What game genre do you wish would go away?

MMORPGS that do nothing different at all. Even worse now since there are at least 100 coming out that are exact copies of WoW in an attempt to steal its subscribers, which I am not sure is possible.

RTS that are dune 2 with different graphics. Company of heroes can stay.

Not quite military sims that are shadows of what they used to be. Tom clancy games are a perfect example. I used to have the option to form some kind of plan before I went in game and even then it was a rarity if one of your guys didn't go down.

Final Fantasy and it's clones. Slow turn-based gameplay that consists of smashing the fight button over and over again, maybe using a potion in boss fights. Story is usually about some whiny emo kids wondering around trying to stop an evil villain, normally an even whinier emo kid.
Not really a genre, but I can't stand Lego Star Wars.
Why Lego? Because thats the only excuse they have so they dont have to work on brilliant graphics.
Not really a genre, but I can't stand Lego Star Wars.
Why Lego? Because thats the only excuse they have so they dont have to work on brilliant graphics.
Yet fun and addictive. Played them?
corridor crawl horror fps like Prey, Doom, Fear, etc etc etc ..Stalker is the only exception to the rule as it doesnt feel like a scripted ride in a funhouse like the majority of horror fps do

also tired of military shooters like Ghost recon, Rainbow 6 etc ..I used to love ghost recon ...now it's a pale imitation meant to appeal to casual gamers with short attention spans who wouldnt be able to tell that they're playing the exact same shooter they've been playing for years, only with shiner graphics/new (same) guns


Myself, I'd like the consolified RPGs (eg. Oblivion) to die and get buried six feet underground, covered with radioactive waste, filled with concrete and buried under additional 20+ meters of ground.
Anything at all related to the "Fantasy" genre couldn't vanish fast enough in my opinion. Especially fantasy MMOs. My skin crawls just thinking about them.
linear fps and rpg's. Everything should be open-ended these days! Everything!
Eh Korean MMOs or any of those free ones. I can't stand the maple story kids at my school.


I hate maple story, but I cannot agree with you. I don't want to see a few thuosand people starve.
All first person shooters. Just to see what gaming would be like without them.
The SNES didn't have any FPS'es and that console is fiiiinnneeeee.
I'd say that games based off of a Movie Franchise/TV shows are generally diabolical. I'd also say that games ported from Console tend to suck balls a lot as well because of the inherent compromises designing for gamepads forces in the development (yes I'm looking at you GTA series and your shitty keyboard flying controls) .

Personally I'd like to see more games that followed the mold of Vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines/Oblivion of using 3D engines to deliver adventure games, but better than those.
The SNES didn't have any FPS'es and that console is fiiiinnneeeee.
Jurassic Park

Also, I'm tired of sandbox games or games that're free-roaming mission fests. I just can't get into them and end up wasting all my time wandering around doing nothing. GTA, Oblivion...those kinds of games.
Jurassic Park

Also, I'm tired of sandbox games or games that're free-roaming mission fests. I just can't get into them and end up wasting all my time wandering around doing nothing. GTA, Oblivion...those kinds of games.

Have to agree here, I can never really get fully invested in these types of games. Maybe if someone created a sandbox type game with a bit more linearity and narrative I'd think more highly of this genre.
Military shooters I agree with, WWII ones, absolutely done to death, give developers more free roaming artistic boundaries instead of putting them on those kindof generic project tbh.
What is funny is if you took every genre mentioned in this thread and took them away I am not sure any games would be left to play. LOL

I guess that's more an appreciation for diversity than anything else, still funny to think about though
What is funny is if you took every genre mentioned in this thread and took them away I am not sure any games would be left to play. LOL
"Barbie's Horse Adventure" would still be around so really there's no reason to be upset.


I agree to the extent that the sort of Halo-do nothing more than shoot bad guys genre should certainly go away.
Yeah, most FPS games these days are really just "shoot the bad guys until you finish the game". It wouldn't be so bad if some of them at least had some resemblance of an interesting storyline.

FEAR got lucky in that respect, as the game's storyline suddenly picked up when the action got the most repetitive.

The main problem with the FPS genre though, is that now-a-days its more a showcase of engines and graphics than anything else. The gameplay has remained the same for almost a decade now. Only one or two games have really tried to break the mold in the past decade and nothings really succeeded.
I don't wish a genre would go away.

I just wish developers like Infinity Ward would die and drop off the face of the earth, since there's no justification for their success or acclaim.
and they should die because of that? lol.com
I disagree with the first post.. If they do it right, horror FPSs can kick some ass. System Shock 2 for example, horror FPS and it's better then 95% of FPSs today (and it was made in like 1998-1999)

BTW - I liked Doom 3, it was repetitive, but I liked the story/voice acting/sounds.

Also - Sports Games. There are so much of them it's retarded, if you want to play sports go find some friends and play for real. God damn it.

ALSO - Halo sucks, same thing over and over, then they make a new game of the same thing. Halo 3 is going to be exactly the same except like 2 new weapons. Stop buying this shitty game, and maybe Bungie would stop and make an actual game.
this whole thread fails, on a massive level.

and extra fail for those that decry turn based games, remember your roots you upstart ADHD kids. Fallout 1&2 were turn based, and hating fallout is not allowed without the punishment of flogging.

There's way too much "i'm too jaded, spoiled, and unhappy to enjoy anything" going on in this thread.
this whole thread fails, on a massive level.

and extra fail for those that decry turn based games, remember your roots you upstart ADHD kids. Fallout 1&2 were turn based, and hating fallout is not allowed without the punishment of flogging.

There's way too much "i'm too jaded, spoiled, and unhappy to enjoy anything" going on in this thread.

I will never forget turn based games, my favorite will always be Lords of the Realm II :)
this whole thread fails, on a massive level.

and extra fail for those that decry turn based games, remember your roots you upstart ADHD kids. Fallout 1&2 were turn based, and hating fallout is not allowed without the punishment of flogging.

There's way too much "i'm too jaded, spoiled, and unhappy to enjoy anything" going on in this thread.

But those of us that hate turn-based games have the right to hate Fallout. :|