What's the default resolutiion for CS:S and HL2?



it's 800x600 right?

Someone told me that the lower the resolution for CS:S, the bigger the crosshair? Is that true? That would make it harder to aim at enemies wouldn't it?
I thought it would make it easier to aim at enemies since its bigger, but the accuracy won't be as effective.
I don't know.
I think the whole screen will become magnified if you use such a low resolution. Since the crosshair is a part of the screen, it is enlarged too. It doesn't matter whether the crosshair is too big since the enemies will be enlarged anyway. It's like putting a magnifying glass before the monitor. I guess.
thanks guys but i still need someone to tell me the default resolution for cs:s and hl2
I think there is no such default resolution. It is in accordance with your monitor resolution.
If there is one, it should be 800X600. You have to adjust it so that it fits your monitor resolution anyway.
Or the game scene will be very ugly.
mine was always 1024x 768 default. also changing the resolution doesnt magnify anything like the icons do when you change the resolution on the desktop. the view will still be the same but you will have loads of jaggies everywhere because the pixels will be larger.
If you are using a monitor of 1280X1024 but setting the screen as 800X600, you may even lose some part of the screen on the edges.
I believe that mine defaulted to 800x600. Not that that the default should matter if you want a different crosshair size there is an option to do so (mouse properties IIRC).
It defaults based on your system - most notably the graphics card (for res, at least). ;)
Hmm, i suggest you check your monitor's refresh rate. The CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors have different refresh rates at different resolutions, and typical for them is that the refresh rate drops when the resolution is increased. You must have AT LEAST 85hz refresh rate at all times (preferably 100) if you want to avoid headache and sore eyes. Usually the highest res you could gain without a drop in the rr is 1024x768, so i recommend you stick with it.
Well, if you have an LCD then you could set any res you want, depending on your GPU performance.