Which Earphone to get?


Mar 16, 2007
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Currently, I'm looking to replace my not junked apple earphones, and I want to get something noteworthy (both in sound and dollar notes). I know nuts about the current earphone market except the fact that I know the more popular brands. So I want to know what can I get thats hot and good for about a 100 US Dollars..
o/t: One of the electronics markets I really hate. Every ****ing pair of earphones I get break or to be more precise: lose sound in one side. Even pairs that cost €100+. Warranties are terrible. Sellers dont want to know about you when you return them, ''cant help you, buddeh''. Repairing them costs nearly as much as a new pair. FU.

Why are you going to spend a $100 on earphones?

I mean not to insult, but just curious.
I just bought the klipsch s4, and I was comparing them to the cx300's. They both got very good reviews, but I am happy with my decision; the bass is very good on them.
Why are you going to spend a $100 on earphones?

I mean not to insult, but just curious.

Because when you buy cheaper they just break. I've had too many headphones just cut off in one ear because I'm buying cheap. In total all of those headphones were probably hundreds of dollars.

I bought two pairs of these, one for me and one for my bro. Under 100, and they're very comfortable even for hours and hours of use. Or even all day long! They even fit me on my big round head(a miracle!) so that's another plus. They look and feel kind of plasticy and cheap but don't be fooled because they are incredibly sturdy and I've read about people who have had them for 6 years where everything started falling apart but they still sounded awesome.

Because when you buy cheaper they just break. I've had too many headphones just cut off in one ear because I'm buying cheap. In total all of those headphones were probably hundreds of dollars.

I bought two pairs of these, one for me and one for my bro. Under 100, and they're very comfortable even for hours and hours of use. Or even all day long! They even fit me on my big round head(a miracle!) so that's another plus. They look and feel kind of plasticy and cheap but don't be fooled because they are incredibly sturdy and I've read about people who have had them for 6 years where everything started falling apart but they still sounded awesome.

I think he's asking for earbud recommendations. But I can see the confusion: "earphone" can mean anything.
I've got similar ones to what Vegeta is suggesting, the treble comes in WAY cleaner on in-ear silicon earbuds, and they're a lot more compact. The Apple ones barely lodge against your outer ear, the silicon ones usually have several different types of plugs to fit your ear best, and that also means they seal out external sound. I find that I have to turn it up way louder to enjoy music on the non-sealed varieties, which as we all know is terrible for your hearing long-term.
I can't stand the stock iPod headphones/earbuds. Yeah they last a long time but I can only use them for about 45mins-1hr before my ears start hurting. I'm more of a fan of bulky headgear, the comfort is much better and screw added noise canceling, Headphones usually got you covered because they engulf your ears. That is if your indoors. If exercising and or outside your really asking for it with bulky headphones unless you want to look like you're from the 90s
Because when you buy cheaper they just break. I've had too many headphones just cut off in one ear because I'm buying cheap. In total all of those headphones were probably hundreds of dollars.

I bought two pairs of these, one for me and one for my bro. Under 100, and they're very comfortable even for hours and hours of use. Or even all day long! They even fit me on my big round head(a miracle!) so that's another plus. They look and feel kind of plasticy and cheap but don't be fooled because they are incredibly sturdy and I've read about people who have had them for 6 years where everything started falling apart but they still sounded awesome.


But.... those are headphones.

Not that I spend a lot on headphones, but still.
To be honest, I've never felt the need to splurge on earbuds. After spending money on Skullcandy for a while before realizing they suck in terms of durability, I bought some random brand from a Virgin store and those have lasted me a long time. Big reason for that is that both ends of the wire (near the jack and the earbuds themselves) are heavily protected so none of that cutting out has happened so far. I'm sure the sound quality isn't the best, but for $25 it was still a good deal.
Klipsch. Goddamn they're great.

I have these and they're absolutely superb even though they're the cheapest ones the company makes. So for $100 you be rollin' happy. Check out their range here.
Oh, yeah, don't buy anything with active noise cancelling.

Really? The ones I linked by mistake get great sound quality reviews from c.net et al. Does it eat a lot of battery or something?
I thought we were talking bout noise reduction, but we were talking about noise canceling. But I'll just post this anyway, since I typed it, and it is somewhat related...

I don't like noise reduction, generally. And I say generally because there have been occasion when the 'hiss' is dire, and it needs something. But generally it's absolutely unnecessary for professional recordings and it does cut out part of the frequency spectrum (parts of the music are a casualty of noise reduction).
Alright it's okay ive bought already..

Atomic Floyd Highdefdrums


Got them for 200 Singapore Dollars..incredible clarity. It's got 11 inch neodymium drivers at that massive metal piece there and it's got noise cancellation. Plus it's perfect for rock music, I can hear those sludgy metal riffs from guitars with just the right amount of bass without it being overpowering. And the best part is that it doesnt tire the ears.

I had gotten an Image S4 (130 Singapore Dollars) at first, but I found it tiresome to listen after the first hour..so i tried a few more and settled at this. Hope it lasts..
I swear some of you people have way too much money for stupid things like this.

Buying a good pair of headphones is actually going to SAVE me money. in the long run... compared to buying cheap ass shitty ones I have to replace every 2 months or less.
I swear some of you people have way too much money for stupid things like this.

Quite plainly, listening to music on shitty Apple earbuds or through your laptop speakers is an insult to the musical artist you're listening to. He/she spent hours upon hours trying to perfect the sound that your shitty medium will ultimately **** up because it's shitty. All of that time, hard work and pure determination to get the perfect sound, that sound that is an extension of them emotionally and spiritually, is wasted. You might as well not listen to it in the first place.
^ thank you.

And as overpriced as my new earphones are, the sound is brilliant, clear, crisp...