What do we know so far?

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ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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There is very little information about Half-Life 2 at the moment but little snippets of info have been released. If you bring all these together you should have a vague idea what the game is all about :)
So if you know something we don't, post it.

  • It's due to be released September 30th 2003.
  • It's built using a new engine by valve called Source.
  • Both singleplayer and multiplayer modes will feature vehicles you can drive.
  • Gordon Freeman is still the main character.
  • You now follow orders from the G-Man.
  • Half-Life 2 will be published by Sierra Entertainment.
  • Xen aliens make a comeback aswell as many of Half-Life's characters - barney, scientists, g-man etc.
  • Half-Life 2 will be making an appearance at e3 in ATI's booth.
  • As rich as the game engine is visually, it can be scaled down to run well on a 700MHz system with a TNT or Rage 128 3D card.
  • Action will take place in a wider variety of environments than Half-Life, including wide-open outdoor spaces, cities, an ocean liner, a prison, and a dried out seabed.
  • There will be 12 game chapters, each with several levels, using the system from the first game.
  • A wider variety of decals will be used, reflecting varying degrees of damage across different surfaces.
  • Everything in the game will happen to you; as in Half-Life, there won't be any cut-scenes.
  • Every character in the game will have a slightly unique face

That's all I can be bothered to post at this time :) If you have read any of the magazines with previews you will know a good deal.
new (non-scan) screenshots have been put online:

have fun :)

[Edit: These are actually scans. They are high resolution but are still scanned from a magazine]
I am counting down for the release. :cheese:

<It's built using a new engine by valve called Source.>

It is V Source.


Greetz Spiteri.

this is one im REALLY looking forward to.

Oh yeah and its much more MOD FIENDLY the the original
Wow... oh wow... HL2 is gonna rock! :bounce:

September 30th seems so far away...
[Edit: These are actually scans. They are high resolution but are still scanned from a magazine]

well, it doesn't really matter. hopefully we will see a lot of real online previews when the online embargo ends :):smoking:
Aye a fair few sites have announced they are releasing previews tomorrow.

From Gamespy:
- HALF-LIFE 2: At 3:30 PM PST this Thursday, May 8th, we’ll have our full preview of the game everyone is talking about: HALF-LIFE 2. It's all here: the new engine, the story, the characters, screenshots and more. Gordon Freeman is back, baby!
Well it's pretty good content so it's worth the money :)
no bodies confirmed deathmatch yet.....slightly worrying... as if it dusnt contain dm, im killing myself (or continuing to play ag....dunno yet :P) :cheers:
Hmmm Ya know I think I read somewere that they are thinking of a MP part but they dont wanna tell more.. 2 bad for us
hi to all members of this forum! i'm from Kazakhstan. du you know about this country? :naughty: it's situated under Russia (look at the map)...........
i'm not so good in English... well, that's all about me.
i wanted to ask y'all some questions about the greatest game in the whole world Half-life2 (tadada!!).

my computer is not so strong. it's difficult to upgrade my comp. in our country...(very bad...) SO...DO I HAVE ANY CHANCE TO PLAY HALF-LIFE2?
(i've got P3 933mhz, 256mb, geforce4 128mb)
Danyar said:
hi to all members of this forum! i'm from Kazakhstan. du you know about this country? :naughty: it's situated under Russia (look at the map)...........
i'm not so good in English... well, that's all about me.
i wanted to ask y'all some questions about the greatest game in the whole world Half-life2 (tadada!!).

my computer is not so strong. it's difficult to upgrade my comp. in our country...(very bad...) SO...DO I HAVE ANY CHANCE TO PLAY HALF-LIFE2?
(i've got P3 933mhz, 256mb, geforce4 128mb)

Woah... talk about dragging up old threads my friend! :O

Anyway, Welcome To The Forums!

But I would have recomended you posting this in the newbie forum. :)

Because its not exactly the most appropriate place here is it?


Wow... this thread.... memories...
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