Whats in your CTRL + V?

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May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Okey people...i have nothing to do so lets play a game!

everyone press CTRL + V now and click "Reply" (or whatever its called)

Here is mine:

Wow that was fun, eh? :)
$patterns[0] = "#\[url\]([a-z]+?://){1}(.*?)\[/url\]#si";

$replacements[0] = '\1\2';

Half Life 2 will be released on 30th of September 2003..... exactly 5 years after the origanal.....and although we aren't talking about TF2 I believe it was always Valve's intention to release TF2 5 years later....when they had the right technology to do what they want..

void PlayerActor::StepSimulation() {
	if (m_rigidBody == 0) {

	Vec3 linVelWS;
	Vec3 angVelWS;
	float mass;
//	float currentSpeed;
	Vec3 impulse;

	const Matrix44& xform = m_rigidBody->GetTransform();

	// Get coordinate system axes in body space
	Vec3 forwardWS;
	Vec3 upWS;
	Vec3 rightWS;

	forwardWS.XformVec(s_forwardAxis, xform);
	upWS.XformVec(s_upAxis, xform);
	rightWS.Cross(forwardWS, upWS);

	// Get various body variables
//	currentSpeed = linVelWS.Dot(forwardWS);
//	currentSpeed = linVelWS.Length();
	mass = m_rigidBody->GetMass();

	// Compensate for spinning
	impulse.Scale(m_deltaTime * -48.0f, angVelWS);

	// Apply drag proportional to speed
	impulse.Scale(m_deltaTime * -m_drag * mass, linVelWS);

	if (m_command & CMD_MOVING) {
		Coord coord;
		Matrix44 fixedXform;

		// Get body transformation without pitch and roll
		coord.hpr[CB_P] = 0.0f;
		coord.hpr[CB_R] = 0.0f;

		// Transform world axes into coordinate system
		Vec3 forward, up, right;
		forward.XformVec(s_forwardAxis, fixedXform);
		up.XformVec(s_upAxis, fixedXform);
		right.Cross(forward, up);

		Vec3 displacement(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		if (m_command & CMD_MOVE_FORWARD) {
			displacement.AddScaled(displacement, 1.0f, forward);

		if (m_command & CMD_MOVE_BACKWARD) {
			displacement.AddScaled(displacement, -1.0f, forward);

		if (m_command & CMD_STRAFE_LEFT) {
			displacement.AddScaled(displacement, -1.0f, right);

		if (m_command & CMD_STRAFE_RIGHT) {
			displacement.AddScaled(displacement, 1.0f, right);

		impulse.Scale(m_deltaTime * /*(m_maxSpeed - currentSpeed) **/ mass * m_gain, displacement);
setscreen ("graphics:v16")
var x,y,xSun,ySun,th : real
var ix,iy, col : int

xSun := maxx div 2
ySun := maxy div 2

for iTh : 1..5000

th := 2*3.14/500*iTh
x := 200*cos(th)+xSun
y := 25*sin(th)+ySun
ix := round(x)
iy := round(y)
if sin(th)<0 then
end if
col := 3
drawfilloval (ix,iy,10,10,col)
if sin(th)>=0 then
end if
delay (10)

end for
A small program I wrote using the crappy Turing language. Me feels stupid because nietzsche has nice big C++ looking script language instead.

EDIT: Someone take a guess at what this program will do.
lol...some of these are intresting....tells ya what people are up to
The Mullinator, that was a sample of work-in-progress code written in pure C++ and not a scripting language.

I haven't used the Turing language before and i hope i will not be the one who looks stupid, but let's try for the fun it...

setscreen ("graphics:v16")
var x,y,xSun,ySun,th : real
var ix,iy, col : int

// Calculate center point of sun
xSun := maxx div 2
ySun := maxy div 2

// Loop from 1 till 5000
for iTh : 1..5000

  // Calculate an angle theta
  th := 2*3.14/500*iTh

  // Calculate point around center point of sun, given angle theta
  x := 200*cos(th)+xSun
  y := 25*sin(th)+ySun

  // Convert point from floating-point to integer
  ix := round(x)
  iy := round(y)

  // If angle theta is > 180 degrees, draw filled oval at center point of sun
  if sin(th)<0 then
  end if

  // Draw filled oval at point around sun
  col := 3
  drawfilloval (ix,iy,10,10,col)

  // If angle theta is <= 180 degrees, then draw filled oval at center point of sun
  if sin(th)>=0 then
  end if

   delay (10)

end for
a ja, bin mir da auch nicht ganz sicher von wem die Shots nun sind.

Auf jeden Fall sind alle aktuellen neuen Shots aus der Alpha (scheinbar).
[13:43] <Eyal> hah
[13:43] <Eyal> pwned.
[13:43] <Yaniv> ouch
[13:43] <lord_ningenko> meanie
[13:44] <Eyal> stop whining
[13:44] <lord_ningenko> no ur
[13:44] * Yaniv ([email protected]) Quit ([MossadNet]: Pain... Suffering... Reality... Loss... Love... and Life...)
[13:44] <Eyal> urafag
[13:44] <lord_ningenko> stop it
[13:44] <Eyal> ggfgt
[13:44] <lord_ningenko> no ur
[13:44] <Eyal> meanies
[13:44] <lord_ningenko> woah woah
[13:44] * bubu ([email protected]) Quit ([MossadNet]: 12M02U12L02E01z 12S02C12R02I12P02T: Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.)
[13:45] <Eyal> woah woah?
[13:45] <Eyal> is that a new thing?
[13:45] * Brutus ([email protected]) Quit ([MossadNet]: <Brutus> well, atleast i have a life <mega`> why does it matter? :eek:)
[13:45] <lord_ningenko> stop whining
[13:45] <Eyal> no ur
[13:45] <lord_ningenko> ggfgt
[13:45] * lighter ([email protected]) has joined #mossad
[13:45] <Eyal> urafag
[13:45] <lord_ningenko> no ur
[13:45] <Eyal> stop it
We heard back from Valve's Doug Lombardi regarding today's earlier news post about a possible HL2 delay:
Haven't heard of any supposed CS:CZ or HL2 delays.
So there. Remember kids, you can almost never trust those wacky retailer release dates.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
It doesnt? My application to mensa...my interview at cambridge, they were both wrong!
Sorry but the sun stays still.

This will produce a picture that displays a large "sun" in the center of the screen, and a smaller "planet" will revolve around it. The Sun will be drawn over top of the planet when it enters an area just before it goes behind the sun to give the effect of a 3d rotation.

nietzsche, from what I can see that looks to be accurate pseudo code. Congrats. :E
The index.html for my web design portfolio site I'm working on: D:\miasma\uneffekt\site\index.html :bounce:
*sometimes love just ain't enough* says:
he's in big troble
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - fear of long words says:
lol haha i dumped him in it
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