Wife needs Help.....



I need help. I sent HL2 to my husband in Iraq with his new lap top. But apparently there is a key or something that he needs to be able to play even off line??????

Unfotuanuty he does not have internet connection. Not sure he can get one until R&R in June. Can I d/l something and burn to CD and mail it to him? He sent me to a sight called steamedpower. But it just does not seem right that you have to pay another $30 to play a game off line. Oh wait we are taking about techonology..that does sound right, lol.

If someone could help me please.... ;(
If you bought HL2, it should automatically give license to use steam. You don't have to pay 'another $30 dollars'. I don't quite get the problem.
Well its hard when you only get 20 mins on the phone or 30mins over the internet talk. From what I understand, he loaded the game and it is requireing him to resister at steam.... does that sound right? And becasue he can not log onto the internet with his laptop......he asked he to check it out.

Its so frustrating!
Ah, right. :)

The problem is, Steam is really designed for use with an always-on broadband connection. HL2 cannot be played at all without at least logging onto the internet first. It's a source of much contention but there's nothing anyone can do about it. When you first boot up the game (it's been ages now, I can hardly remember) you create a Steam account if you haven't already got one and then you need to download a patch and a load of shit that lets you play the game. Once you've done that, you're fine. You can then (usually) run stuff in offline mode, and not have to connect to the internet, although it's pretty unreliable since, like I said, Steam just assumes you've got broadband.
Crap! I knew I should of loaded the games for him before I mailed the laptop!!!

Well I guess he is going to have to wait until he comes home on R&R.

Thanks for your help!!
No problem. Good luck. :D

Valve are so inconsiderate to people with no broadband. :hmph:
one more question??

Would it be at all possible to d/l the info on this computer then save it to cd for him to load up there??
You could, but it wouldn't be all that legal.
I think it's possible, but I wouldn't know how and as 15357 said it's not exactly advisable. D:

Damn you 15357 you ruined my ONE MAN HELP THREAD!
Well since honestly I am not trying to do anything devious I am good with that, lol.

want to shoot me an e-mail with the info??
hmmm I wonder if it's just a coincidence that we've had visits from recently:

1. a poor diabled Vietnam veteran looking for his lost key
2. a patriotic wife just trying to help her patriotic husband play that great american game HL2 by sending him a magical cd-key

wtf have any of you EVER had cd-key issues with steam? I've gone through 3 computers, never backed one steam app and I was recognised by steam in less than a minute everytime ...yet somehow brave veterans of brave little wars somehow have trouble with cd-keys ...nothing else ..just cd-keys

sorry call me a skeptic but I dont believe a single word "she" says
Yeah, that's what I thought but it wasn't like 'she' was asking for a CD key. Ain't not more advice I can give than what's here.
she's not asking but I'm sure she eventually will.. perferably in a pm or email away from prying eyes

"...I see what you're saying but when I enter my cd-key "kI23-4534-5678" it doesnt work, what am I doing wrong ...oh my poor husband will be so disappointed"

reply: "oh I think steam is a 16 character key ..here enter my key see if it works"

oh btw our little "retired vietnam veteran" sent me a few emails asking me to reflect on the sacrifice he and others like him made in vietnam ...what a load of shit
****in' baby killers.

CptStern said:
she's not asking but I'm sure she eventually will.. perferably in a pm or email away from prying eyes

Well, nothing so brazen yet. I have been in contact but I haven't been asked for a CD key specifically, more a way of getting Half-Life 2 to work on a computer without internet access. Unfortunately I don't know any way of doing that and even if I did know any ways it would probably be illegal - as a staff member of this site I'm not allowed to give people info on that kind of thing even if I knew what info to give. :upstare:
CptStern said:
ah yer a fine moderator you are ;)
hes a content writer silly, not a mod at all, so he can do what he likes.

I don't see anything suspect here, i mean they havent asked for a cd-key or anything.

Shes going to need to get him to bring the laptop home to connect to the net firstly to register the cd-key online, then putting steam in offline mode.

You could save time by using his account, registering the cd-key on it at the computer you are on now, and downloading all the updates and putting them on disk. When he brings the laptop home, you could put them all onto it, connect up the laptop to the net, put steam in offline mode and...DONE! Because you'll have all the updates already. Best thing i can think of sadly.
Wow stern. You are really disrespectful to people. Some lady asks for help on how to get HL2 to work without an internet connection and you come into the thread being rude. She just asked for help not to be ridiculed because her son is fighting in a war. Way to be an asshole.
Hey, can't blame him for being suspicious. This is the internet. What do you expect?
The way stern wrote it made it sound less like suspicion and more bashing people involved with war. She already has a son fighting and stern finds the needs to ridicule her online because her son is involved in the war.
Glirk Dient said:
The way stern wrote it made it sound less like suspicion and more bashing people involved with war. She already has a son fighting and stern finds the needs to ridicule her online because her son is involved in the war.

son? what the hell are you rambling on about, what son?
He meant husband, and his point is still perfectly valid. What you posted was unnecessary, she has a legitimate concern, and just because you don't agree with what her husband is doing doesn't mean that you should attack her because of it.

There's nothing wrong with what she's asking, and just because someone happened to come along about the same time with a CD key issue pretending to be a vet doesn't mean that this woman is the same person.
yet somehow brave veterans of brave little wars somehow have trouble with cd-keys ...nothing else ..just cd-keys
Logic, Stern. He receives the laptop with the games not installed. He installs HL2 and it demands he go online. No net connection = no half life 2.
It wasn't even a CD-key issue - it was an issue with not being able to download all the HL2 authorisation files and so on because the computer in question had no internet connection, and was it possible to download the files on a seperate computer and port them over? I'm not sure if that's illegal or not, but it wasn't 'can I have a CD key plesae'.
CptStern said:
son? what the hell are you rambling on about, what son?

After reading all of the replies I had forgotten mis placed husband with son...you knew the difference so don't try to dodge the point of my post.

Sulk...she was asking for help in any case. She didn't ask for people to be rude.
content writer, Moderator, you all look the same to me ;) ..I blame my feeble old eyes for not making the distinction

and glirky, I wasnt making fun of the fact the person was a soldier, I was pointing out that 2 people in a span of a few days who asked for a steam work around played up the war angle ..one claimed to be a disabled veteran the other claimed to be the wife of a soldier ...you dont think that's in the least bit suspicious?
CptStern said:
content writer, Moderator, you all look the same to me ;) ..I blame my feeble old eyes for not making the distinction

and glirky, I wasnt making fun of the fact the person was a soldier, I was pointing out that 2 people in a span of a few days who asked for a steam work around played up the war angle ..one claimed to be a disabled veteran the other claimed to be the wife of a soldier ...you dont think that's in the least bit suspicious?
Until we know better, I really don't think ýou should be so rude.
Even if (s)he got your cd key, (s)he couldn't do anything with it if it is registered to a steam account.
alright fair enough this could be true ..I doubt it, just dont be surprised when I say I told you so when it does happen ...funny how "she" disappeared as did the Vietnam war veteran
CptStern said:
alright fair enough this could be true ..I doubt it, just dont be surprised when I say I told you so when it does happen ...funny how "she" disappeared as did the Vietnam war veteran
I wouldn't blame her.
This is a predominantly British-run site anyway. We have no place in our cold stone hearts for patriotism. :shh:
This is the wife again

OMG, I just so happened to come back to this site. I appreciate those to stood up for me and actualy tried to help. After speaking with my husband again, we decided to just work this issues out when he came home on leave.

And no it was not an attempt to get a cd key code. It was not an attempt to do anything devious. It was an honest attempt to help the man I love. I know that it sounds suspicious but there are wives out there that do love the hubbies.

There are honest people in the world however there are those that like to see the bad in life and jump on the opportunity to be judgmental. To each his own.

Again, Thanks to those that actually tried to help. I do appreciate it!!

PS. I am not POW/MIA.....and they are never forgotten!
Yeah, wow. Disgraceful, Stern. You're allowed to have your suspicions, but not be rude.

"playing the war angle"
I lol'd in my seat. Yeah, she was really "playing the war angle" there Stern. Playing it right up to get her way. That's exactly why she mentioned it, it didn't have anything to do with her story did it. Her story would have been MORE suspicious if she hadn't explained the background. It's so completely obvious you're suspicious because you are against the war. "a patriotic wife just trying to help her patriotic husband play that great american game HL2 by sending him a magical cd-key" don't think you could have made it more obvious.

Glad to hear things worked out RCStein.
I think RCStein is Princess Jen!!!

Good to see everything is working out for you. Hope it continues to work. :)
I bet everyone that thought there was "something more" to "her" believe Loose Change too.