When I have kids and grow old, I want one of these

May 18, 2003
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A kind son that is.

I have no english source for you but a guy named Peter Lothberg (some might know this guy if you're into networking) got his mom her best present ever. 40Gbit internet right into her house and a dedicated pipe to himself in California at a pleasant speed of just 20Gbit.

I don't even want to know how much this cost him to do, sure he works at Cisco and prolly gets most of the stuff from there at a very low price but holy crap. I want 40Gbit right into my apartment!


Picture of the new haxxor mom:

Shiiiiiit. 8mb MAX here in the UK.
Quote from the article:

"To transer a high definition DVD between Stockholm and Sigfrid's house takes two seconds. The connection is fast enough to deliver 1500 TV-channels in HD."

:O :D

In in like 10-15 everyone will have this :D
The question is: Will she ever open "Mom's Friendly Hosting Company"?

Also worth to mention, he is apparently on some new stuff for the servers in between fiber links to allow speeds of 100gbit/s and should be done within three years. Oh yes.
Shiiiiiit. 8mb MAX here in the UK.

Nah, my mate in London is on 25. Over here in Perton I'm on the limit, so I'm running at like 1mb. :( Pathetic. 2mb is the highest in this here part of the UK.
24mb ADSL? :O
lol its worthless, its not like she can download that fast- no service is going to let someone download data from them at 20gbits- or even 10
Jeez... I've never heard of speeds that high. We have a DSL doodad hooked up, but because of my area, any downloads I make will go at 60kps tops. :( Give the central Texans 40gbit cable.
Man, think about how many copies of WoW she could run at the same time!
It's probably faster then her computer can generate it, lol.. F*ck..

God damn dial-up. Every time I look somewhere, someone is talking about their fast internet!


*head explodes*
I got a vision from the future: I say to my kids: "When I was just little older then you, downloading a HD DVD could take days!"

And they wont believe me :/
"Son, when I was at your age we had to walk three miles to get to the internet!"
Oh ROFL, Jesus, I DOUBT she's gonna use that much speed.
Man, she could start a killer server service though