What is YOUR Gordon's personality?

Oct 7, 2009
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In this small post i'd like to ask the community something simple, yet very important - how do you see Gordon Freeman as a personality? My question is not 'How he looks like as Valve have said', but what is important about your Gordon, what makes yours so valuable to you.
To answer some questions, my Gordon is that silent, a little bit shy type of ordinary scientists out there, who worked really hard to receive his PhD in Theoretical physics and almost failed once, partially helped by his lector Dr. Kleiner with whom he became close friends and they helped themselves mutually.
As of this, Kleiner saw Gordon looking for a job and asked him if he would accept a possition at the Black Messup (oops, Mesa :) ) facility. Gordon saw this great opportunity, as he couldn't even dream of working something of this proportion. Constant lazyness, late arrivals at work and the fact that he was a little awkward when it came to crate storing and maintenance assistance were part of his everyday routine.
During his struggle to survive the BM Incident, he had times when he almost drowned, suffocated, burned and when he was zapped, shot at, and exposed to radiation.

Now, Mr. Freeman, let me read your story...
the fact he doesn't say anything, makes you react to things the way you would and speak for him in your mind . so, hes just like how I would would be if I had a shotgun and "zero point energy field manipulator" and was constantly surrounded by zombies
Mine is pretty much suicidal, given the fact that I'm always discovering and trying out interesting ways to die. He's also a bit gung-ho in his fighting and driving style.
Estatic. Likes to climb things while flailing his crowbar.
He hates being chased, he's very cautious, and takes good care of his allies.
He also can't aim for shit.
He likes to blow shit up and run over antlions.
Never really thought about it, but tenacious and willing to do anything I suppose.
Mine is a pervert, he is always looking at Alyx's ass. Nom Nom Nom
Something i haven't shared in my previous post - he's a little bit cocky when it comes to button pressing. A chicken, literaly. He almost took that Vort's head off with the shotgun when he was climbing that flooded mine shaft.. good thing allies can't be harmed, I could've killed so many either by surprise or bad aim. :hmph:

Yay, 100 posts. :D
My Gordon isn't very important at all, he is simply a muse for my actions.
My Gordon is a functional mute who just can't help but stare at his companion's ass whenever he gets the chance.
My Gordon keeps getting the feeling that he's just a character in a game.
Woo, now we're getting progreess. I'm really glad no one mentioned anything about quicksaving. :)
Easy to startle, intense, and belives he's directly responsible for the Black Mesa Incident.
Gordon Freeman

To me, the fact he says nothing makes it hard to make a judgment on his personality, but I would presume he is noble and probably modest. Probably brave and bold. And intelligent to some extent.
He keeps thinking of cool badass things to say but never gets a chance to say them.
Not even turning around and saying "so long" in a badass way?
My gordon thinks he knows what he's doing but ends up doing something tottaly different and gennraly screwing up!:D

In this small post i'd like to ask the community something simple, yet very important - how do you see Gordon Freeman as a personality? My question is not 'How he looks like as Valve have said', but what is important about your Gordon, what makes yours so valuable to you.
To answer some questions, my Gordon is that silent, a little bit shy type of ordinary scientists out there, who worked really hard to receive his PhD in Theoretical physics and almost failed once, partially helped by his lector Dr. Kleiner with whom he became close friends and they helped themselves mutually.
As of this, Kleiner saw Gordon looking for a job and asked him if he would accept a possition at the Black Messup (oops, Mesa :) ) facility. Gordon saw this great opportunity, as he couldn't even dream of working something of this proportion. Constant lazyness, late arrivals at work and the fact that he was a little awkward when it came to crate storing and maintenance assistance were part of his everyday routine.
During his struggle to survive the BM Incident, he had times when he almost drowned, suffocated, burned and when he was zapped, shot at, and exposed to radiation.

Now, Mr. Freeman, let me read your story...

Gordon never failed at theatretical sciences; he never even came close. He conscructed and solved almost impossible algorythms in his twenties, and he aquired a Ph.d in Theryetical physics at the age of 21 with a commedation.

To me, though, he seems like a hard-ass gunslinger, armed with a yearning for blood and blasting and tearing the limbs away from his enemies, impaling them on jagged spikes and poles for sport, while viciously mutiliating Combine and Xen soldiers alike for his equivalant for evening golf.
My Gordon is an asshole. He types impulse_101 into console so that he can blow away the "pick up that can" combine, but then he blows Breens head off during the teleport from the lab and the game won't continue so I have to restart the game.
My Gordon is an asshole. He types impulse_101 into console so that he can blow away the "pick up that can" combine, but then he blows Breens head off during the teleport from the lab and the game won't continue so I have to restart the game.

Lol, the only thing I have ever used during my first play through was godmode. :|
I was too afraid I might ruin the game if I use the impulse commands.
Godmode ruins the game just about the same.
I dont really see why you would need godmode anyways, Half Life 2 is pretty easy as far as shooters go.

Anyways, my Gordon absolutely HATES manhacks and antlions. He is a terrible driver and can never seem to make the buggy go in a straight line. That may have to do with the fact that he is juiced up on so many morphine administrations from the HEV that he's even forgotten who he is. Regardless, he finds the kick of the SMG and Magnum satisfying.
My Gordon doesn't really care about stuff, he just tries to survive and do things in this pipe of events he seems to live in. It's a boring way to see it but that's what it feels like to me..
No, you missunderstood me people. I used godmode only in HL1 in Nihilanth's Lair to be exact. Well I finished the game without godmode, but I have used it to learn this or that; a small part actually.

Im realy glad the thread continues. :)
my Gordan is like Rambo he does any thing it takes to survive
my Gordan is like Rambo he does any thing it takes to survive




He does any thing it takes to survive.
good side: me, my gordon know all the place to go, know all the monsters, he is like a superhero, keep the stuff at floor, and block the doors or holes with it.

bad side: He is like a super hero that is scared of noting. (no fun without scary stuff)
He is cheating because its boring to do all normally, so, he is always bugging the game. he call a citizen to come into the elevator before the ''red letter day'' chapter, and alyx is stuck outside, and the door is closed, she is always talking...
Killing gman at the start of the game.
Shooted the buggy in the sea with the gravity gun and cant go futher.
And too, when alyx go in the teleporter, the super gordon go in too, he go on alyx, and crouch, but after, when the thing go up, she die under him, so noting happen, and kleiner look at gordon with a :frown: face.
Too, he is always killing combine by calling up some fastzombies, and some citizens. He can kill with his eyes too...
He have a suiciding side, he always testing everything; jumping in the sea and die by the leechers; Go under a strider and die on a feet'', go into the citadel energy core to see why the stuff he put in dissolve, go play in the toxic stuff to see it its like water, stay in front of a train to see if he will be pushed away, jumping of a building, hide in a corner to escape from headcrabs and stay stuck by them, playing with a rollermine, playing with a turret, go on a laser to see if its just an alarm and die, tried to kill the helicopter.... There is too many stuff ''gordon'' did in this game :LOL:
good side: me, my gordon know all the place to go, know all the monsters, he is like a superhero, keep the stuff at floor, and block the doors or holes with it.

bad side: He is like a super hero that is scared of noting. (no fun without scary stuff)
He is cheating because its boring to do all normally, so, he is always bugging the game. he call a citizen to come into the elevator before the ''red letter day'' chapter, and alyx is stuck outside, and the door is closed, she is always talking...
Killing gman at the start of the game.
Shooted the buggy in the sea with the gravity gun and cant go futher.
And too, when alyx go in the teleporter, the super gordon go in too, he go on alyx, and crouch, but after, when the thing go up, she die under him, so noting happen, and kleiner look at gordon with a :frown: face.
Too, he is always killing combine by calling up some fastzombies, and some citizens. He can kill with his eyes too...
He have a suiciding side, he always testing everything; jumping in the sea and die by the leechers; Go under a strider and die on a feet'', go into the citadel energy core to see why the stuff he put in dissolve, go play in the toxic stuff to see it its like water, stay in front of a train to see if he will be pushed away, jumping of a building, hide in a corner to escape from headcrabs and stay stuck by them, playing with a rollermine, playing with a turret, go on a laser to see if its just an alarm and die, tried to kill the helicopter.... There is too many stuff ''gordon'' did in this game :LOL:

I think I speak for all of us when I say your Gordon is completely demented.
Anyways, my Gordon absolutely HATES manhacks and antlions. He is a terrible driver and can never seem to make the buggy go in a straight line. That may have to do with the fact that he is juiced up on so many morphine administrations [/QUOTE]

Morhpine dosen't induce memory loss, and if it did, It would probably be illegal. Either way, morhpine would be diluted in some non-toxic solvent, or a solvent which was dangerous but was injected with a neutrilising agent or some form of antigen which would counteract the deadly solvent.
My gordon is a complete retard that shouts BEWM HEADSHOT when he hit someone in the leg.
Also, he loves to get caught by barnacles and be tentacle raiped and then kill the barnacle with a piece of metal.
The most hardcore badass out there, wherever there's something that blows up, it's not long until it is. (killing combine's with the explosion is merely a bonus)
Mine is a tender little guy. He's also suicidal and quiet.
