Which campaign are you most looking forward to?

Which Campaign?

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Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
I myself am looking forward to Dead Center and Hard Rain.
How about everyone else?
Hmmmm, it's between Dead Center and Dark Carnival for me. Although Dark Carnival has playable mini-games, so that might just be the tie-breaker right there.
If you're engrossed in playing mini games, I'm leaving you behind.
Dark Carnival has got my vote. The finale sounds awesome. But 2nd place goes to Swamp Fever.
I'm basically looking forward to Dark Carnival since I've seen a lot of gameplay footage that is quite impressing to me. The Parish campaign would probably be my second choice.
The affect weather has on gameplay in Hard Rain has piqued my interest.
Hard Rain. There's nothing quite as fun as playing the same level for an hour with a group of friends who can guarantee a laugh.
Hard Rain for the setting and atmosphere (storm, etc) has my interest the most, Dead Center too for finding Dawn of the Dead easter eggs.
Hard Rain, certainly. The atmosphere looks stupendous.
Hard Rain, because I watched that movie on TV years and years ago and it was pretty awesome. Dark Carnival should be pretty sweet too.
I think Dark Carnival might be the campaign I'm looking forward to the least. I find carnivals and circuses very boring, and I never did get the scare about clowns so they don't do too much for me.

I say the least and not really mean it, as I'll still find it fun. I didn't like No Mercy at first, then loved it. Loved all of them.
Dark Carnival. Hands down.

Zombie Clowns, Mini-Games, a slide, and most importantly....


Yeah, I can just imagine whacking Zombies with Gnome Chompski in a Versus Game :bounce:.
Not sure which I'm looking forward to the most really. I've tried to not read up on everything L4D so I won't know whats going to be around the next corner in the game.

Dark carnival sounds awesome and Hard Rain sounds like it will have some nice features too. I'll enjoy them all no doubt.