had 8MB of ram, a 1GB hard disc and a Pentium 1.
In 2000, my computer cost $1500, had 512MB of ram, a 120GB hard disc and an XP2500
In 2007, my computer cost $1300, had 2GB of ram, a 250GB hard disc and an X2 3800

I used to get ram for $80 or so per 256MB, I can now get high performance 2GB kits for $30ish and 2GB is fine to run anything.

We'd still love Atari graphics and be spending $20 on new games if they didn't advance it so fast. If we never got a taste of the '3D' graphics, we wouldn't care that it looks like Atari, we'd think thats good, but no. We spend $1000 on a new console and $80 on ONE new game. WHAT IN THE F*CK! I could buy SO much shit for $80, f*ck a god damn game. I have 10 XBOX 360 games. THAT IS $800! I have 20 PS2 games, and bought them new. THERE IS ANOTHER $1400! Total of $2200. That is absolutely crazy. 30 video games cost me $2200? I could buy a damn car for that.

We could also live without electricity, modern medicine and the wheel. That, or live our whole lives as farmers and never acquire any amount of money, or be born in a lower class and not be able to ever get a better job.

Almost everything that is new within the last 3 years seems stupid to me.. All the old stuff is good, why improve? Don't get me wrong, I'd love a big fat HD TV in front of me.. But that's only because my games and movies look like shit on my old 32' TV according to the stores and companies.. Which cost like $1500 new.. It's f*cked. I don't even think HD looks any different.. I'm not kidding.. An XBOX 360 games looks exactly the same on a HD TV as it does on my old TV.. My TV is like 5 years old.

Then buy a CRT! That's all that I've got. It cost $800 or so for the 32inch a decade or so ago and now people are throwing them away. I bet you could get one cheap/free.

I've also got to say that my group of friends talk online and do not use shortcuts, misspellings, slang or anything like that. It's all up to what you do and I still prefer face to face conversations anyways.

Life can look down, but I think that I'm alive during the best time in human history. Although I can completely see how you are annoyed by seemingly everything, I know that I've been in that sort of mindset. I think that there can be such a combination of small things that "go wrong" to you that everything seems to be just as annoying. I live in Northern Ontario and everything is some distance away. With gas prices the way they are, it's costly just to get to work and back, let alone make enough money and that is if you can get a car and afford insurance etc.

I say, find something that you know doesn't piss you off. If you love music than see how far you can take that. Practise a lot, put up a website and sell some of your stuff, share it, learn something tough, perform for someone.
It's just part of growing up I guess. Everything that was exciting before just loses its luster. I'm sure you'll find some new normal teenage things to do like drugs or sex.
I know what you mean. The internet has been getting more and more annoying to me. That's usually a sign of "You've grown up enough, now do grown up stuff"

Surfing the internet going "Lawl u nub haha suck my pen0r u f4g" isn't going to get you far, anyway.
Like I used (like 2 years ago) to love watching science shows, I used to think 'wow, that's really interesting' when they'd explain how your eyes work or something like that, but now I see it and think 'how does that help anyone knowing how your eyes work? What will anyone use that information for besides showing off their 'intelligence' in stupid conversations, it's not like they can invent shit to make our 20/20 vision better..
Nothing pisses me off more than people thinking knowledge has to have a human use. Knowledge is pretty much the only thing that has tangible meaning IMO. You just ruined my morning. :sleep:
You're cranky ffs, you just need a nap and a juicebox.
On a totally unrelated note, I agree with vikram's signature.

Back to the point,
I finally got a job, sure it's filled with pains but I enjoy it, i'm finally active and fit. I never spend my money and I have tons in reserve. If people piss you off, don't associate with the same ones. My group at work doesn't ever use the internet slang, and it's great.
Pes, everything doesn't work the way you think it does. I can't ask for more hours because of my job situation, it's all about rank, and I'm at the bottom (I just started), therefore I get lower hours. I can't ask, they give and I work, that's all. It's not easy at all to find a job around this area, a steel factory recently closed down laying off like 8000 people. Who do you think they'll hire, someone who worked in a factory for 30+ years, or some 17 year old kid with one previous job for a summer.

And as a matter of a fact, I do have bills, although they are relatively small, it works out taking a lot of the little money I do have, because I get payed little.

And you may think guitars are worthless shit, but to me they are everything. I repair, clean, fix, mod, and sell guitars, and I also collect, no matter how shitty or how good they are, if it's a good deal in my opinion, I can usually make a profit on it. (another small way I make cash).

And about college - I'm not in, yet. I've only got one more year in high school to save up for University, dickhead.

Why the hell would I brag about expenditures? I'm complaining about them. I don't even have big ones, either. People have it worse then me..

DrDevin, you get it. And as for the TV, it is a CRT, we bought it new in 2001 (I think), and that's what I'm saying. HD looks the same as regular TV.

But some of you are STILL missing the point of this thread - I just wanted to know why I was getting pissed at everything, and why everything new seems stupid to me.

Nothing pisses me off more than people thinking knowledge has to have a human use. Knowledge is pretty much the only thing that has tangible meaning IMO. You just ruined my morning. :sleep:

Yea, but seriously, they could be, I don't know, curing the cold or some such crap, but instead I'd rather know that the Rods in my eye dictate how much light gets in.. Wow, I'll use that often. Maybe if they found a way to alter them so they work faster so night-vision can become instant, but they aren't finding a way, therefore it's useless info.
The best things in life are either free, or extremely expensive. And the free stuff can be harder to get. Ain't that a bitch?

It does help to ask for more hours. You probably won't get more hours immediately unless they already needed it, but mentioning it to him/her will put it in his mind, so if he does have an opening he knows he has someone with a little experience who wants it, instead of hiring someone new, which is paperwork for him and lost production.

Who is going to work harder - someone hungry for more money, or someone who wanted the day off? Your manager knows that. He/she might be willing to try you out for more hours over some slacker.

Oh, and stop buying games. Play the ones you have until you can't stand them anymore, and then sell them. Buy only games that you KNOW you will love
That's just the futility talking. Sounds like you need some carefree supplements in your diet... I'd recommend 30g each of nostalgia, hope, and hugs, and 40g of playing with legos. Maybe a blowjob.
you said you live in the country? grab some camping gear and go camping for a few days.
But some of you are STILL missing the point of this thread - I just wanted to know why I was getting pissed at everything, and why everything new seems stupid to me.

"You've grown up enough, now do grown up stuff"

It's just part of growing up I guess. Everything that was exciting before just loses its luster.

...and your still 17 --Dog? Your a spring chicken compared to me! (I'm 24) At least you still have time to plan your life early.

I was a layabout and didn't really get my life into motion until several years ago. If your bored with everything, then that's good.
This way you can focus on important stuff that matters (like what you want to do for a career the rest of you life) while your still in HS.
I felt exactly the same way as you at one point, except it should have happened to me sooner. (like at your age for instance)
Think of it as, "mental puberty" or "mental growing pains". ;)