What movie changed your view of the World ?

Hhmmm...a lot of movies have influenced me, but none have "change my view of the World".
User Name said:
Hhmmm...a lot of movies have influenced me, but none have "change my view of the World".

the ones that influenced you more then :stare:

And Fight Club just confirmed what I had been saying for a few years.
Clerks made me think alot deeper about things, The Big Lebowski taught me to be more "dudelike"

Nothing that has really made me rechange my thought of the world.
Movie that changed the way I see the world? Tough question. I don't think I've ever seen one that changed my outlook quite that drastically.
Hmmm...well Eraserhead kind of opened up a few doors for me and showed me how truly surreal something can get. ESotSM is an unbelievable movie also.

But music changes my view of the world more than movies do, just because it is what you want it to be.
please tell me what ESotSM is. jesus ****ing christ you guys
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

With Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood, and Kirsten Dunst
The first time I saw Fight Club I was in a kind of fragile state of mind, and it really ****ed me up good. But when I came out of it I was all the wiser.

What I saw of Lain had a similar effect on me. I really outta follow that up.
Sprafa said:
And Fight Club just confirmed what I had been saying for a few years.

Which is?

Blackfable said:
But music changes my view of the world more than movies do, just because it is what you want it to be.

Yeah, true.
None have really changed my view of the world drastically, but the one that perhaps changed it the most was "Apocalypse Now".
here it goes:dr strangelove or how i learned to stop worrying and loved the bomb.
Wraith said:
please tell me what ESotSM is. jesus ****ing christ you guys
Sorry, I've been mentioning that movie way too much around here. :p

The Truman Show didn't change my outlook on life, but ever since I've seen it I have a habit of pretending that people are watching me on national T.V. Sometimes I think I take it a bit too seriously. :p
What comes to my mind at once:

Pulp Fiction.

Made me see things more relaxed somehow... tough it's not the only movie...
umm movie? i don't know but here is a book (i don't relate too much to it but it definately changed my view of many things): The Catcher in the Rye
No movie has really changed my views on anything...except Bowling for Colombine, I am now pro-gun.
Foxtrot said:
No movie has really changed my views on anything...except Bowling for Colombine, I am now pro-gun.

Isn't that like the opposite of what should happen :|
Manufacturing Consent, Noam Chomsky

everyone here should watch it
qckbeam said:
Come on, you know you are. Deep down inside :p
So thats what that warm fuzzy feeling inside me is. :p

But seriously, Anarchy is one of the stupidest political ideas of all time. And, ironically, the most commercial. Everyone with an Anarchy patch on their black hoodies should be shot on spot, I'm not kidding. :|

I'll probably rant about this in a thread sometime :p
Hmm...tough one. The Matrix movies made me think a lot about how I use technology and the role in my life.
Now if you had said books.....
Edit: BTW, the message I got out of Fight Club was that belief in anarchism and apathy was the wrong way to live life. And then I always see people talking about how it affirmed that view of the world for them. :/
Sprafa said:
Western soceity sucks and should be demolished to scraps.

Nihilism is the future :)

I accuse of you not being optimistic! We all know what a crime that is :)
I remenber ones but not too much

the most recently maybe is Kill Bill for the fact that your life can be ruined by others and you cant hide the feel of vengeance
"Bathroom Banging: Assault that Ass" Opened my eyes...and mouth...and made me think; "damn, what if I was that dude?"

no but seriously..I'd have to say 12 monkeys. Not that it really changed my view on the world but it made me think about time-travelling...good movie that.
Waking Life.

Possibly The Thin Red Line too, that movie's beatiful.
Perhaps The Shawshank Redemtion and American Beauty...both having the message about living in the now, rather than waiting for things to come to you, or happen to you.