Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?



I'm really looking forward to discovering a way to switch my class via a file edit or a console command. Vanguard is really sucking.
I'm really looking forward to discovering a way to switch my class via a file edit or a console command. Vanguard is really sucking.

The Soldier is key :). I usually always choose the brute force class in RPGs anyway. No magic shit for me!
I went Adept I think, so far I like it and since I played 30hrs in ME1 as a soldier I did not want a repeat experience.
Biotics are for sparkly bastards who can't fight like a real man.

Soldiers are SPACE BADASSES.
Biotics are for sparkly bastards who can't fight like a real man.

Soldiers are SPACE BADASSES.

dude, I'd rather fight against someone with a gun than their mind. Adepts are SPACE BASKET-CASES.
I think we learned about matter over mind well when I killed that asari commando squad on Noveria. With a lot of bullets.
you see i can shoot a gun in just about any game, but to use my mind to a tactical advantage is more unique and rewarding. also i love how in this game you can map controls to the d-pad and use the right bumper to make make some devastating instant combos
I wish the Vanguard had more ways to protect himself, like with a barrier or something. Right now I'm getting ripped to shreds in seconds if I'm not behind cover. If all encounters were 1v1, it'd be a great class, but if you Charge into the enemy's line, you're going to get killed. Period.

I'll continue to play as Vanguard, though. I appreciate the fact that I'm not worse than a soldier when carrying the same weapon. Maybe I just need to collect more useful teammates. I'm really loving biotics in this game, Charge is insanely useful when you're about to die and need to knock down the guy blasting you in the face with a shotgun. I want to improve it enough so I can knock down a Krogan (who are absolute ****s). I also toned down the difficulty from Hardcore to Normal because I kept doing the same firefight again and again.

On another note, some of the missions have some serious color issues. I remember my last mission, the whole level was RED RED RED. Every ****ing thing.
Yeah I guess it's pretty urgent when a ship in outerspace has caught aflame. Still. :3
Spoilers? It could be any ship. There are dozens of ships in ME2. Hundreds. If anything, we've only served to ENHANCE the drama. You will be going on each ship thinking, shit, is this one going to catch fire? And then you'll let your guard down, and the next thing you know, FLAMING BALLS OF SPACE FIRE.
Has anyone located the engine's .ini? I want to try tweaking the settings, because most of the textures seem rather low res, though not as bad as the first game.
Wow! That intro video was absolutely amazing! I want this game so much now!
Thanks for posting that Stemot. :)

Sedako, if it's anything like UT3 it's going to be in your user documents and setting folder somewhere.
Wow! That intro video was absolutely amazing! I want this game so much now!
Thanks for posting that Stemot. :)

Sedako, if it's anything like UT3 it's going to be in your user documents and setting folder somewhere.

That's the first place I looked, as it was in the same place for ME. It does have the simple graphics settings .ini, but none of the advanced tweaking can be done there.
This game is so good!!! I decided to put the disk in and play for an hour, but found that I couldn't get off my couch after the first 20 minutes.
If you are experiencing slow load times with a dual core processor. Try this.
It worked for me and it drastically increased the loading times. Especially in the elevator.
It went from 40 seconds to 4 seconds.

Goto task manager->processes>right click masseffect2.exe>set affinity>disable one core>press okay>then re-enable the core.

This seems to be common bug in 3rd party U3 engine games.
I really want to get my hands on this game... and the time it would take to play.

I've spent some time on the site and I find myself VERY frustrated that certain armor or weapons are only available of you "pre-order."... WHAT THE F**K!
What benefit is there to giving our "special items?" People who want to will buy it anyway. Why give those who buy latter less than those who buy sooner?
currently lvl 7 at about 7 hrs in. the experience you get is not from killing enemies it seems but from just missions and side quests. question though, did they get rid of the Mako?? i miss exploring and the scanning of the planets seems really boring and is a major grind. But i do love how everything is streamlined in this game. less micromanagement more gametime and action. just what i wanted!
Has anyone become Cyborg Shep yet?

Edit: Does Vanguard really suck? That is so disappointing..
Holy shit this game is awesome. Just recruited Garrus. The conversation with himafter you first talk to him on the Normandy was hilarious. Drinking with Dr. Chakwas was funny too.

Also, is anyone else reminded of the Houndeyes from Half-Life when fighting the dog-like FENRIS mechs?
Holy shit this game is awesome. Just recruited Garrus. The conversation with himafter you first talk to him on the Normandy was hilarious. Drinking with Dr. Chakwas was funny too.

Also, is anyone else reminded of the Houndeyes from Half-Life when fighting the dog-like FENRIS mechs?

all i know is that this game is much darker and funnier than the 1st.
The conversations between Shep and Garrus when you're fighting with him on Omega and when you both first get back on the Normandy is just great. He's more brooding and F*CK than before, but he's a lot better than before imo.
If you are experiencing slow load times with a dual core processor. Try this.
It worked for me and it drastically increased the loading times. Especially in the elevator.
It went from 40 seconds to 4 seconds.

Goto task manager->processes>right click masseffect2.exe>set affinity>disable one core>press okay>then re-enable the core.

This seems to be common bug in 3rd party U3 engine games.

I will give this a shot when I get out of work. Thanks.
currently lvl 7 at about 7 hrs in. the experience you get is not from killing enemies it seems but from just missions and side quests. question though, did they get rid of the Mako?? i miss exploring and the scanning of the planets seems really boring and is a major grind. But i do love how everything is streamlined in this game. less micromanagement more gametime and action. just what i wanted!

no mako in me2 but we will be getting a vehicle in a dlc soonish
Is it sad that I just got the game today and have already clocked 10 hours? I even had 4 hours of class today...
no mako in me2 but we will be getting a vehicle in a dlc soonish

so there will be planetary exploration?? i kinda stopped watching the videos and previews of this game because I didn't want anything spoiled
Im not sure how they're planning to use it to be honest I believe the vehicle is called Hammerhead.
BUT I'm pretty sure they said that the mako comes back in Me3.
but yeah They're isn't anymore driving or walking across vast spaces if that's what you meant.
going to bed now....I'll check back in around 2pm tomorrow I'm pretty sure I did all the major side quests as well I'll try answer without spoilers if you guys have questions.
Another question about importing characters - if you have a shephard part-way through a second playthrough, will it still acknowledge the way you completed your first playthrough, or is that effectively wiped? I have my infiltrator sitting at 47 and thought I might start a new game+ and try hit 50 before ME2 gets here.

Assuming this info from the SA thread is accurate, that is.

Q) Can I import my Shepard from Mass Effect 1 into Mass Effect 2? What will be imported along with the character and what can be changed? How do I work the save game importer?
A) Yes, any Shepard that has completed the game can be imported. The game creates a special save file for each Shepard that beats the game, and you’ll be able to select which one you want.
Your level and abilities won’t transfer over directly, but other things will! If you got level 40/50/60, you'll start at a slightly higher level. If you were fully Paragon/Renegade, it will be "acknowledged." We don't know exactly what that means yet.
You cannot change your name or gender when you import.
Vanguard went from being "I'm not so sure about its combat effectiveness..." to "HOLY **** YES I AM CHARGING YOU LIKE THE FIST OF AN AGELESS TITAN".

Seriously, play Vanguard and tell me you don't absolutely love a combination of biotics and SHOTGUNS. I just recruited the Assassin and the Justicar... I still carry Miranda and Wre-- Grunt around wherever I go, though.

Honestly, I only bring Miranda because she has some massive
camel toe
Holy shit this game is awesome. Just recruited Garrus. The conversation with himafter you first talk to him on the Normandy was hilarious. Drinking with Dr. Chakwas was funny too.

Also, is anyone else reminded of the Houndeyes from Half-Life when fighting the dog-like FENRIS mechs?

Is Garrus face-texture bug fixed this time?
I never knew there was even a Garrus face bug in the first one.

Also, I just realized I redeemed the Collector armor/weapon code on the email account for my live account, but I can't use it because my gamertag isn't linked to my ea account. What's sad is I've been trying for months to get EA to link it since their f*cking website is so god damn broken that if you try linking it yourself it either gives a system error or claims the gamertag is already in use. God damn they are useless.